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To hate Npower

33 replies

listsandbudgets · 14/07/2015 18:02

I left them 3 years ago because they kept sending me random bills of different amounts. Finally after endless stress I ended up paying £350 just to get rid of them (the amounts the claimed i owed them ranged from them owing me money through to £1000 int he course of a month) It took me about 3 months to sort it out with endless phone calls and letters.

So I thoguht Id got rid of them. Wrong... the last few weeks they've started sending me emails saying they've sent me a bill and I can view it online , now they want to check my gas metre and are threatening to get a warrent to break in to do it. They won't arrange an appointment unless I tell them the acount number but I don't have one.

I've sent 4 emails to explain I'm not their customer and got no response. Now I'm phoning them. Earlier they just hung up on me after wiating fo r10 minutes as I didn't ahve an account number. Trying again been on hold for 15 minutes and they are now saying they've closed the line and to try again tomorrow.

AIBU to want to find their chief executive and make HIM try to deal with his own call centre, communications and so called customer services... right now I feel like that would be a worse punishment then anything I could devise.

They are diabolical. Really .

Again this bastard stupid useless pointless unsympathetic idiotic company of morons have me in tears

OP posts:
shadowfax07 · 14/07/2015 22:25

YANBU. It took them two years to sort out our account when we moved house. As soon as they sorted it out, we switched to the Co-op.

chickenfuckingpox · 14/07/2015 22:35

do you have proof you have been paying for your gas supply for the last three years? can you get your gas supplier to confirm they haven't switched you over without your consent?

ive had massive problems with npower they tried to charge me for a gas supply i didnt have twice once was at a flat that didnt have any gas supply ever in fact none of the 44 flats in the block were even connected to gas it was all electric the other one was after the gas fire was removed from a property prior to me moving in the gas supply was totally cut off BY NPOWER (back when they did this) they still sent me a gas bill then they actually got a order of entry? to get there man in to cut me off for nonpayment of bill who confirmed the supply was indeed cut off and had been for awhile (they tagged it and dated the work so it was easily traceable) they then asked me to pay for the guy who came out to do maintenance as a courtesy for their time and effort i said no they protested i said it louder! i didnt pay

the final straw was they switched the name on the bill my ex ran up and i had to pay

i will never go with them again and i tell them everytime they try to sign me up i dont care if they are cheaper the answer is no!

listsandbudgets · 14/07/2015 23:08

Thankfully I think I've got enough bank statements to prove I've been paying Scottish Power.

That's awful chickenfuckingpox but sadly I can believe every last word of it.

They accused me of FRAUD when I tried to leave them. They'd installed a new meter about 6 months before hand which obliviously started at 00000. I kept submitting readings but when I left they insisted that the readings didn't correspond with historical readings and made up their own random estimated readings . Scottish Power had to sort that out too as Npower told them a completely random and different meter reading from the correct opening reading I'd given them.

OP posts:
arethereanyleftatall · 14/07/2015 23:12

Yanbu. They are an absolute disgrace. I have spent hours and hours of my precious time sorting out their shitty inefficiencies. And it's outrageous that they have the power to go to debt collectors even when they're in the wrong.

Moomintroll85 · 14/07/2015 23:21

Npower have behaved like fuckwits to us. We decided to switch so they sent us 'our final bill' which seemed to be a figure they just plucked out of their arse, about £250 too much. We challenged it. We then had 3 months of obfuscation from them pretending to not understand us, sending supposed explanatory letters that were basically riddles and telling us our account was 'locked' so they couldn't send us our real final bill (though they couldn't even tell us what they meant by locked).

I called and called them, wrote an angry letter and was considering Ombudsmaning them when our bill finally arrived, only £60 in the end, funny that.

Then we had to move and our next rented flat was already set up with Npower Angry. I switched immediately and phoned to suggest they dont try to mess us about again and it went smoothly. Hmm

Energy is the only bill I refuse to set up a direct debit for because they help themselves whenever they fancy it, fabricate bills and it's a living nightmare to get it back.

Don't give in to them, if they're messing you around fight back! Don't just give up and pay them if you don't owe them. Approach the Energy Ombudsman if you can, I think you can do this once a dispute has been running/unresolved for 8 weeks, Citizen's Advice can help too. Ofgem don't deal with individual complaints I don't think and are pretty toothless anyway.

Would recommend Good Energy though, who we were eventually allowed to switch to once Npower stopped holding us hostage!

arethereanyleftatall · 14/07/2015 23:26

That's exactly what happened to me moon in. They made up a final bill, way over what it should be. I tried to tell them over and over the correct reading. I had weekly letters from them demanding the inflated amount, saying they'd get debt collectors if I didn't pay. It took hours on the phone trying to sort it out. Absolute wankers.

EnriqueTheRingBearingLizard · 14/07/2015 23:32

We had the same when we left Npower, probably more than a dozen letters from a debt collecting agency demanding money for the final bill.
I just kept disputing it. It went on for months and months and months.

When it was all finally resolved it ended that they owed us money.

I'd never sign up with them again, no matter how cheap they might be.

Patapouf · 15/07/2015 01:29

I hate them, they billed me for gas/electricity for a property I'd lived in years previously despite having notified them I was moving out to another country they were threatening bailiff/court action and refused to acknowledge I didn't owe them a penny, let alone the fact that they can't bill that far back according to the back billing code. Their complaints team are useless and in the end the ombudsman dealt with it and only then was the debt recovery company called off. By that point I was receiving a letter a day and about 4 phone calls.

I was awarded £200 and was supposed to receive a written apology, which funnily enough they never wrote!

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