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Grrr, PIL trying to potty train ds.

31 replies

PotatoLetters · 17/02/2015 17:43

They are looking after ds today and apparently have left him nappy free because he will tell them when he needs a wee. Apart from he didn't and he wee'd on Sil (no kids, not immune to it like me!) He is 2.9 and we've tried to train him twice before. I know he needs to be trained but hes recently had a new sibling and I want to leave it a bit longer. AIBU to think this sort of thing needs prior organisation/discussion? Should I say something when they drop him off?

OP posts:
fluffyraggies · 17/02/2015 21:44

Oh god my mum would have you believe that i was P.trained by 14 months. (Every time MIL tells me about DH his walking, talking, P.trained age it gets a bit younger. Last time the story had him walking a mile up the road and then back when he was 1 Hmm)

Anyway - YANBU to want to deal with this in your own time. I did my older 3 DCs in the summer time nearest to them having turned 3, and it was done with each time within a week. I'll be doing the same with DD4. So much easier to wait till they are old enough to understand ''in there now from now on darling please, yes? Well done!!'' and they do it to please you Grin

fluffyraggies · 17/02/2015 21:46

a mile up the road and then back when he was 1 - just 1 - 11/12 months.

tobysmum77 · 17/02/2015 21:54

My friend has 3 dc and a mil who is obsessive about potty training. with dc1 she was Angry when mil did exactly this. With dc2 (newborn dc3 was just there, dc1 still bit at school) she barely noticed. Dc3 she says she's going to send round for a week as she has no idea about potty training at all Grin .

But yanbu to find this level of interference irritating. It's not their call pure and simple.

ElmerRocks · 17/02/2015 22:17

It would bother me!

Were they just trying to help though? Or do they generally interfere?
If they were genuinely trying to help I'd probably let it go this time.
If they have form for interfering and undermining you, I'd say something.

I am looking after my nephew this weekend, and will be trying to get him to use his potty while he is here BUT I have been asked if I mind keeping up the attempts. My DD has recently potty trained and my Sister is thinking that DN might have a go if he sees DD going on the potty.
However I wouldn't dream of it if she'd not asked me too. It's up to her when she potty trains her son, not me. He is showing signs of being ready, but seems reluctant to use the actual potty.

bubalou · 17/02/2015 22:26

I remember one little boy who wet himself at nursery and I found him crying in the bathroom shaking trying to hide the fact he had wet himself.

He said it was because he had an accident and was now going to get a smack. This is what was happening whilst 'training' him at home. Sad

Poor little thing. I don't think I've ever hugged a child so much in all my life.

I did then work shamelessly hard with him with loads of encouragement, stickers and special rewards etc to get him potty trained quickly as I couldn't bare the thought of him continuing to be smacked for such a thing at home.

Luckily it worked and he was almost completely accident free a week or two later.

ToriaPumpkin · 17/02/2015 22:35

My MIL kept pushing us to train DS. I tried, it didn't work, we waited until DD was a few months old and tried again and he got it but was still in nappies overnight for a while. Now the woman who made such a fuss (at every nappy change she told him he was too old for this, he should be using the potty etc etc) is reluctant to put him to bed without a nappy despite the fact he's been dry at night for a month. When he did have an accident one morning at her house she was delighted as it meant she was right. But then she also insists that boys are more likely to wet the bed than girls and that both her boys were clean and dry by 18 months, or is it 2 1/2?

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