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AIBU to think this is unfair to dd.

53 replies

Fizzielove · 11/06/2015 12:33

Ok so this Friday all the children are going to y1 for a brief settling in session. The nursery teachers will take them over to the main building. Afterwards children are to be collected by an adult and then taken to the zoo for the end of year treat. Sounds great! Only problem is they are insisting on a parent / adult for every child. I am disabled with mobility issues and am physically unable to take DMD. I have no other family able to take her along and the teachers are refusing to take her as their charge ( there are 3 teachers)! AIBU to think this is unfair and OTT to need an adult per child?

OP posts:
MrsLeighHalfpenny · 12/06/2015 15:51

Don't not fight fizzie. If not for yourself, for all the other disabled parents and children who come after you.
Is the school's inclusion policy on the Internet? Or ring the office and ask for a copy. They have to give it to you by law. Do this before you see the head.
What is the school? Name and shame it on here, and anywhere else you can think of. I'd even suggest contacting your local newspaper. They'd love a story like that.

DancingDinosaur · 12/06/2015 16:27

I would make an official complaint. They can't compare you against working parents who at times can take a day off. You can't ever do that. Really kick up a big stink about it. I'm a working parent and I would never begrudge a child getting to go with the teacher under those circumstances. Thats bloody not on. So annoyed for you.

rumbleinthrjungle · 12/06/2015 16:43

Please report this to Ofsted and your LA OP. So many places get away with it because people get depressed and tired of battling these appalling attitudes, and the LA often are longing for people to report it so they can enforce the policies.

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