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AIBU to think 21 degrees is sundress weather ??

75 replies

Alfiedoggy · 04/05/2014 22:01

AIBU to wear a sundress when we go on holiday if the weather is 21 degrees ?? Or should I be thinking more jeans ?? Help ! Dh being useless and packing dilemma :/!!

OP posts:
Hoppinggreen · 04/05/2014 22:39

We go to Spain every October and the weather is usually 20-25.
We are in shorts or swimming in the sea etc while the locals are in coats and jumpers.

Madeyemoodysmum · 04/05/2014 22:53

I'd wear a dress but have a cardi in case of clouds shade breezes.

21 is nice IMO.

Joules68 · 04/05/2014 22:55

I'm not a girly girl so please excuse me, but what on earth is a 'sundress'? I'm 46 and I actually don't know

Madeyemoodysmum · 04/05/2014 22:59

A dress with thin straps like bra straps in width
Something that shows the shoulders

An be any length. Knee Mini or maxi.

goodtimesinbontemps · 04/05/2014 23:01

It was 19 degrees here last week and my kids were all wearing suncream and tee shirts :). 21 degrees is warm, I can't believe people wearing fleeces and cardis in that!

Madeyemoodysmum · 04/05/2014 23:01
goodtimesinbontemps · 04/05/2014 23:01

It was 19 degrees here last week and my kids were all wearing suncream and tee shirts :). 21 degrees is warm, I can't believe people wearing fleeces and cardis in that!

EverythingsDozy · 04/05/2014 23:03

I agree, definitely sundress weather. It was 18 degrees up here last week and I was in sandals and short sleeves, kids in shorts.
If there is wind then definitely take a cardigan but I would certainly be thinking dresses / strappy tops etc

BrokenToeOuch · 04/05/2014 23:04

Fuck me, sundress or not, 21 degrees and I'm not even thinking about getting out of my jeans until at least 28!! Softy Southerner here, but dress for the weather as I see fit - 21 is very much jeans, light long sleeved t-shirt and jumper. I have Caribbean roots and don't feel warm until it gets over 30 or so - so rarely! My DC would probably have light dresses and cardis at 21 though. It's not hot by any ANY stretch of the imagination, surely? surely? Grin

Twattyzombiebollocks · 04/05/2014 23:06

Maxi dress and cardi, full length linen trousers or cropped jeans for me. And would have to be pumps, can't do sandals till it's 25 or more or my feet get cold.
That's if I'm sitting about, if I'm walking or working in garden then I'd ditch the cardi and prob tuck my dress in my knickers

BrokenToeOuch · 04/05/2014 23:06

Everything, 18 in sandals and short sleeves??!! Mental! Grin - when you say up here, where does that mean ( like, the north pole?!)

Ploppy16 · 04/05/2014 23:07

This is such a regional thread Grin
Up here in the Pennines 21 degrees is the start of a heat wave!

GeordieMama · 04/05/2014 23:12

21 degrees? I'd be out in a bikini Grin

Stripyhoglets · 04/05/2014 23:15

Dresses with leggings for legs if a bit chilly!

Meglet · 04/05/2014 23:15

I'm with brokentoe on this one. 21 degrees is still light layers and socks weather. Southern Softy here too.

I can tolerate 25 degrees as being bearable, but don't really feel warm until it hits 30+.

Death Valley was 50 degrees. Me "ooo, this is nice, not having to wear a coat Smile." My DSIS gave me a Hmm look.

EverythingsDozy · 04/05/2014 23:17

Oh yes, it was a beautiful day! I had my patio door open all day, my washing out and would have been sat in my garden had it not been like a building site!
Not quite the North Pole, think Manchester way!

BrokenToeOuch · 04/05/2014 23:24

Jesus, where the fuck do you live or 21 to be the start of a heatwave? You lot are all certifiably nuts!
Geordie a bikini at 21 degrees?? I'm honestly (like, seriously honestly) thinking you must be joking? Please?! My central bloody heating is set to 22! Don't come and visit me, you'd be naked Grin

EverythingsDozy · 04/05/2014 23:28

We can't all have nice southern weather! Some of us have to take the good weather when we can!! Grin

Madeyemoodysmum · 04/05/2014 23:31

I'm southern and I love 21. 30 is unbearable. I hate it hot.

Dwerf · 04/05/2014 23:32

It wasn't even 16 degrees here, I was in jeans and a teeshirt. Ideal walking temperature.

BrokenToeOuch · 04/05/2014 23:41

30 is not hot you mentalist Confused Grin
30 is just about getting your legs out weather - approaching what I'd call a sundress but!
Everythings we've not had nice southern weather yet, we're about to get our garden sorted so I can practically guarantee we won't get it either!
Dwerf I hope you were walking to somewhere with nice warm radiators!

EverythingsDozy · 04/05/2014 23:43

Now you're just being daft!! If I went on holiday and it was 30 degrees I would be delighted!


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Cuteypatootey · 04/05/2014 23:44

take both :)

TOADfan · 04/05/2014 23:46

21 was perfect for me anymore and I start to get too warm. I was away in Spain last week and I was sweating in a bikini at 23c.

I live in NI btw if that helps for stats Grin

LoopyKitten · 04/05/2014 23:47

Jeans I reckon. Dresses at about 26. But I live in the tropics so get cold easily when in Europe.

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