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to be consumed by guilt over delivery man?

56 replies

riskit4abiskit · 27/01/2014 19:06

We had a supermarket delivery. We were given a bottle of vodka. We didnt order it. My dh said ' ssh dont mention it.'

Now I am worried delivery man will get in trouble! Hes so friendly.

if dh wasnt there I would have given it back because we didn't pay for it. I feel bad now.

OP posts:
kungfupannda · 29/01/2014 07:40

I once got an entire duplicate shopping order. I was the last one on the round, and the driver was told to give me the whole lot and if I wouldn't accept it, he'd have to take it all the way back.

We had a very full fridge and had to distribute fresh stuff around the family to get it used up.

Cockadoodledooo · 29/01/2014 08:20

If you wouldn't brazenly walk out of a shop with it without paying, then you should at least call and ask them to collect.

MomsStiffler · 29/01/2014 09:27

I'd look at it as a gift from Mr Tesco for all the money we've spent there over the years & raise a glass to him.

It'd cheer me up nearly as much as when a shop with one of those "please check you have the correct change as mistakes won't be rectified" gives you an extra fiver!!

ICanSeeTheSeaFromHere · 29/01/2014 11:46

What time did they collect it? I would have called and told them it was a mistake but I would not have appreciated the doorbell going after 9.30pm to collect it!

riskit4abiskit · 29/01/2014 16:19

They collected the next evening about dinner time.

OP posts:
ICanSeeTheSeaFromHere · 29/01/2014 19:52

Blush I saw your two posts together and the times.., I missed that they were a day apart!

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