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To talk to this girl

207 replies

Oysterbabe · 06/10/2015 12:09

I’ve been walking the same route to work for about a year and inevitably see a lot of the same people every day. What they may or may not know is that I am secretly racing them. There is one girl in particular who is usually walking up my road as I leave the house. She’s pretty fast and sometimes she overtakes me and sometimes I stay ahead of her. We’ve never made eye contact or spoken but I feel sure that knows that we’re racing and I’m sure she purposely swishes her ponytail at me as she’s overtaking. She wears very cloppy shoes so I can usually hear her approaching from behind even when I have my headphones on.

I’m 23 weeks pregnant now and getting a bit slower as my hip has been giving me a bit of bother. She wins most days and this is just going to get worse. This morning I set off down the road and straightaway could hear clop clop clop so I upped the pace a bit, determined to at least beat her to the traffic lights at the bottom of the hill. It was going pretty well as her clops got a bit faster too but weren’t getting any louder so I thought I was holding her. Upped the pace a bit more to the point where I had a bit of a light sweat on and still no sign of her overtaking. Made it to the lights first (yes!) and risked a glance back over my shoulder and saw that no one was there. Was a bit puzzled by this until I started walking again, heard the clop clop clop and realised that my keys had been knocking against my phone in my bag when I walked and this was what I had been hearing.

While finishing my walk to work at a rather more leisurely pace I started thinking about how I’m probably slightly mad. Do other people secretly race to work? Would it be unreasonable if next time I smiled at my swishy haired opponent and maybe said good morning? Would this be breaking some kind of commuter grand prix rule? To be honest she doesn’t look very friendly but maybe she’s just focused on the race.

OP posts:
shutupanddance · 06/10/2015 12:52

Erm, are you ok op? V funny thread. Grin

Blueturquoise · 06/10/2015 12:54

Ohh I do this too, and in the swimming pool with the guys in the lanes beside me Wink

shutupanddance · 06/10/2015 12:54

Get heelys. That made meGrin

MTGlass · 06/10/2015 12:56

This thread has really cheered me up Grin

spiderlight · 06/10/2015 12:56

I race a neighbour home after the morning school run. I walk, she drives, but the school's only two streets away and the traffic is usually bad so I get a wonderful sense of triumph when I beat her. She has no idea about this.

tbtc20 · 06/10/2015 12:57

I'm always bloody racing people twat
I'll sometimes break into a jog so as to look like I'm actually in a genuine hurry not just needing wanting to "win".

nb. I am actually a prize winning in the older gals category runner so I can't help it.

tbtc20 · 06/10/2015 12:59

Actually, it's been a life long thing with me.

When I was a young lass the bus used to leave the city at 4.10pm. I would potter around the shops and then RACE through the city to try and get the bus at a later stop. Just walking quickly seems silly, so I would leave it until the latest possible time and then RUN.

Lindt70Percent · 06/10/2015 13:02

I love this sort of thing. It's a great way to add a bit of interest to an otherwise boring part of the day.

I work from home but drive the kids to school every day and we use other people's routines as a way of guaging if we're late. For instance, I get very upset if we have to go behind the Beeline bus, I want to be in front of that.

There used to be a boy on a scooter who looked far to old to be on a scooter (was about 16) and had to push it uphill on a part of our route where we were going down the hill. We always knew how we were doing by how far he'd progressed up the hill. He always looked so miserable but we had such a soft spot for our 'Scooter boy'. We used to debate whether to smile and wave at him but never did (probably just as well!). Haven't seen him for a couple of years now (he must have gone to 6th form college) and we still miss him.

Anyway, in answer to your question - no, you must not talk to this girl; it would ruin the magic.

shovetheholly · 06/10/2015 13:04

This calls for Wacky Races style pedestrian sabotage!

Can you scatter ball bearings in her path while laughing like Mutley?

