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To talk to this girl

207 replies

Oysterbabe · 06/10/2015 12:09

I’ve been walking the same route to work for about a year and inevitably see a lot of the same people every day. What they may or may not know is that I am secretly racing them. There is one girl in particular who is usually walking up my road as I leave the house. She’s pretty fast and sometimes she overtakes me and sometimes I stay ahead of her. We’ve never made eye contact or spoken but I feel sure that knows that we’re racing and I’m sure she purposely swishes her ponytail at me as she’s overtaking. She wears very cloppy shoes so I can usually hear her approaching from behind even when I have my headphones on.

I’m 23 weeks pregnant now and getting a bit slower as my hip has been giving me a bit of bother. She wins most days and this is just going to get worse. This morning I set off down the road and straightaway could hear clop clop clop so I upped the pace a bit, determined to at least beat her to the traffic lights at the bottom of the hill. It was going pretty well as her clops got a bit faster too but weren’t getting any louder so I thought I was holding her. Upped the pace a bit more to the point where I had a bit of a light sweat on and still no sign of her overtaking. Made it to the lights first (yes!) and risked a glance back over my shoulder and saw that no one was there. Was a bit puzzled by this until I started walking again, heard the clop clop clop and realised that my keys had been knocking against my phone in my bag when I walked and this was what I had been hearing.

While finishing my walk to work at a rather more leisurely pace I started thinking about how I’m probably slightly mad. Do other people secretly race to work? Would it be unreasonable if next time I smiled at my swishy haired opponent and maybe said good morning? Would this be breaking some kind of commuter grand prix rule? To be honest she doesn’t look very friendly but maybe she’s just focused on the race.

OP posts:
chipshop · 09/10/2015 12:02

My DBro is a cyclist and obsessed with this Strava thing. He moved to a new area and tried to beat all the local route times, it all got very competitive with men in the village. Until a mystery cyclist went out in the dead of the night and beat all the times in one go. DBro and co were furious.

Oysterbabe · 09/10/2015 12:06

I'm tempted to put my Strava on and drive around all the main routes.

OP posts:
reni2 · 09/10/2015 12:10

I'd like Strava for pedestrians, please so I can log my triumphs on the school run

supersop60 · 09/10/2015 18:44

I race colleagues at work. We have a lot of corridors and right angle turns, and if I hear someone behind me I walk normally until I turn the corner, then leg it for a couple of paces so that I am further ahead. I don't know if they notice, or even care, but it amuses me!

reni2 · 09/10/2015 18:57

Look at this thread, supersop, not only do they notice, they are doing the same!

Lemuriformes · 09/10/2015 19:33

On my bike. The best way to win is to hammer up behind someone, catch your breath then sail past them with a cheery "LOVELY DAY!!" - again it is crucial not to show them that you are breathing out your arse - you must slide past them like a well-oiled piston.

This! I do this on my commute (I cycle) all the time. Also if I'm walking down a really busy street (I regularly walk the length of Oxford St in London) I challenge myself to power-walk as quickly as I can and the trick is to look ahead and plan your route: "swerve left round the bimbling woman with 6 shopping bags and you should just make the gap that will have opened up by then between the couple holding hands and the smoking chap... Shit, the woman with the pushchair is bearing left - she's going to block me - I'll have to go wide round that gaggle of language school students..." I am so doing it with commentary next time - that's a brilliant idea!

BoyFromTheBigBadCity · 10/10/2015 12:32

I am always in a race of some kind. I don't have a regular enough routine to have particular people, but I always race whoever is walking the same way as me.

I used to recognise everyone who was on the bus, I also had my own stories about them. I once saw one of them (hat and teeth man) in a supermarket and smiled, then realised who it was. Oh dear...

elementofsurprise · 10/10/2015 14:17

This thread is making me think of (after 1.00)

BestIsWest · 10/10/2015 15:17

It reminds me of that short film they used to show in cinemas when I was little. The Waterloo Sweepstakes?

BestIsWest · 10/10/2015 15:26

Was it this?

SionnachDana · 10/10/2015 15:29

ha ha! You are one of the few people who should be allowed blog.

Stormtreader · 12/10/2015 13:25

Love that video, +1 internet! :)

DownstairsMixUp · 12/10/2015 13:47

MythicalKings that really made me lol!

NameChangerGoGo · 12/10/2015 13:53

This is the most British thing I've read in a while.

My DH races random people home from work and comes home in a proper strop if he doesn't win. I think he's weird. Grin

NeededANameChangeAnyway · 12/10/2015 14:07

I still don't think you should talk to her though. I made the mistake or talking to a bloke on my last commute who was waiting at the bus stop. He sat beside me every day for months and it got so I would hide at the far back of the bus to avoid him. The final straw was when he pitched up at MY HOUSE to ask if I wanted to go for lunch. Thankfully he retired and I was able to commute in peace.

ThreeRuddyTubs · 12/10/2015 21:50

I had a race today. I won! The other person definitely knew we were racing they were striding along like nobody's business

Oysterbabe · 12/10/2015 22:20

Congrats Grin
Gold medal for you.

OP posts:
Oysterbabe · 15/10/2015 08:47

Trainers!!!!! She's wearing trainers this morning. Didn't even hear her coming. Sad
Right I'm buying some fucking heelys.
(And yes I did snap a picture of her feet to show you lot)

To talk to this girl
OP posts:
BitOutOfPractice · 15/10/2015 08:53

She is totally racing you. That is not a casual stride at. all.

reni2 · 15/10/2015 09:12

You'll need to up the training. Do a couple of practice runs after dinner.

Jo4040 · 15/10/2015 09:17

Your pregnant? Wait until you have your pram can seriously build up paxe pushing a pram with great suspension.

When I go to baby weighed clinic its a hugh straight road for about two miles. The people I have secretly raced on that road Grin

I ALWAYS win Wink

Bearsinmotion · 15/10/2015 09:32

I used to race my flatmate. We lived about a mile from the station, she would get the bus, I would use my wheelchair to get there. The buses were frequent but quite erratic so waiting could mean I missed my train, but sometimes the bus would sail past with her on it, looking very smug. It was all very good natured.

She gave up after one occasion when her boyfriend stayed over. It was a miserable day, pissing it down, but I had an early meeting and couldn't risk missing the train. But the bus turned up early, and she went past me with her boyfriend, pointing and laughing at me. A disabled woman struggling to push her wheelchair up a hill in the pouring rain...took her ages to work out why the other bus passengers were giving her really dirty looks Grin


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Oysterbabe · 15/10/2015 10:09

That's like a comedy sketch.

OP posts:
FruSirkaOla · 15/10/2015 10:14

She has got to be a MNer, Oyster. She's read this thread and decided to give you a run for your money in her trainers Grin

On my commute, years ago, I used to see the same guy at the station every morning. He was always whistling; no particular tune, just a slightly irritating whistle. In my head, I named him Silly Whistler. After months of this, he once had a briefcase with him - the briefcase had his initials on it ...... SW!

Lweji · 15/10/2015 10:26

What on earth is that up her skirt?

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