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To wonder what puts you off a thread in AIBU and probably means YABU as a result?

76 replies

Vintagejazz · 24/06/2014 14:03

For me it is a long opening post running to several paragraphs, with heaps of back story and confusing references and a cast of thousands including friends A,B,C, and D.

Yes IABU because I know the OP sometimes wants to give full details to get the best replies and to avoid being accused of drip feeding. But I usually click out of those threads as soon as I see the length of the opening post.

OP posts:
Suzannewithaplan · 25/06/2014 12:24

A litany of 'he said, she said' can be tiresome.

A summary will suffice, we don't need a verbatim account.

Suzannewithaplan · 25/06/2014 12:22

If a post lacks paragraphs I make no attempt to read it.

I'm not sure if that indicates a cognitive deficit on my part?

Suzannewithaplan · 25/06/2014 12:18

Inability to be concise puts me off, as does glaringly bad grammar and sentence construction.

Summerbreezing · 25/06/2014 11:29

Some smokers and SUV drivers can get a bit hysterical and screechy when anyone criticises them. I have quietly crept off a few of those threads.

I love a good P&T parking thread though Smile

sillystring · 24/06/2014 19:36

The Wendy thing is ridiculous. There was a thread about 6 months ago and within minutes there were about 50 replies saying the same thing which was "You've been WENDIED OP!!!!" even though it didn't seem that way to me at all. It actually sounded like the OP was having trouble accepting that her 3 friends got on better with each other than they did with her, these things happen in life sometimes, but the replies were saying things like "they are bitches/cunts/a coven of witches" and then suggesting a load of revenge porn on 3 women the MNetters had never met in their lives. I was shocked at the vitriol directed towards complete strangers who had done nothing wrong.

PrincessBabyCat · 24/06/2014 19:26

Things that put me off:

  • Titles that are "Is it me or DP?" or anything along the lines of them vs. dp with no other clue in the thread title.

  • Opening posts that are too long or walls of text with no paragraphs.

  • Too much back story, I'd rather OPs drip feed (although I realize I'm not the majority on this).

  • Reverse AIBU's that don't even try to put themselves in the other person's shoes. "Am I being unreasonable to not give up my seat to a disabled person who was clearly struggling, when all I wanted to do was play on my phone?". It really makes me want to "YABU" just out of spite.

  • Personally, I'm a bit bored of the "AIBU to be upset that my abusive DP is yet again doing an asshole thing that pisses me off?".

In any case, I mostly ignore people in the threads that annoy me. Sometimes I engage if I think it could be an interesting dialogue.
PerpendicularVincenzo · 24/06/2014 19:16

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Smilesandpiles · 24/06/2014 18:52

and OP's where all they have to do is google the bloody answer to their question.

Smilesandpiles · 24/06/2014 18:50

Threads where to op makes no sense whatsoever, it starts off as a normal parking thread which then turns into a lemon drizzle bunfight, with googling blue waffle dragons, grammar police, benefit bashing with a hearty dose of MNHQ warnings and deletions of perfectly ok posts but leave ths wasdfggnaiurhf9aoo;ewkrfnjb rgusyefruaoiewkrmj4nthgbpf9askdmpwogifhb vk ahewuifapek4iagf[a0ewriutyg34t jriugspr and a hot dog.

taxi4ballet · 24/06/2014 18:50

Threads with 800+ replies in the hour since it started - life's too short to wade through that lot!

Redcoats · 24/06/2014 18:48

More than 100 posts puts me off in case it gets pulled before ive caught Up.
If I'm commiting to a long thread I need to know how it ends.

CoffeeTea103 · 24/06/2014 18:46

Threads where the op writes as a child Hmm not cute, not funny. Reminds me of people who set up fb pages for their 1 year old.

Long winded posts written as one long sentence.

wildfig · 24/06/2014 18:41

I secretly like it when 'WIBU to save this kitten from drowning?' smug threads become 'AIBU? YABU! No, AWNBU! Yes, YWBU!' stand-offs as the judgemental masses find reasons that the OP actually should have minded her own business and left the kitten to drown, the interfering cow.

Smilesandpiles · 24/06/2014 18:40

I just had to go back on my phone to post that. It's been playing up all evening and I was praying that was going to work.

I'm back on the laptop now so that should be the end of it.

MooMaid · 24/06/2014 18:38


Smilesandpiles · 24/06/2014 18:37

Threads where posters end up making the same point over and over again..

Smilesandpiles · 24/06/2014 18:37

Threads where posters end up making the same point over and over again..

Smilesandpiles · 24/06/2014 18:37

Threads where posters end up making the same point over and over again..

MooMaid · 24/06/2014 18:30

Cliquey threads hack me off, you know when someone asks Aibu to ask where all the oldies/regulars have gone. It's as if, if you haven't been on MN for ages you're no-one. That feels like stealth boosting in itself

Bicciemoosh · 24/06/2014 18:26

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PunkrockerGirl · 24/06/2014 18:14

No paragraphs, I just can't be bothered to try and decipher them.

And yes to the ones about boys wearing dresses. Just wrong.

Corygal · 24/06/2014 17:57

Anything whiny or involving a teenager with worryingly low life skills: "AIBU to get my 18 yr old off FB and teach him to blow his nose?"

Anything that includes the phrase "I am sat here crying my eyes out."


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Writerwannabe83 · 24/06/2014 17:51

"When I get three lines in and realise I don't care....."

Brilliant Grin

I also hate the ones about boys wearing dresses.

Bicciemoosh · 24/06/2014 17:33

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slithytove · 24/06/2014 17:09

No paragraphs

'Suck you in' titles followed by a boring OP Grin

I also hate the non aibus - "Aibu to ask you this" - YABU to ask here certainly.

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