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To be annoyed that MIL is only giving us £300,000?

160 replies

WeddedBliss · 11/06/2014 20:10

OK, so hypothetically.

We were having that 'What would you do if you won £80 million on the lottery?' conversation.

MIL said she'd love to be able to set her family up for life. That dh and DBIL would obviously be first on the list, and she'd give them £300k each.

£300k? Really? You're only giving your two sons £300k each out of friggin £80 million? I'd be giving my best friend more than that if it were me, never mind my dc.

AIBU to think she's being really stingy?

OP posts:
TumbleweedOnspeed · 14/06/2014 16:57

She's thinking along sensible lines.

I think a reasonable amount is enough to buy everyone a house each, upgrade their car, settle their children with education trust funds,Mohave a holiday, and give the rest to charity.
Being mortgage free makes the biggest difference to people's lives. You need to continue working or doing omethong equally useful, otherwise after you've bought all the dream material things you've craved and worked for all your life, you'll have nothing left to want, and you'll become bored and restless.

£300k won't even buy you a flat in London will it? Whereas it would buy a farmhouse & acres up north.

Suddenly coming into excessive wealth when you have no prior experience of such, can be potentially damaging to a person. Believe it or not, it can also feel like a burden.

nicename · 14/06/2014 15:59

Objection - but I don't live in Spain!

Hang on, I didn't buy a lottery ticket either.


AgentSchraeder · 14/06/2014 09:38

So, when I win my 100mil I'm giving my siblings plus my close friends 1m each, if they have children I would put 1m in a trust fund for each child too. Parents would get 5m (I probably "borrowed" around that much as a teenager anyway). Siblings would all get big house and car too. Would pay for family to go on awesome holiday, and perhaps give everyone a holiday home wherever they wanted.

I'd buy myself a modest home, only spending 1-2mil. It would have a pool, of course. Of have a gardener, cleaner and probably PA. I'm not interested in cars so I would just have something environmentally friendly. I would set up several charities both here and abroad.

And then I would have a fucking massive shopping spree and buy ALL the clothes. All of them.

Objection · 14/06/2014 08:06

Someone in Spain won £110mil last night! Can you imagine??

LongTailedTit · 13/06/2014 23:22

Grin Loving the sound of your scooter Fan! It could have those blue lights under the chassis too, and a massaging seat. :)

If I won the jackpot, we'd pay off all our siblings mortgages, then give them all lump sums - reckon if it was a huuuuuge win we'd keep half for us and the DC, and divvy the other half up between siblings and parents. Spread the joy around etc, there's only so many millions you can spend after all.
I have one DSis and DH has two brothers, we each have one remaining parent, so equal amounts to all.

300k out an £8M win is flipping ruuuude.

FanFuckingTastic · 13/06/2014 21:48

Oh yeah, and a totally blinged up mobility scooter, like sparkly and purple with leopard print comfy chair.

CrapBag · 13/06/2014 21:45

Yes I'd definitely have good staff that were well paid. I like the lodge idea, I'll do that thanks. Grin

Then I will go and do some voluntary work, in a school, maternity unit, something like that where they need people to help out but I won't have to be qualified and I'll probably do some courses just for fun, that I have always been interested in but wouldn't lead to anything.

I can't wait for this life to begin. Grin

FanFuckingTastic · 13/06/2014 21:45

I'd tell my mum straight away and let her handle it, I'm totally shit with money. Giving me 100m would be totally stupid, I'd do crazy things. Mum will be more sensible and sort out trusts and grown up stuff like that. So yeah, I'd say I'm in a syndicate with my mum, that way she can keep me on the straight and narrow.

She's doing the same thing with her will. My brother and sister get lump sums, mine goes into trust and things are more specified, so I don't go mad and spend all the kids inheritance.

I'd ask mum for what I wanted, a big house in the country with some land and stables, some horses and ponies, with a groom employed.

A chef, personal trainer (which means I need a big indoor pool, plus a sauna and jacuzzi), a live in masseuse and beauty therapist (and a float tank like they have at the parlour), maids for the housework, an overnight nanny for the kids when I'm ill, a PA for organising my life, carers who would be paid generously instead of the pittance I pay them now, private healthcare, a holiday home in Florida, a chauffeur because I can't drive, private schooling for the kids, music lessons for all of us (I'd like to learn the cello in particular). I'd write and publish my own books, just because I've always wanted to.

So yeah, mum being in charge would be good. Do would a financial advisor probably.

daisychain01 · 13/06/2014 21:27

Oops no doubt about it

daisychain01 · 13/06/2014 21:27

Wedded, your MIL squeaks when she walks, no double about it. Time to plan your revenge!

daisychain01 · 13/06/2014 21:25

Crapbag, I do like the idea of staff. Its good to increase employment, and give opportunity if the money is to be put to good use. And they could be very well cared for, maybe have their own lodge on the estate, nice car as part of the deal. Not thru'pence ha'penny like The Queen pays her staff.

I was only thinking today, I really would like to help my cleaner out, she is such a sweetie, she enjoys our cuppa and a chat and is a lone parent with a son, so Id want to give them some money so she wouldnt have to worry... But then I think if I do that, will she think I'm her benefactor and it might make her feel 'beholden' not in a nice way.

Bloody money it really is a pain!

ithoughtofitfirst · 13/06/2014 21:21

Sick! 300,000? what an absolute piss take.

CrapBag · 13/06/2014 21:16

I'd buy the relatives I trust and care about a house and car, nice holiday together.

