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Not not like the term guys

78 replies

GingerbreadBaubles · 25/05/2015 04:57

Hi guys table for 2?
What can I get you guys to drink?
Thanks guys
If you guys want to wait a minute someone will be with you shortly

I hate it! Please stop.

OP posts:
SnowyPiglet · 26/05/2015 11:26

'Ladies and Gentlemen'
'Lords and Ladies'
'First Lady'
Lady Diana, Lady Victoria et al.
Definition - 'a term of respect for a woman, the female equivalent to Gentleman or Lord. A woman of high social standing, dignified, well-mannered...etc, etc.'
Can't see the problem myself.

IKnowIAmButWhatAreYou · 26/05/2015 12:02

I tend to use "Guys" for mixed groups and single sex groups at work and when I'm going youth work. Sometimes I'll refer to a group of girls (14-16) as "Ladies" - looks stuffy/patronising when written down, but it's not when it's said (you do have to be there).

Chaps & Chapesses sometimes - honestly depends on the group, situation and atmosphere, no hard & fast rules.....

IKnowIAmButWhatAreYou · 26/05/2015 12:03

"going" = "doing"

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