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AIBU for kicking my husband out..

132 replies

natural123 · 10/01/2015 20:23

I've just come home to find my DH and his two friends huddled around the cat blowing spliff smoke in his face. I gave him his marching orders and told him not to come back. He knows not to smoke in the house, I think he was showing off. Am I being unreasonable not to let him back home?

OP posts:
JenMumma · 03/03/2019 23:24

Aslong as you have PLENTY of dreamies, cat will be fine.

Mckmck123 · 03/03/2019 16:07

Dh wants to kick adult ds out because he smokes cannibis in the garden and is addicted
Only problem he has broke his ankle but dh says he has had enough and didn’t care if he has nowhere to go
Do u think dh wrong at the mine t

Eekaman · 06/05/2016 10:02

This is both the funniest and most stupid post ever on MN.

Some of the incredible over reaction type posts are the funniest ever and the most stupid too.

And all over a wind up trolling thread, amazing.... :)

northernshepherdess · 02/05/2016 10:47

As an ex alcoholic, yes.
When the substance that causes so much harm is laughed off in any case, I get really frustrated.
I've sat here listening to people tell me it cures cancer... hell I've been told weed is better for a teething baby than calpol. .. just to justify the use of it. Confused

WorraLiberty · 01/05/2016 21:43

Weird post northernshepherdess

I'm sorry to hear your DH has such a problem with weed, but that doesn't mean everyone else does or should have.

Do you feel the same way about alcohol, because some people get addicted to it and others don't?

HostaFireandIce · 01/05/2016 21:39

Maybe Northernshepherdess did a google search like "If I blow weed in my cat's face, will the cat stay stoned forever?" and this thread popped up...?

blueskyinmarch · 01/05/2016 19:40


Where do people even find these threads?

northernshepherdess · 01/05/2016 19:40

DH is now finding other places to get it because I will absolutely not let him have it here... so I'm pretty much a single mum when it comes to who is responsible for the children.
Any misbehaviour from them is a reason for him to vanish. Phone off, straight to the dealer...
No harm done though... even though none of us know when he will even show up again. And if we aren't nice enough to him when he devides to call he will stay away for another day and another day etc

northernshepherdess · 01/05/2016 19:36

Fuming to see so many people so vehemently protecting weed as not being a problem.
I've just posted up about this very issue.
My DH has a min 10 year issue with weed.
Clearly you haven't seen someone punching walls and screaming at people because the dealer hasn't got any!
Maybe you should tell my DC that it's not a problem when her dad would rather leave her for a few days to get baked with anyone who can get some... or when one of his 18 year old friends comes round (DH is nr 40) and DH has had that much that he can't stand up, speak or function and is spewing up onto his own face but is too unconscious to move!
Maybe you can tell her the reason she has to have beans on toast for tea is because DH has snuck out of the house to go on a 5 hour binge with cash and car.
Maybe I'll be saying it to you when he drives back home barely able to stand up and smashes into one of your children?

AmarettoSour · 11/01/2015 12:28

My DP takes recreational drugs very occasionally even gasp in the house. If he ever thought it was a good idea to blow smoke in the cat's face he'd be out so fast his head would spin. Not that he would because he isn't 12.

ChippingInLatteLover · 11/01/2015 12:27



DawnMumsnet · 11/01/2015 12:25

Hi all,

We've had a number of reports about this thread.

Just letting you know that the OP has now deregged, so we'll probably never know if this was for real.

OP's cat, we hope you're okay. Smile

LuisSuarezTeeth · 11/01/2015 12:12

Sharon Shock what are you implying? Grin

ShumbTucker · 11/01/2015 12:09

Fake or not the weed wouldn't bother me if it wasn't a regular thing but if someone abused my dogs they would be out so fast the wouldn't know which way was up. Adults choosing to partake in substance abuse is their lookout but no one fucks about with my dogs.

sharonthewaspandthewineywall · 11/01/2015 12:05

I'm pretty sure there's evidence that links people starting threads about stoned cats to bridge dwelling

LuisSuarezTeeth · 11/01/2015 11:56

What about links between cannabis and antisocial behaviour in cats? Maybe that's what my cat is up to when I'm not looking.

Hairtodaygonetomorrow · 11/01/2015 11:16

Very easy to find links between cannabis and anti-social behaviour in young people. Of course, you don't know what is cause and effect- often people heavily into cannabis use have other problems, may live in deprivation etc.

Also, about half of all cannabis users use other more harmful legal drugs, again, I am not suggesting cause and effect but a correlational link that could be interpreted many ways.

I wouldn't be trying to claim they are directly caused, but it isn't hard to find evidence of a link.

BuzzardBird · 11/01/2015 11:09

That answer is not coming is it BIWI?

RandomNPC · 11/01/2015 11:03

This is obviously bullshit.

BIWI · 11/01/2015 10:58

So, OP. Are you new or are you a name-changer?

EhricLovesTheBhrothers · 11/01/2015 10:32

And I certainly don't think that cannabis causes no problems ever, that's not what I said. Resorting to straw men arguments isn't particularly helpful.

EhricLovesTheBhrothers · 11/01/2015 10:30

No honestly I'd love to know how cannabis use is linked to anti social behaviour. Alcohol, definitely - but cannabis?


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Shockers · 11/01/2015 10:27

Were they holding the cat, or was it just sitting there?

Will you ask your H, when you're having your conversation, what he would have done if the cat had had an adverse reaction to the smoke. Not knowing whether it was harmful to animals, he took a risk with your pet. Is he usually loving/kind with the cat?

Rootandbranch · 11/01/2015 10:27

Cannabis can cause psychosis. But it doesn't usually.

Just like cigarettes can cause cancer, and alcohol consumption can lead to addiction and death, but don't usually.

If you can tolerate your partner drinking it's quite hard to see why you'd get so upset about cannabis.

Rootandbranch · 11/01/2015 10:24

Oh and OP, you are massively over reacting.

As are many others on this thread.

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