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How foolish was I to believe this Amazon email.

75 replies

wakeupandsmellthecoffee · 01/08/2014 13:16

They sent an email this morning saying they were going to deliver my item this morning .

I was really pleased as I hardly ever get myself something .

I am approx 2 ft from My front door .My DH has been outside fixing the car for the last two and a half hours with our DS.No vans have gone past at all .
They have just sent me an email saying they tried to deliver but failed .

Seriously can't abide liars.

OP posts:
punter · 01/08/2014 14:57

DPD are great in our area get a text giving one hour window with options to change day/time or leave with neighbour. Never failed.

DoctorTwo · 01/08/2014 15:02

I used to be a courier and it's harder than it looks. Some routes will have 100 delivery stops and 40 or so collections, and you have at most ten hours to fit them all in. When you couple that with a well known electronic goods manufacturer sending out packages addressed to Name, Holly Cottage, Dorking RH5 4zz, or even completely omitting the town, mixing Leeds with Leeds Castle (Leeds Castle was first on the list of drop down options on the system, apparently. So the LS postcode would be turned into ME17). Sometimes there would be a phone number, which helped, as I could arrange delivery, very often to a different address.

I understand your frustration, specially at the liars. There's absolutely no excuse for that. And no, it's not a job I'd go back to.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee · 01/08/2014 17:09

They said they would deliver by 9pm tonight. We will wait and see.

OP posts:
Nomama · 01/08/2014 17:24

Our Hermes lady says much the same, DoctorTwo. That's why she is now a Hermes lady. Own car, country lane route and she also does the sorting and tells them when they are wrong... she finds the number of parcels that make it to her rather than their proper postcode is astounding.

She came out on Sundays long before Amazon started, because she could guarantee more people would be in than had been on the Saturday! I moved, I miss her.

Mind you the City Link bod this morning was great. Brought the fairly heavy parcel in, put it in the kitchen, right way up and everything. He seems to be lovely too!

coffeeinbed · 01/08/2014 17:26

They used to be good with deliveries.
Not anymore.

they have their own logistics company and they are utter rubbish.

Ohhelpohnoitsa · 01/08/2014 17:27

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MedusaIsHavingaBadHairday · 01/08/2014 17:31

Parcel Force delivered my parcel this morning... I was sitting within 2 feet of the front door, and watched the van arrive.. and my delivery was dumped on the drive way 2 feet from the road! No knock at the door! I am not impressed....

ViviPru · 01/08/2014 17:33

I was sat on the loo the other day, facing the front door when a "we attempted to deliver your parcel" dropped through the letterbox and landed about a two metres from my feet. Err, perhaps if you had RUNG THE OBVIOUS DOORBELL or used the OBVIOUS KNOCKER your delivery attempt might have been more successful, you tit. He was off down the drive and away in his van before I'd even managed to get my keks up.

ViviPru · 01/08/2014 17:34

were you on the kharzi too, Medusa?!

Pickelback · 01/08/2014 18:38

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Booboostoo · 01/08/2014 18:41

It seems to be the latest con by deliveries. I've had this twice now with international deliveries. The track and trace system shows the recipient was not in so the sender cannot complain but they never bothered to try delivering. I am waiting for a parcel in Greece at the moment. The trace system says they tried to deliver on Wednesday and I was not in (lie and no card) and that they would try again next day (yesterday, but no attempt). I called DHL today, they said it was with a company called Porta Porta, I called them, they said it was actually with Elta Post, I called them and they had it but at their depot and confirmed no attempted delivery. They could not suggest a delivery date but gave me their depot number...which no one picks up. Four phone calls and endless queues later still no parcel.

I also had one company insist they had delivered so I had to go through the process of getting a copy of the signed note...the signature was the name of the village! I then had to convince them that this was not a person and no one had actually signed for it. It was a nightmare of paperwork to get the insurance money.

mousmous · 01/08/2014 18:53

I get the same with parcelfarce.
funnily enough it's always large(ish) parcels from abroad. no card no nothing but the tracker says 'delivery attempt failed'. after a couple of weeks we then get a letter (!!!) saying they couldn't deliver because the adress was incomplete. such a farce.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee · 01/08/2014 19:27

Shall we take bets on them not turning up .

