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To think that you do NOT use naice wine as cooking wine?!

70 replies

MadameLeBean · 19/09/2013 15:53

DP polished off the 1/3 of a bottle left of wine that I had treated myself to the night before by POURING it into the STEW

He says if it's not good enough to drink, it's not good enough to cook with.

I say that one does not casually use naice wine in cooking especially if it is the last bit in the house and that if you eat food that has been made with wine it does not make a difference if it is £3 plonk or naice.

Who is BU?

OP posts:
PasswordProtected · 20/09/2013 16:36

On the contrary, you should only cook with wine that you would drink yourself.

BadgersRetreat · 20/09/2013 16:28

And yes - if recipe calls for just a small glass of wine i use port for red and vermouth for white. They last ages in the booze cupboard and you don't have to open a whole bottle if you just need a bit.

Nigella taught me that.

BadgersRetreat · 20/09/2013 16:27

I like cooking with wine. Sometimes some even ends up in the dinner.


i'm on the fence - don't use shit wine for cooking because it does make a diff, but don't use up ALL the wine so there's none left to drink!!

Oblomov · 20/09/2013 16:22

PatPig: "I've cooked with a full bottle.

And it does make a difference"

Me too Wink
I've cooked. With a full bottle. Of wine. Already inside me.
Improved my culinary skills, no end !! Grin

Lazyjaney · 20/09/2013 16:18

Some cooking wine is more expensive than perfectly good table wine (South of France wine still underpriced vs quality IMO)

daftdame · 20/09/2013 14:30

Of course you must 'cook' with the good stuff. Its makes cooking more palatable...hic!

Jux · 20/09/2013 14:27

I completely agree with your dp, but sadly can't afford to live up to my standards Sad

MadameLeBean · 19/09/2013 22:19

Exactly Smile

OP posts:
HorryIsUpduffed · 19/09/2013 21:47

"Naice" doesn't mean "nice" though, it means "slightly expensive and slightly special in a vaguely pretentious way". See "naice ham" as opposed to plastic supermarket ham.

So £7 wine rather than £50 wine (no offence to OP who I am sure will know what I'm getting at).

Tee2072 · 19/09/2013 21:40

Ages ago, Pigs. At least as long as I've been on Mumsnet which is coming up on 5 years.

Pigsmummy · 19/09/2013 21:38

Has the word "nice" been replaced with "naice" and I missed the memo or is it a trend??

MadameLeBean · 19/09/2013 21:22

Ah well maybe I am not as classy as some on here but I will drink £5 wine from lidl some of it is quite ok actually. Thing is on a weeknight i would feel extravagant getting £7+ wine. So would not put it in stew!

OP posts:
AKissIsNotAContract · 19/09/2013 19:51

I don't think I've ever found wine for much less than £7

MadameLeBean · 19/09/2013 19:51

Yeah DP is French so I should have known I suppose!

Also this is the second time he has done it! Angry

He did get me another in the end.

I was just surprised as well because my mum only ever used cheap wine for cooking.

OP posts:
thebody · 19/09/2013 19:46

Horry, never thought if using port, interesting and will try that.

Meluzyna · 19/09/2013 19:45

YABU: believe me, my husband is French and he would never cook or let me cook with wine which was not equally good from a glass. It's all about flavour and if you put nasty wine in your stew, you'll get nasty stew.
However, I do have some sympathy with you if it was a "special" bottle you'd got as a treat..... the stew would have been edible without the addition of wine.... there are other things he could have used for flavour...... Worcester sauce, for example.
In our household we have his bottles and her bottles and neither would touch the other's booze without checking it was OK..... although we mostly share them as a matter of course.

OldRoan · 19/09/2013 19:41

IcedTea DP and I have a lovely bottle of (v expensive - Christmas present) red wine one New Year, but we couldn't finish it and there wasn't enough left for us to have a glass each, so I froze it.

When he was working away, I had the most indulgent red wine and mushroom risotto ever using it up. Possibly one of the best things I've ever done with wine.

Grumpywino · 19/09/2013 19:16

Yanbu, he would have been wearing the stew for that! I'm no cook, or foodie for that matter, but do love to drink wine and really look forward to a decent glass. Putting it in food is to me a total waste, food is fuel and so quickly devoured while wine should be savoured.

HorryIsUpduffed · 19/09/2013 19:13

YABU in general, because it's a great use of leftover naice wine.

However, I find that port is far better than wine for enhancing eg bolognese or casserole, because it adds flavour and richness without adding lots of wet volume.

IcedTeaOneSugar · 19/09/2013 19:13

It freezes like a wine slushy, rather than solidly, so it instantly defrosts when dropped into hot stock.

XiCi · 19/09/2013 19:12

Your DH was right to use good wine for cooking but I don't blame you for being annoyed if you were looking forward to having a glass.

Btw the wine you mentioned is only a bargain £4.99 at bargain booze

bsc · 19/09/2013 19:10

ive found it never freezes properly- perhaps the alcohol content is too high nowadays?
YABU- why would you waste a good wine? Putting it in food isn't wasting it!


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MisselthwaiteManor · 19/09/2013 19:10

I made a chicken chasseur with fizzy wine once. Nobody noticed, or at least were too polite to say.

AdoraBell · 19/09/2013 19:04

YABU I always use wine that I want to drink as once it's cooked and the alcohol has burned off all that's left of the wine is the taste. 'Cooking' wine makes food taste like rough wine. Drinkable wine = drinkable wine taste. It doesn't have to be expensive, just nice tasting.

Your DH was also BU though, because he didn't ask if you were finished with the wine, which is outrageous behavior IMO.Wink

IcedTeaOneSugar · 19/09/2013 19:03

I freeze wine, in single glass portions specifically for spag bol etc. we don't really drink alcohol in the week so it saves having an open bottle hanging around.

I know some of you will be horrified but Nigella does it so it must be OK.

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