That's Dsis 1 and her family, trust fund for nephew, 2 DBros, dad, my GPs (who would probably try and refuse anything - no you will take my money you selfish people Wink). Probably it from the family, I don't trust the rest. They will fall out with me/bitch about me etc etc so they get fuck all with my millions .

ILS get exactly the amount they have helped and contributed to our lives, probably about a tenner each. Grin Sorry DH (but he would probably agree with me).

I'd have a house, not too big, good 5/6 bedrooms.
Another child (DC3)
A horse and someone to look after it
A collection of sports cars
A villa in Florida and maybe Spain or somewhere like that
Some nice holidays, spend the summer travelling America
Private education for the kids and trust funds for when they are 25
I'd be well groomed at all times, go to the salon once a week for facials, nails, hair etc.
Fuck off big shopping spree in somewhere like New York, Paris, London.
Let the kids go a little bit mad for once, choosing some toys.
DH would want various rooms dedicated to memoribilia (like Star Trek, Liverpool etc Hmm, guess who isn't having control of the money)

The I'd live off the interest and give to various charities. Probably children/animals and research into certain illnesses that have affected me.

I have thought about this a lot.

Oh and I'd help 1 friend who always has shit luck. The rest, I actually wouldn't as life has taught me that friends don't seem to last so I don't want to waste my money on them. Before DH and I said we would buy a big community so all our friends could live in one place, then we stopped talking to many of them so it would have been awkward having to live with them, glad we didn't win a couple of years ago. Grin

Oh and OP, your MIL is a selfish cow, tell her she'll get a grand. Wink

daisychain01 · 13/06/2014 21:10

Bogey, that's so funny, you'd have enough to set them really comfortably ... in New Zealand. No danger of surprise returns. They could live near my rely's!

daisychain01 · 13/06/2014 21:07

Oops DP wouldn't care less...

daisychain01 · 13/06/2014 21:05

DP and I have had many a fantasy conversation about "what we'd do if we won a few million on the lottery" and we think we'd carry on more or less as we are now. I think it would be such a stress, which is maybe why many big winners end up unhappy. Its so difficult dealing with that much money, it does change relationships, people read into things and you start to question who your friends are.

We'd be frightened of upsetting the fine balance of what we have now. We aren't loaded by any means but we are grateful not to worry about the mortgage unless the rates seriously increase more than 3% Id never see anyone I love without, so maybe we would just use it as bale out money to help people out.

Bill and Melinda Gates have already prepared their kids not to expect a big inheritance. I think they are very wise.

The other scarey thing is that people do read into what you give them money-wise - it's their way of measuring how much you care about them compared to other people. No matter how fair you try to be, you can bet your bottom dollar someone will take offence, and I know Id get all stressed out (DP would care less! I think men are more business like maybe).

Bogeyface · 13/06/2014 19:55

If I won millions myself, I might be generous enough to pay for my relatives to go and live abroad as I'm sure they'd like that

I, on the other hand, would pay DH's relatives to live abroad and stay there, we would like that very much! 1 is already abroad, 4 to go.....

Treasures · 13/06/2014 17:48



Right now, £300,000 would be enough for me, it would get me where I need to be in life. That'd do.

If I won millions myself, I might be generous enough to pay for my relatives to go and live abroad as I'm sure they'd like that.

ladydepp · 13/06/2014 17:48

Toomuchtooold - omg your post made me laugh!! "Roast the nerves" - I love it! I have 2 ds's and have always thought I will be the PERFECT MIL (my MIL is irritating beyond belief) but now I am thinking I might need to do some nerve roasting for my own amusement! Grin

toomuchtooold · 12/06/2014 21:42

Seeing as it's only hypothetical, she could've been really generous and said she'd give you half. It's not like she's actually going to have to front up with it. She must be trying to wind you up. Bloody mother in laws. Ah man, only reason I'm sad I didn't have any boys is that I don't ever get to roast the nerves of some poor daughter in law. Unless one of the wee ones bats for the other team. Somehow though it won't be the same.

MorrisZapp · 12/06/2014 21:35

Surely having a wealthy MIL is always going to pay dividends though, well in excess of the comparatively small gift. She'll be showering you and yours with goodies until she shuffles off, and then it's super payday.

So cheer up.

thesaurusgirl · 12/06/2014 21:20

The Middletons have a good front for hiding a lottery win (I'm not saying that's what their business is): they have a retail website (so no way for an outsider to monitor traffic and sales as would be the case if they actually had shop premises) and their company is a limited liability partnership, so they're not obliged to disclose their accounts.

As I'm not going to qualify as a barrister any time soon, I think this will be the road I go down on Saturday Grin.


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thesaurusgirl · 12/06/2014 21:14

I've posted on here before about a friend of a friend who has won one of the "smaller" Euromillions prizes.

She's a barrister and has kept the lucrative career cover story and her nameplate in chambers even though she no longer has a practice.

The bar is full of family money and the newly minted so no-one thinks it odd.

I would love to have her life and I would love to have people think I'm really, really good at my job Grin.

Objection · 12/06/2014 20:58

I'll look into the probate thanks. And yes to legal matters, I meant to but never got round to it.

I don't think my great uncle was deliberately misleading me; he's also estranged from my Dad. My mum said he was very scatty and very lazy when she knew him, so that may play a part.

Thanks bogey!

Bogeyface · 12/06/2014 20:39

Oh and do you have a copy of the SRA letter?

If you dont then ask for one from your great uncle, it may be that he misinformed you.

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