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To put toddler to bed in just a nappy tonight?

72 replies

ScaredKittyCat · 01/07/2015 18:56

Nursery is 31 degrees according to Gro-egg. Just a nappy or nappy and a vest? Seriously lacking in common sense right now!

OP posts:
cookielove · 01/07/2015 20:21

It's 31 and he is a nappy and a thin vest i should of just done nappy but he is very close to working how to get it off! His windows are open and I will prop the door in a minute. He is 10 months :)

Pichet · 01/07/2015 20:25

Nappy & short sleeve vest on, air con on temp now 22 in room sleeping soundly wake up if it gets too hot and humid.
33 outside at the moment not a breath off air.
Not complaining good to get sun. -:)

TelephoneIgnoringMachine · 01/07/2015 20:27

We had weather like this a few weeks after DD was born. It was evident from the beginning that she's a very warm child & dislikes being overheated (DH is just the same; I am naturally cold, but wilt in the heat). We put her to sleep in just a nappy, with a fan in the room & the window open, for about a month. She was in a co-sleeper crib & I checked her regularly though.

CigarsofthePharoahs · 01/07/2015 20:36

Just a nappy for my 15 month old. He woke up early this morning, very sweaty having been in a nappy and 2 tog sleeping bag. He had his usual nap in the buggy today in just a nappy and a shorty romper suit - what a puddle of sweat he was!
My four year old, on the other hand, is very set on How Things Are Done and went to bed in long sleeved payamas and insisted on snuggling under his duvet. He asked to be tucked up!
Apparently going to bed in just pants is Not Proper.
Weird kid, my eldest.

ShadowFire · 01/07/2015 20:57

Just a nappy and shorts for 22 month DS2.

He's currently asleep on the floor in his bedroom with no coverings. I think it must be cooler on the floor - I've put him back on top of his bed a few times, but he's refusing to stay on it. It's currently 28 degrees up there.

Notasinglefuckwasgiven · 01/07/2015 21:03

My mum has said what's with the thermometers? If you were warm I stripped you, felt cold I wrapped you up....I think she finds us fussy nowadays Grin

Foggymist · 01/07/2015 21:14

3 month old slept in just a nappy and a cotton swaddle here at 21 degrees last week, definitely just nappy!

monkeyfacegrace · 01/07/2015 21:16

All of us are starkers, expect dd 16 weeks who is just in a nappy with a floor fan aiming straight at her Grin

MrsHathaway · 01/07/2015 21:19

Well I guess twenty years ago mothers just said "it's hot tonight" but we feel vindicated in saying precisely how hot. Grin

dietcokeandwine · 01/07/2015 21:20

I would love to say just a nappy but my 2.5yo is so conditioned to associate sleeping bag with bedtime that there is no way he would settle to sleep without one!

So it's nappy plus the thinnest cotton 0.5 tog bag here.

Notasinglefuckwasgiven · 01/07/2015 21:40

Blush more like 30 years ago she was swaddling me....but yes. I shall point out that we KNOW THE ACTUAL TEMPERATURE. Grin

MarthasHarbour · 01/07/2015 21:46

DS2 (14mo) is in just a nappy with the fan blowing on him. His room is 30 degrees (my DM was swaddling me 42 yrs ago Grin)

I tried settling him in his shorts pjs and the both of us were soaked by the end of it - so i stripped him. As PPs have said - i was rather he woke up cold than overheated

Woohoo we have a thunderstorm here now! Yay Grin

SewingAndCakes · 01/07/2015 21:52

3yo ds3 is in just a nappy with a sheet over him, as he was last night too. Funnily enough he slept better than he normally does!

BathshebaDarkstone · 01/07/2015 21:56

Just a nappy. DD insists on wearing a onesie whatever the weather, DS is just in Pull Ups.

Iwillorderthefood · 01/07/2015 22:00

I tried just a vest, but she would not relax. She was terrified of the fan, but kept it on. She is now in a 0.5 grobag, as she hates not having it. But it's 31 degrees in there! She's either asleep or lying there awake. She is 1.

BathshebaDarkstone · 01/07/2015 22:02

Cigars he sounds just like my DD!

mynameisnotmichaelcaine · 01/07/2015 22:07

DS2 (21mo) is in a loose t-shirt and nappy. I always feel hotter with nothing on, as sweaty skin sticks to skin. DD (11) is in pants and a vest, and DS1 is in short pyjamas. Only DS2 is asleep - the rest of us are just too hot.

morelikeguidelines · 01/07/2015 22:12

Mine is in sleeveless vest and shorts, with a light sheet. He does seem a bit hot though, so I should probably have gone for just a nappy. This is the first night he hasn't been in his grow bag as well though, so I thought I was being daring leaving that off!

He has got both windows open and his cot is right near them.

SargeantAngua · 01/07/2015 22:18

mynameisnotmichaelcaine I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds light pyjamas cooler than being naked. I feel sweaty and uncomfortable without.

MammaFett · 01/07/2015 22:19

DD is just in a nappy tonight. She's 6 months and has spent all day being grumpy cause she's too warm (takes after her mother) it's supposed to stay I the 20s tonight so I'm not worried about her being too cold.

liquidrevolution · 01/07/2015 22:25

Nearly 1 year DD is in nappy with all windows open. Temp in nursery was 31 but has now dropped to 29. We have been grobag-less since march as she hates them so just a fleecy blanket and all in one usually.

She was in nappy all day at nursery as well, apart from the 3 times she was in the paddling pool. Grin

ApocalypseThen · 01/07/2015 22:41

Just a light, loose cotton sleep suit. No vest, gro bag or blanket. It's due to get a bit cooler in the night tonight and I don't want her getting too chilly. Her ear thermometer indicates that her temperature is ok.


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