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Absolutely devesated

159 replies

Beth2511 · 22/07/2015 22:02

Parents dog bit my 8 month old on the head, 2 bites marks on head and one on hand. Luckily there was only 1 puncture wound and no lasting damage but was so close to her eye! Took her to A&E who obviously need to inform social services.

I have felt a while my parents can't put my babies safety above the dog which was highlighted when all my parents were concerned about was whether the dog would be put down. Apparently I only took her to hospital to force them to get rid of the dog. For what its worth, I don't want the dog put down, I just want her caged when baby is around.

Is she likely to be put down? Am I in for a rough time from social services? I wasn't even there at the time.

OP posts:
PestoSwimissimos · 22/07/2015 22:12

But surely they would never forgive themselves if their dog went on to do it again & killed a child. I don't think it's worth the risk.

bimandbam · 22/07/2015 22:12

Its not about what you 'personally' want. It's about what your dd deserves. She deserves to be kept safe and if you allow her to be with your parents again whilst the dog is still there then you are putting her safety at risk.

The dog needs to be gone. Pts or rehomed or your dd doesn't ever go. End of chat.

MissShunImpossible · 22/07/2015 22:12

tbh if they never forgive you, it's not your problem. You were right, they are completely wrong.

I know that sounds harsh, they are your parents and (I guess) you want a continuing relationship with them. But they were very, very out of order here.

I'm so sorry Sad what an awful day you've had Flowers for you, hope your baby recovers quickly. look after yourself.

cathpip · 22/07/2015 22:12

Any sensible dog owner would take steps to this never happening again, I wouldn't like to insist that my parents put there dog down but if they don't I would not be visiting with my child, end off.

SavoyCabbage · 22/07/2015 22:12

I wouldn't take the baby there again. If they want to see you or the baby they can go to your house or somewhere else.

The stress of relying on them to cage the dog the while you are there would be too much for me. The only control you have of the situation is to make sure that you are not in it.

attheendoftheday · 22/07/2015 22:13

I wouldn't want the dog put down - the problem is with the way your parents managed (or failed to manage) the situation. I wouldn't want the dog around children, though. I just wouldn't go to the house anymore, your parents can visit at your house if they want to have contact.

Ohfourfoxache · 22/07/2015 22:14

But sweetheart, look at this from your perspective only. Would you ever forgive them if anything happened to dd? And who is more important, the dog or your dd?

If they prioritise the dog, Uncertain is right - fuck 'em

Beth2511 · 22/07/2015 22:16

The baby has just started crawling with some speed as well as pulling herself up on the sofas. Apparently the dogs bone was on the sofa which baby pulled off causing dog to growl and take it, at which point baby crawled over to her then put her hand out to grab the bone and dog bit her.

I let my parents look after her because 90% of the time they are great with her, but they are awful at protecting her against the dog who supposedly wouldn't hurt a fly and they are awful at spotting dangers. It's very rare they have her alone but I wanted to test the waters to see if them doing child care like they wanted would be feasible, safe and secure before making my mind up.

The dog is the least of my concern, my priorities are making sure DD is alright, getting all her antibiotics into her and making sure the wound is ok. Then its sorting out what the hell I'm doing about work now that I definitely will not use them to fill n the gaps child care wise.

I can't believe how they've reacted.

OP posts:
Aeroflotgirl · 22/07/2015 22:16

my goodness, tgey sound toxic, I would never forgive them if their dog hurt my child.

Wishful80sMontage · 22/07/2015 22:17

Fuck your parents and the dog at this point just concentrate on your darling baby . How dare they put the dogs welfare first!
Hope your little one is better soon and you are doing ok must have been horrific please be kind to yourself xx

Ohfourfoxache · 22/07/2015 22:19

Doesn't matter what dd did or didn't do - the point is that your parents should have protected her. It should never have got to a point where dd was in danger of being bitten.

I recognise your username Beth - have you posted about them before?

Brummiegirl15 · 22/07/2015 22:20

Beth I'm so sorry, your poor DD. The dog was reacting to it's toy being taken and probably would've done the same to an adult with less harm.

The dog should've never been with your DD and that is your parents responsibility and they have failed to properly safeguard their grandchild

I wouldn't want the dog put down but I'd never allow my child there again. End of story.

RandomMess · 22/07/2015 22:21

OMG how could they fail not to intervene as soon as the bone was touched Angry yep they were completely incompetent Sad

OliviaBenson · 22/07/2015 22:21

Gosh. I don't think it's the dog at fault here, it's your parents. Dog toys/chews and crawling toddler are a recipie for disaster. I can't believe their attitude. I say this as a dog owner. But I don't think the dog deserves to be pts.

Hope you are all ok op. I'd be distancing myself from your parents if I was you.

Aeroflotgirl · 22/07/2015 22:21

Knowing all this, why on earth did you trust them with your child op. I woukd never trust them again whilst they have dogs, unfortunately you learned this at a cost. I am sure your dd with ge fine, but ne t time never leave her with them whilst the dogs are present. Their attitude is all wrong, not indicative of responsible dog owners.

CillaSlack · 22/07/2015 22:22

A dog and a bone should not have been placed in the same room as a baby - a recipe for disaster really. They have been very foolish and hopefully it's the shock speaking rather than their genuine views. Hope your dd is ok.

ChilliAndMint · 22/07/2015 22:23

I wouldn't want the dog put down unless it was a particularly vicious or temperamental one.

The fault lies with your parents for not keeping it away from your child.

Some dog owners fail to recognise that dogs have a very different mentality to humans.

A good responsible dog owner teaches the dog the rules of is at the comes last. You must never ever stop training a dog or for one moment leave it alone with a child.

Your parents were extremely irresponsible ... how dare they make such a comment about you taking your infant to hospital. Surely their concern should be with their grandchild.?

Don't worry about SS, you did all the right things.

Give your beautiful brave babby a big cuddle from Aunty Chilli xx

Only1scoop · 22/07/2015 22:23


Don't leave your DC there again. If you need your parents to have DC can they come to yours? It's way risky to ever let her be there.

LST · 22/07/2015 22:24

Your parents failed your dd miserably Sad

They had plenty of opportunity to remove your dd from what was blatantly a dangerous situation. The dog was not at fault.

HSMMaCM · 22/07/2015 22:24

A friends dog bit me in the face when I was a child. The dog was put down before I got home from hospital.

We didn't ask for the dog to be put down (didn't even have time to think about it). My friends parents went straight to the vet after dropping me off.

Iliveinalighthousewiththeghost · 22/07/2015 22:25

I would be demanding that they either put the dog down or get rid of it. Or they would not be seeing their grandchild. Well at least with the dog present.

WizardOfToss · 22/07/2015 22:25

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Viviennemary · 22/07/2015 22:26

Your child and that dog should never even be in the same house. You've nothing to lose if you err on the side of caution and everything to lose if you don't. I don't know how large the dog is or how dangerous. But it's obvious it shouldn't be anywhere near children and certainly not babies.

Methe · 22/07/2015 22:28

I'd want the dog put down or my parents wouldn't see my dc again.

maninawomansworld · 22/07/2015 22:30

The dogs behaviours seems perfectly normal to me!

Baby tried to take its toy, it got the toy back. Then baby came over again and tried to take it for a second time so the dog have it a little warning nip - the dogs way of saying 'feck off that's mine and I'll defend it thank you very much'. It's normal dog behaviour and does not make the dog in any way 'dangerous'.

The fault here lies entirely with whoever was supposed to be supervising your DD. the dog is unlikely to be put down as it didn't really attack her, it just warned her off its toy.

Just don't leave her there again.

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