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to be consumed by guilt over delivery man?

56 replies

riskit4abiskit · 27/01/2014 19:06

We had a supermarket delivery. We were given a bottle of vodka. We didnt order it. My dh said ' ssh dont mention it.'

Now I am worried delivery man will get in trouble! Hes so friendly.

if dh wasnt there I would have given it back because we didn't pay for it. I feel bad now.

OP posts:
phantomnamechanger · 27/01/2014 20:01

I don't think drivers or pickers get into trouble for the odd honest mistake, but they sure as hell would if there is any suggestion of bottle of vodka going missing from someone's order, and not turning up in another order

Wingdingdong · 27/01/2014 20:08

I've had extra items occasionally. I've always reported them (usually by email, don't want to pay for the phone call or to have to spend ten minutes on hold!) and I've always been told immediately or by return phone call "thanks for letting us know, please keep it". Extras ranged from toothpaste to wine. I doubt very much anyone got into trouble over a tube of toothpaste but I'm sure that a missing bottle of wine could look suspicious.

IronOrchid · 27/01/2014 20:10

Bask in the warm glow of doing-the-right-thing, OP. You fessed up and can now enjoy your vodka guilt free!

ZillionChocolate · 27/01/2014 20:16

Definitely the right thing to tell them. Your integrity is worth more than a bottle of vodka isn't it?

HoneyDragon · 27/01/2014 20:18

I got 4 3l boxes of red wine once. Phoned up. They'd had a glitch on the system and that came up as an alternative replacement to the four bottles of wine I'd ordered. Which they also sent.

I called Tesco. They let me keep the lot. Dh was pogoing around the kitchen singing "free wine, free wine, free wine, free wiiiiine" instead of "Olé, Olé, Olé" Grin

Iworrymyselftosleep · 27/01/2014 20:21

You know what? You did the right thing phoning. Don't worry. Flowers

ashtrayheart · 27/01/2014 20:27

I think I might start shopping online again Grin

FudgefaceMcZ · 27/01/2014 20:45

Phone up, they'll tell you to keep it probably. I've had a packet of bacon, some icecream and a pack of 1st class stamps off wrong deliveries- when you phone they aren't bothered at all!

IneedAsockamnesty · 27/01/2014 20:50

Fwiw I once had a bike delivered it was faulty so they collected it and sent another that was faulty so they sent another and a spare part it needed but did not collect the second bike.

I told them to collect it 3 times they did not the 4th time they told me to keep it as a good will thing

ToffeeOwnsTheSausage · 27/01/2014 20:53

So you are worried about delivery man getting into trouble but wanted a load of strangers to tell you it was fine and to keep it Hmm. Quick turn around there.

I received two items in my Waitrose shop and one missing item. I rang to tell them. They said if the driver didn't[t come back for them by the end of the day I could keep them. I ended up taking them back to the shop as I hadn't paid for them, wouldn't use them and it was wasteful to bin them.

HoneyDragon · 27/01/2014 20:56

ashtrayheart I think its a compensation thing. For every 37 times you get a random substitution like a tub of Brussels pate as an alternative for a bottle of shampoo , they send you something good.

PeteCampbellsRecedingHairline · 27/01/2014 20:57

I'd worry about it too. DH would have drunk it already. Grin

You did the right thing, I doubt they'll ask for it back.

giraffesCantMakeResolutions · 27/01/2014 21:01

I would like some free chocolate

ImperialBlether · 27/01/2014 21:09

You could have said you'd opened it before realising that it wasn't yours. They wouldn't want it back, not with lipstick around the open top!

MaccaPaccaismyNemesis · 27/01/2014 21:16

You should have given him an egg Grin

riskit4abiskit · 27/01/2014 21:22

Wish it had been chocolate instead! Noone has phoned back and its been 4 hours now.

toffee, I was torn between doing the right thing and the easy thing. Everyone's advice persuaded me to do the right thing and avoid feeling guilty all night.

OP posts:
daisychain01 · 27/01/2014 21:23

Always best to own up, in case the driver or packer ends up paying out of their own wages. How would anyone find out? You'd never know if they did or didnt but is it worth risking that possibility? Only you can answer that, depending on how you see things.

DH and I had a dilemma last week, DH took £500 out of his BS account and discovered they had not updated his passbook. Next day he rang the branch and they are looking into the matter, probably will update the passbook on DHs next visit. The thought of that poor girl being £500 down when she cashed up was too much to bear Sad

daisychain01 · 27/01/2014 21:27

toffee a bunch of strangers? How very dare you! We are riskits close friends and have coffee together every week Grin

group hug

whois · 27/01/2014 21:30

If you ring and say you got a bottle of vodka you didn't order then you will most likely be allowed to keep it - and the picker and driver won't get in trouble for an honest mistake.

Much better to ring and say rather than let someone get in trouble.

I got a pack of brussel sprouts I hadn't ordered last time, and was missing an endive. Not a good swap!

riskit4abiskit · 27/01/2014 21:30

:) daisy

I would not have hesitated to report if money had been involved. Thanks to all for your help

OP posts:
riskit4abiskit · 28/01/2014 22:50

Buggers collected it

OP posts:
PorkPieandPickle · 28/01/2014 23:05

Booooooooooo :(


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daisychain01 · 29/01/2014 05:13

Oh well have a drink on MN for doing the right thing Wine. Good Karma will be yours x

Idocrazythings · 29/01/2014 07:00

Maybe you're part of a secret study in honesty and they'll come back with a brand new car for you for being so honest!! One can only hope Smile

tripecity · 29/01/2014 07:14

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