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to wish nigela or someone on the BBC did a low carb show

77 replies

laurageordie · 19/10/2014 08:18

Just watched tom whots his name make a tart that contained a breichoe (*) a whole pack of butter and a whole pack of sugar. He said it tasted amazing, but that it hardly surprising!

I'd be more impressed if someone made food not laced in fat and sugar taste amazing, that would take skill.

Nigela probably is a low carber too, despite all her talk of her eating whatever she likes.

OP posts:
Bakeoffcakes · 19/10/2014 09:49

Agree with your post Capsium.

Is that a typo fluffy "2 and a half stone in just a couple of weeks"?

Surfsup1 · 19/10/2014 10:00

Have a look at Pete Evans - he's paleo (and rather dishy).

spilttheteaagain · 19/10/2014 10:17

I would prefer one of the tv chefs to do a vegetarian series, esp one where cheese was banned to force some actual creativity.

RiffyWammal · 19/10/2014 10:31

I would LOVE a paleo cooking show. I think HFW is toying with going paleo, from interviews I have heard.

Nomama · 19/10/2014 10:31

Only if the first 2 minutes of every show explained that carbs are not evil, are not just sugar and alcohol but also include some of those absolutely essential nutrients that every human needs to survive.

So that would be a dishy voice saying "Carbs, sadly misunderstood critters. Did you know they include vegetables? Did you know that non starch polysaccharides - a form of sugar - is essential to bowel health? You may know it by its old name, fibre"

Once all of that is done the celeb chef could cook just about anything they liked, fat laden like James Martin even!

capsium · 19/10/2014 10:37

Nomamaa low carb diet is not a no carb diet though, and includes plenty of vegetables! (and fibre) Low sugar refers to being low in the simplest forms of carbohydrate (monosaccharides).

Nomama · 19/10/2014 10:43

I know that, capsium. But there are plenty of others 'out there' who have a very warped idea about carbs, sugar etc.

Some of the most popular 'net' diets are very poorly researched. Some of the Paleo ones are barely any better than the mad Australian 'Sunlight and Air' woman!

capsium · 19/10/2014 10:49

Yes but I doubt a cookery show could be based around madness like that Nomama! People want to like the recipes...

mausmaus · 19/10/2014 10:53

well there was that lady who did some healthy recipes (she looks a bit like from the 50s)
the show unfortunately was dull as dull can be.

fluffyraggies · 19/10/2014 11:02

A few weeks backoff* :) (a couple is only 2 or 3 to me)

I think it was 8 or 9. Honestly. The weight fell off. My skin looked great and (after i got past the first 2/3 days i had no headaches, and you never fart on low carb) Also my capacity to eat allot of food in one sitting changed forever. Perhaps it makes a difference how many carbs you pack in during your normal diet. I am seriously addicted to bready foods and potato/pasta. So cutting them out did me the world of good.

I disagree that low carb has to be no carb. I kept having sugar in my tea and had fruit.

stubbornstains · 19/10/2014 11:07

Nigella's said that she low-carbs when she needs to lose weight.

Nomama · 19/10/2014 11:27

That's the starch effect, fluffy. Starchy carbs like potato, white bread, rice, pasta don't have the same chemical 'full' signal that protein does. Complex carbs do, but the bean effects puts some people off Smile

Then again, pulses are also protein heavy, so they are a win win food. Maybe we should be asking for a Rose Elliott show - or maybe not!!!

CoteDAzur · 19/10/2014 12:39

Bread, pasta, and rice are complex carbohydrates.

capsium · 19/10/2014 12:53

Cote not all versions. White bread etc contains simple carbohydrate. You need whole meal, seeded, wild rice etc. Far more fibre and less effective carbohydrate.

Nomama · 19/10/2014 13:00

But they are also starchy carbs, Cote. A low fibre content and relatively high GL they are not the best of carbs for nutrients or that full up feeling.

notinagreatplace · 19/10/2014 13:21

Nomama - pulses are higher in carbs than in protein. E.g. 100g of kidney beans has about 7g of protein but about 18g of carbs.

Low carbing clearly works for some people but it wouldn't work for me - carbs fill me up for a lot longer, not eating carbs has a dramatic effect on my mood (I feel tearful, anxious), and I just plain really enjoy bread, pasta, rice, couscous, potatoes.

I've lost 5% of my body weight in six weeks through portion control and exercise so I don't have much of an incentive to try something else anyway!

Nomama · 19/10/2014 13:35

I know, notinagreatplace. The protein content of pulses is what makes being veggy easier than many people expect. That % is not insignificant and does change the nature of pulses.

Eyespy24 · 19/10/2014 13:35

Google honestly healthy. There are cookery books, a website & recipes on YouTube. No TV show yet though.

specialsubject · 19/10/2014 14:35

Nigella's said that she low-carbs when she needs to lose weight.

....which implies that she gets fat again. So obviously diets don't work. Has she noticed?

ihatethecold · 19/10/2014 14:42

She puts it back on because she eats very fattening foods maybe?
Or large portions and doesn't exercise?
That doesn't mean low carbing doesn't work.

fluffyraggies · 19/10/2014 15:09

Dieting does work - in that it gets weight off.

What you do after that though ... ie: eat more calories than you burn, or not, is what makes you put the weight back on, or not.

But 'learning to eat healthily' is not the obvious fix it seems. I know full well what 'healthy eating' is but it's something i really struggle at. I'm not keen on fruit, veg or lean meat. I tend to not eat at all if there's nothing i fancy in the kitchen. Then i get hungry and irritable. Stupid i know.

However, having done the hard work to get weight off i do try to keep an eye on my weight - then cut out the carbs for a bit again if i feel my waist band is getting tight. Over the years it's a strategy that's worked.

EnchanciaAnthem · 19/10/2014 15:39

There is nothing wrong with 'good' carbs. I've recently lost 2 stone in 3 months eating weetabix, wholemeal pittas, rice and baked potatoes on a daily basis. And I wasn't massively overweight. I've gone from 11st to 9st.


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fluffyraggies · 19/10/2014 15:43

What did you cut out then enchancia? And how much of it did you eat before?

riverboat1 · 19/10/2014 15:46

Nigella's style and image is all about indulgence. I don't think shed be the right person at all to do a low carbing show.

I would like to see a cooking show focused on low calorie meals though.

Mintyy · 19/10/2014 15:53

Agree, I'd love to see a good cookery series with an emphasis on healthy every day meals. Hugh F-W's recipes are nice but a bit poncey sometimes.

I like Gizzy Erskine.

Agree that it is boring to watch non-stop cake and baking programmes and Nigella licking melted chocolate off her fingers and winking at the camera.

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