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To put toddler to bed in just a nappy tonight?

72 replies

ScaredKittyCat · 01/07/2015 18:56

Nursery is 31 degrees according to Gro-egg. Just a nappy or nappy and a vest? Seriously lacking in common sense right now!

OP posts:
StarlingMurmuration · 01/07/2015 19:05

Our nursery is 25 degrees, usually about 23 by bedtime.

NKfell · 01/07/2015 19:05

We're going for nappy only tonight- last night she had a vest on and was sweaty when I went in to check her. I also left her bottle in their with water in.

ImNotTheLadies · 01/07/2015 19:09

Absolutely - check on her before you go to bed but it's perfectly reasonable. Bloody boiling.

The skin is a really good temperature regulator naturally when you let it, especially in babies.

littlejohnnydory · 01/07/2015 19:14

Just a nappy for my seven month old. She had a nappy and vest last night.

ScaredKittyCat · 01/07/2015 19:17

Thanks everybody, crisis averted!

Although I will put a little pair of shorts on due to the poo situation mentioned by one poster.

OP posts:
Happyyellowcar · 01/07/2015 19:18

Just a nappy here - DDs room is 34! She slept fine in a nappy last night and this afternoon. DS1 & 2 are both in just pants too.

ThatSmirkingWhore · 01/07/2015 19:28

It's about that temp here, window is cracked a tiny bit (while she wasn't in the room so hopefully won't notice and be tempted to try and play with it, got safety locks so she won't be able to fall out, but knowing her she'd free some of her toys from the confines of their toy box haha!) and 3yo DD has just gone to bed in the nude, won't get under a blanket (nothing unusual for her, she's always hated them) Will check on her when I go to bed and cover her with a blanket if I need to.

ThatSmirkingWhore · 01/07/2015 19:29

Should add in case not obvious, DD is fully potty trained though, if not I would probably have her in a pull up

SaucyJack · 01/07/2015 19:31

Nappy and popper vest here.

BabySaucy is very fond of trying to put things in her bottom.

Moomintroll85 · 01/07/2015 19:32

No idea what the temp is but it feels effing boiling (in London). My 10 month old had been in nappy and sleeveless vest for about a week now. He seems to get hot and bothered quite easily like me. Angry (hot face, not angry face)

No way would he tolerate even a thin grobag too, he would be nappy only if he wasn't always trying to pull it off!

MrsHathaway · 01/07/2015 19:34

Glad I read this. Landing is 27.5 and rooms a trifle warmer.

Toddler is in poppered vest and nappy as yesterday, but not his 0.5t sleeping bag. I'll drape a cellular blanket over him once he's asleep.

But first he needs a big bf. One of the least pleasant tasks in sweaty conditions. Sad

OliveCane · 01/07/2015 19:35

Just nappy here too. its about 34 degrees!

PandaMummyofOne · 01/07/2015 19:58

2 year old is currently asleep with a nappy and T-shirt on. No blankets or sheets though and a fan the other side of the room on gentle and the window open. It's still 32 degrees in there. Shock

Totality22 · 01/07/2015 20:00

Jealous of everyone who has toddlers who are already in bed!

Mine will be in just a nappy tonight and the fan on full blast.

StarlingMurmuration · 01/07/2015 20:02

When we went to put DS to bed, it was 27 degrees so he's just in his nappy and a light grobag, no vest. Last night I was in hospital overnight, and DP put him down in similar conditions in a vest, long sleeved body suit and 2.5 tog grobag! It's a wonder he didn't boil to death.

sidsgranny · 01/07/2015 20:05

Would def say just a nappy. Your DC certainly won't freeze but I'd worry about overheating! My DS always slept better colder than hot!

andadietcoke · 01/07/2015 20:05

My 22 month old DTs are just in nappies with the window open. It was 28 degrees when they went down. It's quiet, but I'm not optimistic. One was up until 10 last night Confused

colourdilemma · 01/07/2015 20:09

I'd just do nappy. If it's warm enough not to need more, why on earth put more on them? My dd, a July baby, wore just a nappy when she was only teeny weeny.

Binkybix · 01/07/2015 20:12

33 degrees in his room. A nappy and shorts because of pulling off nappy factor.

Runningupthathill82 · 01/07/2015 20:14

Completely nude toddler here. He was naked last night too, as we all were. Was so hot and humid.

ThatSmirkingWhore · 01/07/2015 20:15

Totality22 Don't be too jealous, DD is in bed, but in no way asleep! Haha

SycamoreMum · 01/07/2015 20:16

I was literally just pondering this... Im going to leave her in just a nappy and the fan on low


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awombwithaview · 01/07/2015 20:17

Nappy and shorts for both my toddlers and I've taken the duvet out of its covers so they have a sheet to pull up if they need it....but it's so blinkin hot I doubt it. There is a lovely breeze starting though which is so welcome!

WhatsTheT · 01/07/2015 20:19

Last night 7mo slept without a grobag in just a vest. I popped a cellular blanket on, wasnt on her when I woke up and she still had sweaty legs. Room was only 23 degrees.

Cheby · 01/07/2015 20:20

Vest and a thin sheet for a blanket at the bottom of the cot if she wants it. She slept fairly well like that last night but woke at 4am for a drink. Don't blame her!

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