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To expect a cafe to be able to spell cafe au lait?

175 replies

Orangeanddemons · 15/09/2013 15:32

On a picture on wall in said cafe. Spelt caff iau latt. Seriously.

What is wrong with these people?

OP posts:
Penguin2 · 16/09/2013 15:31

Hearing aids Grin

Hope I am right about that!

Lweji · 16/09/2013 15:43

A pub in town had "scorn" on the outside chalkboard menu last week. It was part of a list of vegetables you could have with a roast lunch

I suspect they cheeky staff actually meant scorn. Grin

starfishmummy · 16/09/2013 16:39

I used the self checkout at today and was surprised onset I had bought a "bluebery pack".

starfishmummy · 16/09/2013 16:40

Oh bugger!!! Where did onset come from.

To see

poppysaid · 16/09/2013 16:43

A small local village shop near me does a very ood Capperchino, couldn't care how they spell it if its hot and frothy - lots of places could pay more attention to the latter!

VisualiseAHorse · 16/09/2013 16:49

If I ever open a cafe, I will call it 'Cafe Ole' (with appropriate accents, can't find them on ipad) in honour of Mumsnet.

LucySnoweShouldRelax · 16/09/2013 16:52

I nearly printed out forty menus at my pub, featuring a salad with green beens. I have an English degree. Even though I noticed in time, I've barely lived it down in my own mind.

As for pronouncing stuff like espresso and bruschetta correctly - when I lived in France, everyone played merry pronouncing hell with the English words they used, so I reckon fair's fair when the tables are turned.

But what do I know. I can't spell beans.

GoofyIsACow · 16/09/2013 16:53

Our local pie shop sells Chicken and Leak pies! Shock

nickelbabe · 16/09/2013 16:57

i worked in a bookshop with a costa attached.
one of the baristas was of Italian descent, and she said the Pannini thing really wound her up, that it's one pannino, two pannini, and when people asked for two panninis, she had to bite her tongue every time.

(sorry, don't know how many ns, but it's the ending I'm talking about)

Sidge · 16/09/2013 16:57

We had dinner in a lovely little pub restaurant recently where at the top of the typed-up menu "Gordon and Saliva welcomed us and hope we enjoyed the delicious local cuisine".

I'm hoping it was an autocorrect error for Sylvia and wondered why no-one had pointed it out to the staff!

MrsHoratioNelson · 16/09/2013 17:00

Lucy it's a fine line between correct pronunciation and looking like a bit of a dick, isn't it Grin

Visualise press and hold the letter and the accent options will be magically revealed!

Lweji · 16/09/2013 17:01

If I ever open a cafe, I will call it 'Cafe Ole' (with appropriate accents, can't find them on ipad)

Try allowing a language that uses accents (say, French, or Spanish), then hold the letter for a bit, and accents show up for you to chose from.

Gaviguzzler · 16/09/2013 17:05

Our local pub has celerica soup as a special quite often. They also do a very nice chicken sweker.

EmilyAlice · 16/09/2013 17:12

Olé. Accents soooo easy on ipad. Just press and hold the letter and up they pop.

Brillig · 16/09/2013 17:34

I was in a kitchen shop recently and they had boxes marked 'Mortar and Pestal' Shock Seriously. These were proper manufacturers' boxes from a well-known kitchen utensil company. How the heck those had got through the whole process of designing, proof-reading and printing, I'll never know.

Delilahlilah · 16/09/2013 18:13

I love the humour in spelling mistakes! Some are jaw droppers though! Recently I saw "wheelchair axcess..." on a sign in Dartmouth for the Regatta. Have also seen some greats: sweat and sour, the aforementioned chicken and leak, peasant pie, venison and blubbery pie, and many more. Apostrophes, or the lack of them, makes me twitch for a pen to correct the sign!

ems1910 · 16/09/2013 18:45

Oops sorry, yes, hearing aids! :/

marsybum · 16/09/2013 18:46

I used to drive past a shop on the way home from work that had a sign outside saying "sabi sheik" "brick a brack" and "anteeks" - I think it meant shabby chic, bric a brac and antiques? Strangely enough it's closed down now,I always wondered if the signwriting shop next door cringed or laughed...

Kidsarekarma · 16/09/2013 21:17

Thanks to those who explained 'scorn' - I thought it might mean scone but couldn't understand how anyone would consider a baked item to be a veg choice Grin

silkboots · 16/09/2013 21:21

I saw a white builders van the other day and written on the side was great 'WORKMENSHIP' lol durrrr

OxfordBags · 16/09/2013 21:51

Our local Sainsbury's has a sign over its white wine section declaring them 'great for party's'. "Great for parties that have or do what?", I have to stop myself from asking the nearest assistant, every time I see it.

Delilahlilah · 16/09/2013 22:46

Ooh silk, you just reminded me! Local builder has his van sign written "Hastle free builders"


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SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 17/09/2013 09:11

A sign in my old village read "slow children".
I always felt it was a bit mean! Grin

Yonihadtoask · 17/09/2013 09:21

The local café in town has a blackboard with far too many apostrophes.

If no one is looking, I do lick my finger and wipe them off


Yonihadtoask · 17/09/2013 09:22

I spotted a grocers' apostrophe on a bus-side advert for cargiant the other day. It's the beginning of the end, I tells ye


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