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if fgm is now illegal why is male circumcision still allowed?

282 replies

southeastastra · 26/11/2015 20:55

pretty self explanatory by my title, but shouldn't it be a decision made when 18 and an adult?

OP posts:
Mintyy · 26/11/2015 22:24

But this is all just arguing over the finer points of genital mutilation isn't it?

Could we say rape of men is more acceptable of rape of women?

Or rape of women is more acceptable than rape of children?

Or rape of children is more acceptable than rape of babies?

Come on. You know what the op means. Don't put her down just to showcase your intellectual superiority.

AnyFucker · 26/11/2015 22:24

She has put people's backs up because she has compared the two.

Yep. Lazy and uneducated. Not a great combination. Enough to suck the joy out of anyone in fact.

SirChenjin · 26/11/2015 22:25

So why so few prosecutions (can't remember how few, but I know it's miniscule ) if HCPS are legally obliged to report cases?

SirChenjin · 26/11/2015 22:26

Agree Mintyy.

AnyFucker · 26/11/2015 22:26

Because it is only very recent, Sir.

LondonStill83 · 26/11/2015 22:26

Any fucker, exactly.

It's really hard because we have to report if we suspect it will happen but it's so difficult to prove. Any long holidays with aunties etc to visit certain counties, etc, are potential risks.

Many in discussion don't believe they have been harmed and see it as a cultural rite of passage into womanhood.

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 26/11/2015 22:26

Also a circumcised penis still functions fully

No, it functions adequately.

MrsTerryPratchett · 26/11/2015 22:26

From ear piercing to rape. Bloody hell.

This thread is too much for me. Brew

ToadsJustFellFromTheSky · 26/11/2015 22:26

Minty once again, nobody has said circumcision is okay.

Just because you recognise that they aren't the same thing and can't be compared does not mean you think the other one is okay.

EnthusiasmDisturbed · 26/11/2015 22:27

yes and lets see a conviction

how long shall we wait another 20 years

it has been illegal for a long time, you can not prosecute someone for speaking out in favour of FGM or for saying that they think their daughters would benefit from it you can only inform authorities and it is highly unlikely men and women from certain cultural backgrounds will discuss it openly

AnyFucker · 26/11/2015 22:27

(Serious Crime Act 2015)

AnyFucker · 26/11/2015 22:27

Published by the Home Office in October 2015

LondonStill83 · 26/11/2015 22:28

SirChenjin because it's really difficult to prove.

People cannot be prosecuted for expressing their opinions on it (obviously, free speech and all).

But say we had a young women at puberty age who was visiting her mother's home country in Africa for an extended holiday... Could be a risk but even when you report it, how do you PROVE intent?

Sometimes arrests happen on re-entry I believe.

AnyFucker · 26/11/2015 22:30

Sorry, my recent posts are not all together

The Home Office published an amendment to the Serious Crime Act to say that HCP's and teachers are legally obliged to report any cases (or suspected cases) of FGM to the police on 101 and risk prosecution if they fail to do so (October 2015)

LondonStill83 · 26/11/2015 22:30


Find me some- any- research (not propagandist forums but actually research!) which shows circumcised penises function adequately rather than fully!

What can a guy not pee as far or cum as much or get as hard if he has been circumcised? What exactly else does a penis need to do to function fully?!

ToadsJustFellFromTheSky · 26/11/2015 22:31

I think it would be just so nice to have a discussion about things that effect women without somebody crying "but what about the menz!"

GruntledOne · 26/11/2015 22:32

Gruntled one- having been with a fair few men who are circumcised, I have never seen a penis with a raw edge.

Presumably because you haven't been with them in the immediate aftermath of circumcision, London. You presumably don't suggest that it is possible to cut off living skin and leave the cut part miraculously healed and comfortable?

LondonStill83 · 26/11/2015 22:32

Toads: YES

LondonStill83 · 26/11/2015 22:32

any fucker yes, quite right.

In my line of work we all have to have training on it, it needs to be part of standard safeguarding protocol, and we have to have reporting mechanisms built in to our work.

It's being taken very, very seriously where I am.

LondonStill83 · 26/11/2015 22:33

gruntled one, no, of course not.

I respect there is a healing process. But the penis generally heals. Which as I said earlier, the vulva / labia does not.

Again I am not saying I am all for circumcision. Just that it's totally different to FGM in terms of outcomes!!!

WorzelsCornyBrows · 26/11/2015 22:34

AF nobody has been successfully prosecuted yet though have they? I recall one Dr was charged but found not guilty or it was thrown out of court.

It's high time this country and others started taking FGM seriously. It's not at all comparable to male circumcision (which is also unacceptable for non-medical reasons imo).

Mintyy · 26/11/2015 22:35

Really, AnyFucker - you think I have stooped very low by asking for clarification because your post was not clear to me due to poor punctuation, but yet you are quick to agree that the op is "lazy and uneducated" on the basis of one sentence posted on this thread.



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LondonStill83 · 26/11/2015 22:36

Worzels, I work in a relevant industry, and in the last 12-18 months I do believe the issue is being taken way more seriously and given much more meaningful attention than it was previously.

More women are speaking out, stricter protocols are in place, the law is less ambiguous...

It's just hard to prosecute as so much happens abroad.

AnyFucker · 26/11/2015 22:36

I believe not, Worzels (unfortunately)

I hope the recent change in the law will lead to some successful prosecutions though. Just one would make it worthwhile, IMO.

Flashbangandgone · 26/11/2015 22:37

I have also never met a man who has complained about or been hindered by his circumcised penis.

Have you met a man who had his removed in adulthood?

Yes, two men (one of them my DP). Both needed it done as their foreskins wouldn't retract making sex painful. Circumcision was unpleasant but sex became something that could be enjoyed after the healing process.

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