OP posts:
wakeupandsmellthecoffee · 01/08/2014 21:08


OP posts:
wakeupandsmellthecoffee · 01/08/2014 21:10


My name is Hasham and I'm the Supervisor with whom you had a conversation today.

As discussed, a delivery attempt would be made today before 9 PM for the Order No: 203-1084369-0659506.

I hope this helps and appreciate your patience.

We look forward seeing you soon again.

Did I solve your problem?

If yes, please click here: c=egaetevr3728552049&q=ukpf

If no, please click here: c=egaetevr3728552049&q=ukpf

If you need further assistance, please visit:

Warmest regards,

Hasham Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company.

OP posts:
NormHonal · 01/08/2014 21:13

I order from Amazon at least a few times a week and rarely have problems, I promise.

Only once or twice have I had the "we will deliver today" email and not received it. They even deliver to us on Sundays now - if you order on Saturday. Which is pretty flipping amazing and hugely helpful WRT School homework.

I have had one or two deliveries (out of thousands) with someone else's stuff included by mistake. Maybe that's happened?

EthicalPickle · 01/08/2014 21:17

Try the amazon live chat option. It's always worked really well for me.

dustdragon · 01/08/2014 21:26

I've been a very happy and frequent Amazon customer for years....until recently when they started using Amazon Logistics. Previously the couriers would leave deliveries at the side of my house under cover, super fast deliveries, absolutely no problems.

Amazon Logistics first delivery left a small parcel that could have been put through the letter box with a random neighbour. I complained to Amazon, they told me to enter my safe place to leave deliveries on the website and in future Amazon Logistics would know not to leave with a neighbour, next order they ignored my instructions and left with a different neighbour. Third order - same thing happened.

Despite previously being very happy with Amazon, I won't use them again now. The deliveries are a really big issue for me as I work shifts and cant always collect from the neighbours so if Amazon can't/won't just leave the items in a very safe place I will shop elsewhere.

coffeeinbed · 01/08/2014 21:26

Or the call me.
They will ring you on the number you give them.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee · 01/08/2014 21:34

Just got off the phone from them .
It's only the fact that the driver lied that has made me so frustrated .I cannot abide liars .
They are going to deliver to.morrow between six and nine as I'm working tomorrow.
I did get a goodwill voucher from them which is nice but not the point .Let's see what tomorrow brings .

OP posts:
coffeeinbed · 01/08/2014 21:53

I once had "address unaccessible" as reason not to have the parcel delivered.

It's an ordinary house on an ordinary street, not a moat surrounded castle in the middle of a remote island.

EthicalPickle · 01/08/2014 22:19

I'm a big amazon shopper and in all the years I've used them I've never had a delivery problem - i have issues with them allowing blatantly fake reviews to stand but delivery wise I'm happy.

Good luck for tomorrow OP.


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FatherSpodoKomodo · 01/08/2014 22:38

I ordered something for my DSs birthday in late June. His birthday was a few days later. It said dispatch date was July, but I wasn't bothered.

I never got a dispatch notice, and then forgot with a busy few weeks that I hadn't received his present.

Went out one day and noticed a package behind a tyre on our driveway. Note on it said it had been dispatched 25th June, so it had been sitting there for 3 weeks! No note through the door to tell me though. Obviously I was expected to use my psychic powers!

Good job it wasn't in a box as it would have disintegrated in the rain.

GatoradeMeBitch · 02/08/2014 01:35

My Yodel couriers always deliver, but they seem so stressed and over worked. I see them literally run from the van down the path and I run to get to the door so they aren't kept waiting. Then they fling the parcel at me and run off again. I feel quite sorry for them!

SqueakySqueak · 02/08/2014 02:42

Here in America, they just leave the packages at your door and leave. But I'm normally around on delivery day and can bring it inside. If not, our neighbors are pretty good about keeping an eye out for each other and I've never had one go missing.

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