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donating my benefit

119 replies

robynhood · 10/05/2015 14:06

regular poster maybe a permanent nc? Who knows.

AIBU to donate my benefits to people worse off than myself, foodbanks, school breakfasts etc, disabled friends, local stories making papers when the shit hits the fan.

Now before anybody jumps on the idea that it must prove people don't need their money, this isn't the case.
I don't know anybody else in my position as it is quite unique and is due to multiple factors from being born when I was to the way I have lived my life, choices etc.

I decided not to leave the benefit unclaimed as it would only serve the fat cats and won't go to those who need it.
Unless the new gov scrap it of course/ change criteria it should still equal approx £75 per week. Obviously sometimes I will need to keep it if we have to pay for doctors etc.

So AIBU, and can anybody think of any other groups that may like donations.

OP posts:
robynhood · 10/05/2015 14:38

For those thinking I'm after a pat on the back or glory, this is why I nc, plus people on here know alot about me and in rl.

I am a very regular poster and am not giving any more details but thank those with the suggestions.
i haven't always been politically minded, not always voted, know the basics but have learned so much since being on here.

I am particularly looking at donating so the people who need it will get it and not in favour of the large charities who only donate a fraction of what they receive.
Have also never been in the position to donate much before, only SA in their collection boxes.

OP posts:
Babyroobs · 10/05/2015 14:39

We didn't really need the DLA they said our ds was entitled too and the hundreds of extra pounds of tax credits each month that came with it, but we claimed it anyway and had a nice foreign holiday. yANBU if you want to give it away, it is up to you what you do with it.

YouMakeMyHeartSmile · 10/05/2015 14:41

I don't get why it would be unreasonable or why it warrants a thread. How is it any different to anyone else donating money they don't need to charity? We don't get any benefits and we donate a decent amount to charity each month rather than saving it for luxuries or holidays. Don't feel the need to start a thread saying 'Aibu to donate out excess salary to charity?'

CallMeExhausted · 10/05/2015 14:42

Donate it to the poor unfortunate paeons, but don't be so self-righteous about it.

It just might make people like me who live just above the cutoff for benefits but have a disabled child and have to travel to access care (at our own expense) just the tiniest hit stabby.

Aren't you extra special...

coffeecakeandgin · 10/05/2015 14:43

What are you expecting by the way of answers? Donate it, don't donate it, claim it, don't claim it, do what you want. On this occasion you obviously don't actually need it.

Very many people donate a lot quietly and without fanfare. I am not sure of the point of this thread.

CallMeExhausted · 10/05/2015 14:43

Hit = bit

WorraLiberty · 10/05/2015 14:43

Why do you need suggestions on where to donate your money to?

Is Google broken?

CallMeExhausted · 10/05/2015 14:45

* I don't get why it would be unreasonable or why it warrants a thread. *

Because the OP wanted everyone to either carry on about access to benefits or bow down to bask in her altruistic glory.

robynhood · 10/05/2015 14:48

worra Grin

I just thought posters may have charities that are close to their hearts, and also as its benefit money what other people think.
I will be back to original username after this and hopefully nobody will be any the wiser.
Some are area specific too, I imagine.

Thanks to those with the suggestions especially those for disabled children and equipment. Thanks

OP posts:
Littlemonstersrule · 10/05/2015 14:49

And people are moaning that reducing benefits will leave people to die, mmm yet two posters can do without the money and the thread only has 34 messages.

Not sure the need to brag about giving to charity, just do it without expecting a fanfare.

robynhood · 10/05/2015 14:52


I am so sorry, I didn't consider this Thanks
It really was a thread to gain some ideas, and if it's any consolation we are not a family of rich conservative supporters.
just trying to help.

OP posts:
fiveacres · 10/05/2015 14:53

Most of us give some of our money to some form of charity.

I don't see giving your benefit money as more worthwhile than me giving money I have earned to charity. Or anyone else for that matter.

mumofthemonsters808 · 10/05/2015 14:53

If you are able to donate your benefits I don't see the point in claiming them. I'd even go as far as to say, you should not be entitled to them, if you are in a financial position where you do not actually need the money.

LyingWitchInTheWardrobe2726 · 10/05/2015 14:55

Unless you've lived in a hedge for the last decade, you know there are local and national charities always seeking donations. As you described some of these in your OP, I'm baffled that you needed to ask... and that's why I say you're disingenuous. The only person doling out flowers on this thread is you... give them to yourself.

MangoJuggler · 10/05/2015 14:56

Local wildlife trust.

bigbluebus · 10/05/2015 14:57

How about giving it to a charity which you feel should be funded by the Government, but isn't (or not fully anyway) such as Hospices, Foodbanks or Homeless Shelters.

Those of you who say don't claim it if you don't need it, do you not think this skews the statistics slightly. The Statutory bodies have few enough statistics on the number of people with disabilities for example. It's like people doing unpaid overtime - it does give a true indication of the amount of work there is or the number of staff needed to do the work in reality. Just a thought and judging by some of the replies on here, I will get flamed for even thinking this, let alone writing it.

Horsemadbird · 10/05/2015 14:58

Virtue signalling.

AgentCooper · 10/05/2015 15:01

Eh, I think robyn's getting a bit of a hard time. If I were in her position, I'd probably want to know other people's opinions on whether I'd be better claiming and donating or not claiming at all. She's proposing to do something good (anonymously in terms of her MN life at least). I say good on you, OP. You're probably right that it wouldn't get re-allocated to someone in need. And I sure as fuck wouldn't want it to go towards another fucking gilet for Sam Cam.

DamnBamboo · 10/05/2015 15:01

If you don't need it, why are you claiming it.
I never claimed child benefit (when I was entitled to it) because I didn't need it.


DamnBamboo · 10/05/2015 15:02

Virtue signalling



DamnBamboo · 10/05/2015 15:04

It really was a thread to gain some ideas, and if it's any consolation we are not a family of rich conservative supporters


Oh FFS OP. Honestly, just fucking donate it to who you like, your choice! Clearly given the number of people who've voted Tory, most of them aren't rich!

Bowerby · 10/05/2015 15:05

Oh FFS, leave OP alone! She wants to do a nice thing and had some questions about it. Fair enough!

Threads like this remind me of the old maxim - if you haven't got anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.

OP - slightly controversial post for obvious reasons but I don't think you deserve the responses on here and fwiw I also think you've handled them well Thanks


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fiveacres · 10/05/2015 15:05

Donate it to the Labour Party.

Floralnomad · 10/05/2015 15:06

bigbluebus , in our case my DCs disablilty should not ,in the long term ,affect her ability to earn a living for herself and as someone else said upthread if you don't claim then you don't have to answer to anyone .

DamnBamboo · 10/05/2015 15:06

No she doesn't!
She wants to brag.
She's clearly not living under a rock is she.
If she can logon to mumset she can work out which charities to support, there are hundreds of worthwhile ones.

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