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To expect a cafe to be able to spell cafe au lait?

175 replies

Orangeanddemons · 15/09/2013 15:32

On a picture on wall in said cafe. Spelt caff iau latt. Seriously.

What is wrong with these people?

OP posts:
MrsTerryPratchett · 18/09/2013 20:18

Oxford your friend is just reading it in the wrong language. It is Le Belle (pronounced Lay Bellay) in Italian, meaning The Beautiful Ones. Possibly. Or they can't write French.

Beastofburden · 18/09/2013 21:41

Lol reminds me of when Raymond Blanc opened his cafe called Maison Blanc. All the townies clustered round going " It's LA Maison, it ought to be Maison Blanche". Er, no, it's like Maison Dior or House of Fraser, it's the blokes NAME FFs.

Oxford, just a gentle tease to make Fanjo feel less alone :)

Beastofburden · 18/09/2013 21:44

Viking, I love it. Guerrilla grammar.

PlotTwist · 19/09/2013 09:29

beastofburden my dd1 was horrified when I whipped out a pen and corrected a sign on a pub door that read "This is an entrance, your not allowed to smoke here!"

My grandmother used to do this ALL the time when i was little, I swear she carried a pen for this purpose.

Beastofburden · 19/09/2013 13:24

LOL I have never done that myself!

AKAK81 · 19/09/2013 13:27

I spent some time, to my childrens' horror and to the detriment of my thumb nail, scraping that apostrophe off.

Oh the irony

AKAK81 · 19/09/2013 13:28

Sorry double post!

Catsize · 19/09/2013 15:17

Indeed Akak. [Shock]
Not sure the irony was intentional.

Catsize · 19/09/2013 15:17

Buggeration. Shock

Catsize · 19/09/2013 15:18

As for split infinitives...

spiderlight · 19/09/2013 15:40

There's a very very naice ice-cream shop near us that has a permanent sign on its wall offering about twenty flavours, including 'Pisstachio'. I pointed it out to the manager but he looked at me as if I had two heads.

Saffyz · 19/09/2013 15:54

YANBU. Would be even better if they just put "coffee with milk" though!

And while we're at it, panini is a plural, so you can't buy one panini.

And latte isn't a LAR-tay, it's a LAT-teh.

Collywibbles · 19/09/2013 18:24

A fairly posh hotel near us offers "luxury accomodation" on their website! Makes me slightly twitchy ....

pasdellyeuxunquenous · 19/09/2013 19:43

Conversley, there is that old joke where the man goes into a pub and everytime he asks the bar maid for a quickie, she slaps him - in the end he has to show her that all he wants is a quiche, here on the menu . . .

SanityClause · 19/09/2013 19:55

There is a cafe near me which has a sign on e window saying "Sandwiches Bagettes Rolls Bagel"

Is the plural of bagel, bagel, like sheep? Or perhaps they couldn't afford the extra "s".

Bryna · 19/09/2013 21:06

We have a sign near us that says 'Chickens keep dogs on leads' . Lots of amusement for dds!!

Bryna · 19/09/2013 21:08

Sorry for double post! First time I've posted so not sure what happened!!

areujoyful · 19/09/2013 21:49

Bryna my dh and I know that sign well, it makes us chuckle everytime we drive past it to walk our own dog! That's assuming it is the same sign, of course!

While this is a fantastically funny thread, I must say though, somewhat in defense of the current generation of waiters and shop assistants, is that most children in state schools aren't taught proper grammar. I know I certainly wasn't! My sister (along with the rest of her class) was taught English grammar, by her French teacher, in her French lesson, so they could learn French...totally ridiculous!!

LynetteScavo · 19/09/2013 21:57

They only had squirts cream for the scones too

I would find that bloody offensive.

I think my dyslexic 8 year old may have written the sign in the OP, so I could over look that.

I'm loving pisstachio. Grin

WanderingStar1 · 19/09/2013 22:42

My DD's Yr 1 class just sent out a letter headed 'Spelling' which explained how we should help our children with their new spelling homework. Unfortunately, it contained the words 'Practice / Practicing' AS A VERB three times! Shock. I imagine the spellcheckers don't pick it up as that's the US spelling, but it's not the first time I've seen this in newsletters, and I think I (and my pedant pants) will have to say something this time....... I feel awful as the teachers are lovely and so are the admin staff (I don't know who types these things) and I know they'll all hate me if I flag it, but I don't think I can turn a blind eye any longer.......! Aargh!

Catsize · 20/09/2013 08:28

wandering, you owe it to mankind to act now...

GladitsnotJustMe · 20/09/2013 10:51

I was once served 3 "Paganinis" in a cafe... One by one, she announced each "paganini" as it came out. By the time the last one came I wanted to eat my own hand.

I loved her and now always call them paganini's (with appropriate apostrophe of course!Wink)


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Beastofburden · 20/09/2013 12:01

areu we weren't taught grammar either, and I left school in 1980. We were kept in line when we got to work by fierce older people in management.

The problem may be it is now my generation that are the management.

But like many wearing pedant pants with pride, I did modern languages. I'd be interested- how many of my fellow pedants here are linguists?

Perhaps we are not pedants at all, just sensitised to language?

Yonihadtoask · 20/09/2013 14:55

I got an A in my English Language 'O' Level - many years ago. However, I don't recall being taught much grammar then.

I learnt how to use apostrophes when I went on, years later, in word processing lessons.

So, unless English language teaching has improved since the '80s then I don't hold out much hope.

Beastofburden · 20/09/2013 15:13

The only grammar I was taught was in my German lessons, and that's probably because with 16 options for "the" you have to understand the grammar. I did A and S level English and grammar was never mentioned.

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