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AIBU to think 21 degrees is sundress weather ??

75 replies

Alfiedoggy · 04/05/2014 22:01

AIBU to wear a sundress when we go on holiday if the weather is 21 degrees ?? Or should I be thinking more jeans ?? Help ! Dh being useless and packing dilemma :/!!

OP posts:
Dwerf · 04/05/2014 23:50

Along the canal.

I melt at 25 degrees, that's a fact.

Yambabe · 05/05/2014 01:02

21 is vest top, shorts and flipflops for me. Maybe a light cotton shirt over the vest for part of the day to cover up and avoid burning.

But I live in the frozen north.......

SelfconfessedSpoonyFucker · 05/05/2014 01:11

21 is winter weather where I live :) I do wear sundresses during the day in winter, but I wear a cardi (long or short sleeved) over them and sometimes leggings underneath.

Alfiedoggy · 05/05/2014 06:25

Thanks guys ! I think I'm going for sundress , cardi and bring a jacket ? I just didn't want to look ridiculous !!!!!!! ( been known to happen before !!!)

OP posts:
RedFocus · 05/05/2014 06:54

I'm a southerner and I don't like it when it gets too hot but I didn't like the chill when I lived in Lincolnshire either. I am happy in Hampshire though and the temp suits me just fine.
As for the ops question a sundress with a cardi is perfectly suitable for me in 21 degrees.

tiredbutstillsmiling · 05/05/2014 08:47

Today I'm in a maxi dress and short sleeves cardi and too temp will only be 16! I'm not even a northerner - proud Midlander here. DD dressed in cropped leggings and DH in cropped jeans. They'll take fleeces though whereas I'm in sandals (27 weeks pg and my bump is my own hot water bottle).

21 degrees is gorgeous. Went to South of France invest I was on maternity and that was the average - was in bikinis and the pool every day!!

tiredbutstillsmiling · 05/05/2014 08:49

alfie can you check weather before you go? I'd inly take a jacket if it threatened rain. Apart from that cardi's all the way!

Marylou62 · 05/05/2014 09:21

My DH and I went to spain in mid November for his big birthday. It was lovely weather and we had shorts and tshirts and flipflops on. (left England cold and rainy!) WE got a bus and all the locals has gloves, hats, coats, fur boots on etc. Boy did we feel underdressed!!

Mrsjayy · 05/05/2014 10:02

I am also in scotland jeez 21 degrees is a bloody heatwave

Mrsjayy · 05/05/2014 10:03

i was inspain last year it was 22 in march we had shorts on. the locals had jumpers on but that is besides the point Grin

Bunbaker · 05/05/2014 10:08

21 degrees would get me out of my socks. I would wear a short sleeved dress and take a cardigan if sitting in the shade.
25 degrees and above is sundress/bikini/skimpy clothes weather. - Pennine dweller, but originally a softie southerner.

HighwayDragon · 05/05/2014 10:12

It was 15 here yesterday, I was in cropped trousers a vest, and I'm burnt Blush

OTheHugeManatee · 05/05/2014 10:26

Sundress yes, but take warmer things for the evenings. It's unlikely to be an even 21 degrees all the time.

WitchWay · 05/05/2014 10:29

16C here on Saturday, lovely & sunny. I wore shorts in the garden with a thin long-sleeved top. I was gardening so moving around.

21C might be cool if shoulders uncovered if there's a breeze but with a cardigan fine.

frogslegs35 · 05/05/2014 11:08

I've been sunbathing on the balcony here (E Europe) at 20 degree's :)

That said, I wouldn't walk the streets in my sun dress until around 28 degree's or else I'll be looked at like this > Shock and attract the attention of random older ladies telling me it's freezing still Hmm
It happened yesterday because I was wearing sandals with trousers when everyone walks around in socks, tights, boots still.
I do try to tell them THIS IS summer in the NE of England :)

IckleBird · 05/05/2014 11:48

This reminds me of a time when I worked in a takeaway in Edinburgh mid December or January and it was freezing temps outside and a regular would come in quite at home with shorts and t-shirt with a hat..can't remember where he said he was from but more or less said there was always snow even in summer where he was from.

IckleBird · 05/05/2014 11:50

For me 16'c or above is perfect weather for hanging around in shorts and shirt though probably would take a cardi or hoody if out and about.

sarinka · 05/05/2014 11:52

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Bunbaker · 05/05/2014 11:53

I always smile to myself when I see people who because they are on holiday must wear Holiday Clothes regardless of the weather.

MasqueradeWaltzer · 05/05/2014 11:54

Blimey, if I wore tights under my dress at 21 degrees I'd melt. It's 15 here today and I'm in a long cotton top, leggings and flip flops.

I can't bear really hot temps, come out in rashes and hives and everything, so 21 is just nice for me.

Bunbaker · 05/05/2014 12:12

21 degrees is a nice temperature if you are on the move all the time. Ideal for sightseeing, but not warm enough for relaxing round a pool in a bikini (for me anyway)

PrincessBabyCat · 05/05/2014 12:20

Where I live people are still wearing shorts in the snow. Hmm We also eat icecream during blizzards.


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spookyskeleton · 05/05/2014 12:29

Possibly not warm enough for bikinis by the pool but certainly far far too warm for fleeces and tights Shock

frogslegs35 · 05/05/2014 13:11


It's been a long winter
Warsaw feels your pain :) although not as freezing cold as usual it's been a long one.

sarinka · 05/05/2014 13:51

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