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frozen mccan jacket potato rage!

129 replies

wonderingsoul · 04/04/2014 20:46

this is obviousely light hearted.

i saw an advert for mc cains frozen ready meal jacket potatoe... it gave me the rage the more i thought about it.

i mean why?.. seriousely why? just why?

surely you have to put it in the oven/microwave the same way you would put a normal bloody tatty in right?

are people really that easly fooled by advertising?

they cant be lazy as there doing the same amount of work by using them.. infact its costing them MORE?

do people need a box with instructions to know how to cook one?

i dont get it.

i reaally reallly dont fecking get it!

i cant be the only one.

i realize its not rational to be THIS raged when i think about it.. but i dtiabu

OP posts:
mrsjay · 05/04/2014 11:54

I am with you on this frozen things that are idiotic do my head in farm foods used to do frozen sandwiches Confused

PrimalLass · 05/04/2014 12:04

I do three tatties in the mw for 7 mins. Then into the oven for 25-30 mins.

NoMoreMarbles · 05/04/2014 12:06

I get a short lunch break window and there are 10 of us in the queue for the microwave in our office... A 5 minute jacket spud is more practical (and less selfish/microwave hogging) than a 20-30 minute potato that ends up soggy and uncrispy! Plus they really are quite nice! Grin

mrsjay · 05/04/2014 12:07

that is how i do baked spuds microwave then oven it is fine

mrsjay · 05/04/2014 12:08

yes ok i get it for work and if you are in a hurry etc Smile

NuggetofPurestGreen · 05/04/2014 12:09

Yeah but Primal's way takes over half an hour. The frozen ones take 5 minutes!! What's not to understand? Grin

NuggetofPurestGreen · 05/04/2014 12:09

X-post mrsjay Grin

whatever5 · 05/04/2014 12:14

I'm a student and even I think these jacket potatoes are unreasonable grin and we're supposed to be the kings and queens of lazy cooking and eating!

I tend to buy a bag of jackets, cook them all in one go, then stick them in the freezer and microwave when needed.

Would they taste better than the McCain ones if you cook them yourself and then freeze them though? If not have you worked out whether it saves money to do it your way compared with buying frozen ones. I doubt that it does if you can buy four frozen potatoes for two pounds.

whatever5 · 05/04/2014 12:15

I think I'm going to buy some frozen baked potatoes today. This thread has convinced me to try them!

MoominIsEightNinthsManatee · 05/04/2014 12:21

whatever - The last time I did it, I was living somewhere that all utility bills were included in the rent I'd already paid, so it really was just a case of paying for the raw products themselves. In that situation, a bag of 8 jackets worked out cheaper than a box of four. They always tasted nice to me Grin

This time I'll have to work it out now that I'm paying utility bills. Definitely food for thought (no pun intended) Grin it may indeed turn out cheaper.

whois · 05/04/2014 12:29

Never had them but can def see the point - an actual nice jacket pot in 5 mins. No muckin about heating the oven up, no wasteful electricity use for an hour and a half for one pot, and you eat 10 mins after getting home.

TulipOHare · 05/04/2014 12:56

I buy these! Mainly because I'm funny about potatoes, they have to be the right texture, and these are perfect 9 times out of 10.

And I don't own a microwave so it's 40 minutes for these vs. 2 hours for ordinary jackets in the oven.

I know it's not economical. I just can't seem to care Smile

Groovee · 05/04/2014 13:02

You sound like my work colleague, she gave me the same spiel when I said I was having one for lunch.

AskBasil · 05/04/2014 13:22

"I got banned from another forum because of the McCain frozen potato debate"


What can you possibly have said that was so offensive about a jacket potato?

squeakytoy · 05/04/2014 13:40

I love them! They are quick easy and handy to have in the freezer.

Nokidsnoproblem · 05/04/2014 14:10

Does anyone have the ingredient list of these wonders?

squeakytoy · 05/04/2014 14:12

Potato and sunflower oil..

whatever5 · 05/04/2014 14:13

I just looked it up. They are just potatoes and sunflower oil so no different from the ones you bake yourself, just quicker and more convenient.

Nokidsnoproblem · 05/04/2014 14:47

Cool, but didn't someone say that they are filled? What are they filled with?

RabbitPies · 05/04/2014 14:54


I have seen some filled with cheese, or ham and cheese on them though.

TheScience · 05/04/2014 14:54

Not filled.

RabbitPies · 05/04/2014 14:54

I haven't tried either,but I may do so now. Out of curiosity.


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wowfudge · 05/04/2014 14:55

Yes - you can buy filled ones too. I like the plain Bannister's Farm ones myself: potato and olive oil.

LordPalmerston · 05/04/2014 14:55

its good for people who works shifts or rarely eat at home?
I care more about your terrible spelling than this tbh

RabbitPies · 05/04/2014 14:59

2 hours for a baked potato? Is that how long it takes in the oven?Shock

If I had my oven on for two hours,or even one,I'd want something more interesting than a baked potato to come out of it.

I microwave mine,then bake them for 20.

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