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WIBU to paint our bedroom orange?

55 replies

matildasquared · 11/05/2014 12:46

We got a bit of wall replastered in our bedroom and now we're getting ready to paint over the boring, dingy magnolia. I'm going to sew new curtains too, and there's a neutral rug.

To give a bit of context, I love to paint. Since we've moved in I've painted the living room coral/peach, the kitchen teal, the basement yellow, and the bathroom seafoam green. It's a dark terraced house so we try to make things bright.

At first my husband said I had free rein for the bedroom so I was thinking sky blue... lilac... But then this morning he confessed he really really

Orange. Orange. He wants zig-zaggy orangey curtains too.

I can't get my head round it. Orange bedroom? I can tell he really wants it but orange.

Could an orange bedroom work?

OP posts:
Stinkle · 16/05/2014 17:26

My DD talked me into painting her bedroom bright orange during her 'Orange Phase'.

I only did one wall, it looked bloody awful, it glowed when the lights were on and was an absolute bastard to paint over when she finally came to her senses

Ericaequites · 16/05/2014 17:21

Choose a paint color one or two shades lighter than you wish the walls to appear. My brother had a very orange room c1974. It was lurid at night with the lights on. Someone once stopped to tell us the room was on fire.

jamaisjedors · 16/05/2014 16:20

Any updates? If you're still on orange and purple, some ideas here:

matildasquared · 12/05/2014 17:48


OP posts:
squoosh · 12/05/2014 17:47

Orange walls sound hideous.

WilsonFrickett · 12/05/2014 17:34
KirstyJC · 12/05/2014 17:29

Has he been checked for colour-blindness?Grin

If you make purple curtains then there might be enough fabric left over for that harem outfit.....

matildasquared · 12/05/2014 15:04

No, he's not messing with me!

He's naturally drawn to bright, bold patterns and cheery colours. I've encouraged him to choose something he fancies (after I vetoed his idea of brown and yellow tiling in the bathroom).

What the heck, it's only paint! We can redo it if it's awful.

OP posts:
Spottybra · 12/05/2014 14:56

My 4yr old chose orange. His room is south facing. It's taken awhile but I'm used to it now.

MissMilbanke · 12/05/2014 14:51

Is he messing with you ?

matildasquared · 12/05/2014 14:48

Another talk this morning. He wants purple curtains.

Hold me.

OP posts:
Snatchoo · 12/05/2014 08:41

I like orange. Go for it!

I compromised on out bedroom, I wanted ballet-shoe pink. We settled on Tiffany blue. DH knows not to just agree now without looking when he said yes to a colour for the kitchen and then realised he didn't like it.

BlackeyedSusan · 12/05/2014 07:41

I had an orange bedroom with a tangerine orange gloss bedroom door. in the 70s

matildasquared · 12/05/2014 05:59

Oh Kirsty, yes definitely with the outfit. I'll save some fabric from the curtains.

OP posts:
yomellamoHelly · 11/05/2014 20:59

Ds has orange. With a cream carpet and lots of cream accessories. Lots of different textures. Is lovely.

CountessVronsky · 11/05/2014 20:54

Paint is an experiment. Go mad. What's the worst that can happen?

We're just about to re-paint our guest bedroom, currently pink, a Georgian green. I may well hate it.

RiverTam · 11/05/2014 20:50

it doesn't sound at all restful, though perhaps that's not what he's after!

meganorks · 11/05/2014 20:47


I used to have an orange bedroom - hand me down from my brother. Drove me mad. Was so happy to get rid. Never again!

KirstyJC · 11/05/2014 20:06
attheendoftheday · 11/05/2014 19:45

Our bedroom an orange wall, but it's a terracotta shade. It's meant to be a moroccan style. It's restful and I like it.

Bright pumpkin orange might be a bit much.

matildasquared · 11/05/2014 18:39

Thanks for the links! I've sent them all to my husband.

OP posts:
matildasquared · 11/05/2014 18:35

Oh, apricot and peachy oranges. Yes, I like that a lot actually. With some gold accents.

I'm starting to feel better.

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RevoltingPeasant · 11/05/2014 18:15

It is a bit like the show room in this picture

RevoltingPeasant · 11/05/2014 18:14

OP we moved into our house a year ago so still coping with previous owners' taste, but they did a lovely room with one deep terracotta wall and all the rest soft peach, with a cream carpet and white fittings. It is actually lovely and warm.

Dulux do a range of "xx whites" as in, whites with a touch of colour. Our kitchen is currently apricot white and again, it looks lovely and warm. So you could mix a feature wall with white walls using a warm white, picking up the warmth of the orange but not overpowering.

BertieBotts · 11/05/2014 18:08

I think you could do morroccan. Oranges and browns. Could be really warming and nice.

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