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AIBU to think this is unfair to dd.

53 replies

Fizzielove · 11/06/2015 12:33

Ok so this Friday all the children are going to y1 for a brief settling in session. The nursery teachers will take them over to the main building. Afterwards children are to be collected by an adult and then taken to the zoo for the end of year treat. Sounds great! Only problem is they are insisting on a parent / adult for every child. I am disabled with mobility issues and am physically unable to take DMD. I have no other family able to take her along and the teachers are refusing to take her as their charge ( there are 3 teachers)! AIBU to think this is unfair and OTT to need an adult per child?

OP posts:
Fizzielove · 11/06/2015 21:43

It is an official trip subsidised by the school. I asked the nursery manger could they not take dd as they wouldn't have any children and they said no because it wouldn't be fair to other parents who couldn't make due to work commitments ??

The school principal didn't call me back this morning! So tomorrow I am not sending dd in wearing a uniform as she's not going to the zoo and is effectively excluded!

OP posts:
Fizzielove · 11/06/2015 21:45

Oh and sorry to drip feed but the trip is during normal nursery hours! So I should have to pay extra to my childminder!! Grrrr

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annielouisa · 11/06/2015 21:53

l would explain clearly to them by not facilitating your DD attendance they have discriminated against you as a disabled person. The reason she cannot attend is your disability does not allow you to supervise her. Under E&D your disability is protected characteristic and is totally different to people being unable to supervise due to work.

ohtheholidays · 11/06/2015 21:58

Oh Op that is unforgivable on they're part.

I'm also disabled and have mobility problems but the primary school our youngest DD7 attends(we have 5DC)are very careful about being inclusive to all.

Do you have any friends that might be able to accompany your LO?

I hate the thought of your child missing out because of the schools bloody ignorance.

Fizzielove · 11/06/2015 23:26

Unfortunately all my friends are working

OP posts:
ohtheholidays · 11/06/2015 23:29

Oh what a shame.I really hope the school see sense and your LO gets to go.

Like others have said I'd be onto them first thing in the morning and warn them that it's discrimination.

Discrimination against someone because they have a disability weather directly or indirectly is taken very serious now thankfully.

Maybe you should make them aware of that Wink

funchum8am · 11/06/2015 23:32

Keep on at the principal and if no joy, governors. Ridiculous behaviour!

MrsLeighHalfpenny · 12/06/2015 00:17

Does DD have a granny or grandad that could take her?

Persue with school though and come back to tell us the outcome. It MUST be discrimination.

ImNotMeImSomeoneElse · 12/06/2015 07:25

They surely can't make you pick up your child early if you are paying for care, same with the people that work. What are they going to do with the children that don't have an adult available?

RJnomore · 12/06/2015 07:55

Wow this is shocking. Work commitments do not = a disability. I would say this is indirect discrimination due to a protected characteristic and get straight onto the lea/ofsted/whatever other big guns you can.


MissDuke · 12/06/2015 08:04

I agree, this is dreadful, I really feel for you and your dd. What is the issue with you being unable to go - is it transport or is the zoo inaccessible? Don't worry if you don't want to answer such a personal question!!! I am just wondering have the school chosen an unsuitable activity in the first place. Requiring all parents to go is crazy when it is during nursery hours. What happens if a single parent has twins? There are lots of scenarios which makes this policy unworkable.

ProudAS · 12/06/2015 08:11

Disability is a protected characteristic. Working isn't.

Is the zoo not suitable for the less mobile though??

PtolemysNeedle · 12/06/2015 08:16

Do they expect you to pick her up early, or do they have provision to provide care to the children whose parents are working until the normal pick up time?

PtolemysNeedle · 12/06/2015 08:18

I'm also wondering if transport might be the issue if the parents who are going are driving their own children there. Could that be something to do with it?

SquareStarfish · 12/06/2015 08:32

What if a parent had twins? Would they be allowed to supervise them both our would they be expected to have two adults?

If they would be allowed to look after both of their own children then maybe ask another parent already going to look after yours as well as their own. That's no different no matter what the school say.

AChickenCalledKorma · 12/06/2015 08:36

If they are discriminating against you, in order to accommodate working parents with no disabilities, I'd have thought they were on very dodgy ground legally.

ThinkIveBeenHacked · 12/06/2015 08:40

That is madness! Hope you get an apologyand a resolution swiftly.

The only other thing I could suggest is if another child in the Nursery is accompanied by two adults (mum and dador grandma eg) with the express understanding that they are there for your dc?

Mrsjayy · 12/06/2015 08:51

That is ridiculous where is their inclusion policy so only children with fit available parents/adults can go tut ! Could you not go and hire a mobility scooter would that be an option ? I cant believe a nursery is treating their parents like this. I have a disability but never came across this when mine were younger I would go on trips but nursery staff always helped me and never made a fuss like this im sorry you are being treated so badly

Nanny0gg · 12/06/2015 11:38

Is this school in England? (You said Principal rather than HT).

If so, I'd be having a chat with Ofsted. Especially as you're paying for the privilege of her not going!

Also, surely if others aren't going, there should be provision in the nursery for those children to still be looked after.

This is all very wrong.

Mermaidhair · 12/06/2015 14:03

I hope this gets sorted for you very soon. I'm wondering if the preschool could ask the other parents if they have a spare adult to help out. They could explain your situation. I'm sure there would be a kind grandparent, neighbour etc of another child who would love to help you out. I know I would if I was asked. I'm sorry I can't help much with the legalities as I am in another country. Are you by any chance entitled to some sort of out of school child care help especially with your disability? If that even exists in any country! It does sound wonderful thoughSmile

Fizzielove · 12/06/2015 14:48

The zoo is basically built on the side of a mountain and is all uphill (until you get to the top obviously!) My dad is very elderly, dm is dead, mil in a nursing home, fil lives abroad, sil is also on holiday abroad!

I phoned again this morning and also popped into school but no principal about and he isn't returning my calls! So dd has missed out on the end of year celebration trip!

OP posts:
FlaviaAlbia · 12/06/2015 14:57

If this was in the place where there's a castle beside the Zoo then I'd suggest asking for the complaints procedure and following it. Since term is nearly over, if you don't get a response, raise it to the education and library board.


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Mrsjayy · 12/06/2015 15:02

Aw your poor daughter hopefully her school wont be such dicks about this kind of thing I would complain it really isnt fair

Fizzielove · 12/06/2015 15:16

I'm just fed up having to fight for .... Oh I don't know. It's done now! I am just so very disappointed.....

OP posts:
Mrsjayy · 12/06/2015 15:26

It can sometimes be a different struggle as a disabled parent its just hard somtimes Flowers

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