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WIBU to paint our bedroom orange?

55 replies

matildasquared · 11/05/2014 12:46

We got a bit of wall replastered in our bedroom and now we're getting ready to paint over the boring, dingy magnolia. I'm going to sew new curtains too, and there's a neutral rug.

To give a bit of context, I love to paint. Since we've moved in I've painted the living room coral/peach, the kitchen teal, the basement yellow, and the bathroom seafoam green. It's a dark terraced house so we try to make things bright.

At first my husband said I had free rein for the bedroom so I was thinking sky blue... lilac... But then this morning he confessed he really really

Orange. Orange. He wants zig-zaggy orangey curtains too.

I can't get my head round it. Orange bedroom? I can tell he really wants it but orange.

Could an orange bedroom work?

OP posts:
squoosh · 12/05/2014 17:47

Orange walls sound hideous.

matildasquared · 12/05/2014 17:48


OP posts:
jamaisjedors · 16/05/2014 16:20

Any updates? If you're still on orange and purple, some ideas here:

Ericaequites · 16/05/2014 17:21

Choose a paint color one or two shades lighter than you wish the walls to appear. My brother had a very orange room c1974. It was lurid at night with the lights on. Someone once stopped to tell us the room was on fire.

Stinkle · 16/05/2014 17:26

My DD talked me into painting her bedroom bright orange during her 'Orange Phase'.

I only did one wall, it looked bloody awful, it glowed when the lights were on and was an absolute bastard to paint over when she finally came to her senses

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