RB68 · 06/10/2015 13:04

I drop daughter to school in a small community so I see other Mums on school run plus workers on way to work, plus horseriders and dogwalkers, I kind of have a running commentary in my head of who is on time, struggling this morning, who I enjoy being in front of at my steady old lady pace (ie not racing to the office at silly speeds on country roads to be one minute earlier into work) who is riding which horse today, late walking the dog etc etc

Stormtreader · 06/10/2015 13:07

Im now imagining the OP serenely overtaking her one day on a Segway :D

HelenaJustina · 06/10/2015 13:08

I race people all the time too, and use other people's mornings as time markers for mine.
Mostly I race people getting into their cars... I can usually get 4 children, bags, a pushchair and 3 scooters in before they have finished strapping in their second (of 2) children! I never share that I am racing with them in case I lose but the DC now know I'm doing it and have joined in Blush my competitiveness was not the trait I most wished to pass on!

Spartans · 06/10/2015 13:08

You are racing someone who doesn't know you are racing?

And this morning you raced your handbag?

I loved the line i feel sure she knows we are racing

I bet she has no clue at all! Grin

Oysterbabe · 06/10/2015 13:09

Oh Lindt that reminds me, when I worked at my previous place I used to cycle in and always pass a man coming the other way in the exact same place. We used to nod to each other. Every once in a while, maybe once every four months, I'd leave 10 minutes earlier so I could enjoy him looking sightly confused and panicked when he saw me on a different bit of the road and thought he was late.

OP posts:
Gottagetmoving · 06/10/2015 13:10

You are mad. My son is too. He has races with people who are never aware they are in a race. Not just walking,..doing anything, shopping, packing, at the gym, Everything is a competition.
Its an illness.. Grin

Funclesmuck · 06/10/2015 13:11

God, I am loving this thread. Grin

chairmeoh · 06/10/2015 13:12

Yes - Wacky Races! Can you put up some 'diversion' signs to send her off on a different route?
But as a pp said, don't talk to her, because then you'll have to talk to her every day.

MrsTedCrilly · 06/10/2015 13:13

I love this! You are mad as a box of frogs but bet it makes the walk more interesting Grin

frumpet · 06/10/2015 13:18

Surely someone must be able to write a book about this , I would read it , even though I have never raced Wink

LoveAnchor · 06/10/2015 13:20

Awesome! Great writing. You're so talented!

TheUnwillingNarcheska · 06/10/2015 13:21

This thread has made my day. Genuinely.

The trick is you match your footsteps with theirs but then you extend your stride Grin confuses the hell out of them and keeps you ahead.

I do a "coffee walk" which means instead of going for a coffee with another Mum we walk instead, saves us money and is healthier. We do it on the same day every week and there are a couple of dog walkers who walk together and they cut through a road meaning they start out behind us but end up in front of us.

I am so tempted to run when they cut through and end up in front of them so they wonder how flipping slow were we??? It makes me chortle. It is the small things.

I read somewhere about a man who was a long term smoker, he walked the same route to the train station every day. He gave up smoking because he over heard a wife tell her husband in their open doorway, "you are going to be late, the coughing man is here already"

OhMrBadger · 06/10/2015 13:24

This is brilliant! When I used to walk to work, I used to speed up to overtake other people and snigger inwardly thinking, "I can walk faster than you!"

I was also once convinced I had a stalker. I based this on the fact that I saw the same person at the same time in the same place every day. Hmm


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Paintedhandprints · 06/10/2015 13:27

I used to race the cars stuck in traffic. (felt like cheating on a bike sometimes). Also was very pleased when I overtook someone whilst walking to work pregnant. Grin

Dinosaursdontgrowontrees · 06/10/2015 13:28

Oh op you are clearly bonkers but in a totally wonderful way. Thank you for making me smile!

Wristy · 06/10/2015 13:30

I love a good race!!
I do this in the lab with my colleagues when we are performing the same procedure, they're onto me now so it's no longer an easy win for me anymore!!! Grin
I have to admit to doing it in our local car park too, there are two barriers for entry and exit- if that's not an invitation to race I don't know what is. YANBU

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