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To make OH return this penis shaped teacher gift?

73 replies

BerniceBroadside · 13/07/2015 23:40

OH and small child were let loose in paperchase to purchase a gift for a teacher. Can't go wrong with stationery, I thought. Oh yes you bloody can!

OH swears he didn't realise that the mushroom(?) was phallic shaped.

To be honest I don't blame him for not wanting to swap them. So he can take them to bloody work instead. How do you like them apples, Mr Broadside?

OP posts:
HRHLadyFarquhar · 14/07/2015 00:20

Yes, I saw the one you made earlier. Grin

I'm determined to get to the bottom of the barrel before you though.

CorporationPop · 14/07/2015 00:21

I think they're cute Grin

HRHLadyFarquhar · 14/07/2015 00:23

I think apples go well with mushrooms.

Don't you?

Fatmomma99 · 14/07/2015 00:44

clutches purls, feels square

I didn't think they looked dirty at all.

sad.... Goes away hoping for more sex soon to remind her what it's about

Kamden · 14/07/2015 08:07

Pumpkin Grin Grin

londonrach · 14/07/2015 08:15

(Sniggers). Wasnt there a mntter will accidently gave her used pants to a male teacher. Id love to know the strangest teacher present given. My mum was lucky if she got one box of chocolates when she taught but she used to get loads of thank you cards and drawings.

KittyandTeal · 14/07/2015 08:20

Please give them to the teacher, preferably with a wink.

I'm a teacher and my tas and I would find endless hilarious uses for these.

BathtimeFunkster · 14/07/2015 08:24

Even the moustachioed aubergine can tell that's an ejaculating penis beside him.

You can tell by his bemused and slightly disgusted face.

It would be most unfair to deny the teacher that gift.

Spartans · 14/07/2015 08:26

Dds teacher would love that! Hilarious

DoreenLethal · 14/07/2015 08:27

That's not a mushroom. That is an onion what is crying.

Heartless bastards.

londonrach · 14/07/2015 08:28

Now out of stock i notice!!!

ollieplimsoles · 14/07/2015 08:29

If I opened that and a sweet little boy had just given it to me. My first thought would be 'shit they look like wangs...'

grumpysquash · 14/07/2015 08:33

I think it's supposed to be an onion not a mushroom, from the description. Not that it helps. BTW I do think it looks like a penis too and wouldn't send it in, unless you're sure the teacher has a great sense of humour

BBQsAreSooooOverrated · 14/07/2015 08:35

The teacher will love them!

BathtimeFunkster · 14/07/2015 08:37

Even knowing it's meant to be a weeping onion doesn't stop me seeing a wang.

The strawberry one also has a slightly wangy appearance.

But you'd be worried about that wang.

ValancyJane · 14/07/2015 08:42

I'm a teacher, this would crack me up!!

I would save the mushroom tabs for very important documents required by SLT Grin

Topseyt · 14/07/2015 08:46

Send it in. You have to. That will cause great hilarity in otherwise dull staff meetings. Grin

nailsathome · 14/07/2015 08:47

Another teacher here and I think they're marvellous Grin

SummerHouse · 14/07/2015 08:57

If that strawberry really is a tomato he needs some urgent medical attention.

DoreenLethal · 14/07/2015 08:59

Even knowing it's meant to be a weeping onion doesn't stop me seeing a wang

A knob with the weepy fragrance of onions. What's not to like?

SophiePendragon · 14/07/2015 09:10

Yep send him back. You can't give that to a teacher. Grin

SophiePendragon · 14/07/2015 09:11

I mean I would look at that and just cry with laughter and probably upset the child that just handed it to me.


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FeelingSmurfy · 14/07/2015 11:56

Think this is one of those things that seem perfectly innocent until someone points it out and then that is ALL you can see!!

LMGTFY · 14/07/2015 12:29

Turn the aubergine upside down! Reminds me of my ex, bless him!

ChristmasZombie · 14/07/2015 12:46

Please give them to the teacher!

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