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donating my benefit

119 replies

robynhood · 10/05/2015 14:06

regular poster maybe a permanent nc? Who knows.

AIBU to donate my benefits to people worse off than myself, foodbanks, school breakfasts etc, disabled friends, local stories making papers when the shit hits the fan.

Now before anybody jumps on the idea that it must prove people don't need their money, this isn't the case.
I don't know anybody else in my position as it is quite unique and is due to multiple factors from being born when I was to the way I have lived my life, choices etc.

I decided not to leave the benefit unclaimed as it would only serve the fat cats and won't go to those who need it.
Unless the new gov scrap it of course/ change criteria it should still equal approx £75 per week. Obviously sometimes I will need to keep it if we have to pay for doctors etc.

So AIBU, and can anybody think of any other groups that may like donations.

OP posts:
Littlemonstersrule · 10/05/2015 17:26

You're not donating it though are you, it's state money not money you have gone out and earnt.

Bragging that you don't work and can spare £300 a month to charity as you claimed it from the state is not something to be proud of.

amybear2 · 10/05/2015 17:27

You know most people just donate to charity if that is what they want toi do.
You are either

  1. Trying to illustrate people are getting paid benefir they don't need
  2. So needy you need strangers to tell you what an allround good egg you are
YouMakeMyHeartSmile · 10/05/2015 17:51

OP: I have £300 a month to donate to charity, any ideas where it should go?

Other posters: How about x,y and z?

Why did you need to put anything more than that?

We earn just above the threshold for any benefits. We are by no means struggling for money but live as you describe and don't have £300 spare each month to give to charity.

robynhood · 10/05/2015 17:55

Thank you Bamboo

It is the fear that those who really need them aren't going to receive them that has made my family take stock of what they can do without.
However, i know lots of people in the same situation as us that do need the benefit all the time.
It really isn't a case of completely being able to do without it otherwise I'm not sure we would claim it tbh.
We have always been a frugal family, not out of any grand gesture, just because that's what we are like.

OP posts:
MrsCampbellBlack · 10/05/2015 18:25

Regarding not claiming DLA - I was pretty astonished that my son would be entitled to it. However at the end of feb he was diagnosed with type one diabetes which would mean he would be eligible for at least lower rate DLA.

However, although it has undoubtedly incurred us some extra costs - we don't need the money. We can cover these costs comfortably ourselves and therefore I do not feel it is right for us to claim it.

Am sure there are plenty of other people who do the same.

I am just grateful for the amazing care he is getting via the specialist paediatric diabetes team at our local hospital.

MrsCampbellBlack · 10/05/2015 18:26

But robyn - seriously treat your children a bit and don't be a martyr - they really won't thank you for it.

TapDancingMollusc · 10/05/2015 18:34

If you want to give £75 a week to charity or whatever do so.

Don't come here for people to slap you on the back and cheer "Jolly Dee" as that angers people. By all means give what you can but do it privately. The charity will thank you themselves. Don't seek publicity.

And most people will say, "yeah, of course you will" Hmm

If you don't need to claim a benefit, don't claim it.

And basically what WorraLiberty said upthread.

AuntyMag10 · 10/05/2015 18:37

Oh fgs just get on with it. You could have found all the info you needed on the Internet.

BeyondDoesBootcamp · 10/05/2015 18:44

Well, as youre asking, i havent saved up enough for my powerchair yet that i cannot get from the Nhs...?

Laquitar · 10/05/2015 18:53

'Its the fear that those who really need them aren't going to receive them'.

And threads like the one you started don't help them because when they will face more cuts people wont get out to protest because you know 'most people who get benefits don't really need them' and 'i know someone who...'.

So either you are thick or a Tory.
(although yes you can be both. --)

robynhood · 10/05/2015 20:11


neither, fortunately.

I have received some good suggestions and once again would like to thank those who gave some local to them, which unless I searched the internet forever probably wouldn't have found.


My dc won't go without but we will continue to save where we can to donate. They are up for it and I think it was my friend with the dd as old as one of mine that made them realise nobody was going to help them.

We aren't a family of brands and designer labels, gadgetry etc and can afford when dh gets paid to buy things in bulk when on offer which in turn saves money too.
My friend is unable to do this as she doesn't have a partner and relies on internet shop that can cost her more.
I can scour the shops for the best deals she is unable to do this.
There must be many people like my friend, they need people like me and others to help when they can.

I can see my thread has got some peoples backs up, that wasn't my intention
and to those who asked why mention the benefit in the first place because I wondered if there was a reason why using benefit money would be counter productive a little like Laquitar explained, others may have suggested detriment to statistics or other economical points, which I am not familiar with.

OP posts:
DixieNormas · 10/05/2015 20:49

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Totality22 · 10/05/2015 20:58

£75 per week. That's a lot of kids?

Good on you for not 'needing' to claim it, bad on you for needing the validation.

FWIW People that truly make a difference just do it..... they don't announce it or draw any attention to themselves. They just do it.....

Take note.

CaspoFungin · 11/05/2015 01:27

I can't understand why you are living 'frugally' if you don't need the extra £75 a week?? Why not save the money and treat your children instead of being a martyr. Maybe you enjoy pretending to be poor? I can't understand it.

GlitterBelle · 11/05/2015 03:32

I suggest Fightback 4 Justice. It's run by a solicitor who helps disabled people apply for benefits, or appeal if they've been wrongly turned down. They also try to attend medicals and tribunals if someone needs support.

They're always struggling for donations and they have thousands of people waiting for their help. The do such tireless work. They're based in the north, and are trying to open offices in other parts of the country. These are people who absolutely need the money, so it would be good if your money went to help others receive what they need.

Also this is a hugely neglected area. Over 65s get benefits help from Age UK, but there often isn't anything for under 65s, and applying for disability benefits can be a stressful and horrendous time. CAB in my are stopped filling in forms years ago, and that was before the latest round of cuts.

GlitterBelle · 11/05/2015 03:37

If anyone has a spare couple of pounds, this is Fightback's site:

Aermingers · 11/05/2015 14:18

I'm not convinced that the OP doesn't need it.

But people who claim benefits then donate it to charity are using the same argument that Bono uses to avoid paying tax.

Bono reckons he knows much better than governments where money should go, and he says that is justification for not paying tax. I don't agree with either argument to be honest.

And I think that the OP might like to consider that much of her donation is going on paying staff, PR companies and for adverstising executives who are considerably better off than she is.

Toughasoldboots · 20/05/2015 15:48

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Triooooooooooo · 20/05/2015 17:33

God your lufe sounds grim op, im sure your children won't look back and say 'eeee, remember when mum bulk bought all those loo rolls'

Spend the money on making life enjoyable, help your friend if needed and save any for a just in case event.......btw, I recieve DLA on behalf of both my children ((much more than £300 a month )) in the main in gets spent on holidays and trying to make their lives slightly less shit than they already are ))

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