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To hate posters who type "don't get me started on..."

48 replies

partialderivative · 15/07/2015 21:43

Well, not the posters themselves, but it really irritates me.

It's like we have to tip-toe around that particular poster lest they explode in a volcano of self-righteous fury.

OP posts:
PennilynLott · 16/07/2015 15:45

I've got a UTI and could really do without the piss boiling imagery.

HATE 'fast forward to', it's as bad as 'she turned around and said..'

DeanParrish · 16/07/2015 15:35

Posters who get publicly irritated by others vocabulary or phraseology boil my piss. Or take my piss from a gentle simmer to a rolling boil.
I really like that imagery. Piss boiling.

TakeMeUpTheNorthMountain · 16/07/2015 14:54

Thank God for you SilentBob! I thought it was just me!

Tenementfunster · 16/07/2015 14:32

As you were

I do envision a certain type of poster I see these

TheLastPickleInTheJar · 16/07/2015 14:28

The one thing that really makes me stop reading is when there's a really long post with no paragraphs. My first thought is 'oh I can't be bothered'. I find it very difficult to read for some reason.

Trickydecision · 16/07/2015 14:22

"Are you me?" No of course you are not, don't be so bloody stupid.

I do not love "luffs" as in 'I luffs x y or z' , but the frequency of 'vair' for 'very' has declined recently, so that's naice. Smile

ConfusedInBath · 16/07/2015 14:16

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

SilentBob · 16/07/2015 14:16

TakeMe I was just about to post the same thing! I really don't know why the 'think' thing bothers me but it really does! Glad I'm not the only one. Smile

shirleybasseyslovechild · 16/07/2015 14:12


my least favourite is when someone has just discovered their DH is shagging their sister , their house is being repossessed and their dog just got run over and some twit comes along and says

" try to drink some hot sweet tea "

TakeMeUpTheNorthMountain · 16/07/2015 14:09

I really hate when someone is describing something and say "think" as in.. I have a horrible neighbour. .think tatoos beer cans,rottweilers and missing teeth. .

I don't know why I hate it but I do and I stop reading thread when I see it!

Eternalsunshines · 16/07/2015 14:01

"Just that really.." Hmm

ShatnersBassoon · 16/07/2015 14:00

I love these threads. They encourage me to use more of these phrases. I like helping people feel like they're doing something so much better than somebody else, even something as unimportant as forum nonsense chat. I'm due an MBE for services to national smugness.

ShaynePunim · 16/07/2015 13:56

I love 'fast forward to...'! I never use it but when people use it I always think it's a great image and a cute narrative device.

TheLastPickleInTheJar · 16/07/2015 13:51

It's incredibly patronising when people feel the need to correct grammar.


Another dislike. Being told to discuss a statement by the op.

TheLastPickleInTheJar · 16/07/2015 13:49

Couldn't afford idio's what? Or do you mean idios? No need for the apostrophe unless you're denoting possession or the absence of a letter.

As you were.

Belleview · 16/07/2015 12:36

Anyhoo..idiosyncrasies are a middle class indulgence. In my day we couldn't afford idio's, let alone syncrasies.

Sallystyle · 16/07/2015 12:35

Have my first Biscuit

Piss off with that!

treaclesoda · 16/07/2015 12:32

I have long since realised that it doesn't matter what I post on mumsnet, someone somewhere will hate me for my turn of phrase. Or grammar. Or lack of grammar. Or use of colloquialism. It is best to let it all wash over Smile

Whathaveilost · 16/07/2015 12:19

Are you lot sure MN is the right forum for you?
Many of you are very intolerant of others idiosyncrasies.

Belleview · 16/07/2015 12:16

My piss is boiling with hatred, but I can't stop MNing, natch, because MN rocks my world. Keeping it real MN is wow, it's just wow.
People say "get off tinternet, lass, prithee, try the fresh air out yonder where real peeps be embodied' and I say lol at your diction, have a Biscuit. Only us Pom bear crew know how to get down where the penis beakers live, y'all.

I live in a speech - diverse fantasy world.

AliceDoesntLiveHereAnymore · 16/07/2015 09:29

All of this "I hate this.." and "I hate that..." makes me wonder why you even bother to read threads on MN then. Confused

treaclesoda · 16/07/2015 09:22

None of those things particularly bother me I must say. I must be very laid back Grin.

But my hackles do rise somewhat when someone posts a made up or exaggerated story about someone glancing sideways at them/smiling at their PFB and half a dozen people announce 'I'm crying just reading that' or 'I'm shaking just reading that'. Are you? Are you really? Or are you, perhaps, also exaggerating?


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Only1scoop · 16/07/2015 09:16

I've never name changed but if I did I could never do the...."long time poster ....lemon drizzle ....Pom bears...."

Cringe on your behalf if you do that. Makes me stop reading.

basgetti · 16/07/2015 09:14

Wow. Just wow. Anyone who posts this sounds like a twat.

sebsmummy1 · 16/07/2015 09:13

I'm chuckling here (not pissing myself laughing natch). Now natch really fucks me off!! I think it's short for 'naturally' but I might be wrong.

Can't stand 'AIBU ....... in thinking or to think'.... I see it all the time and find it really bloody irritating.

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