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To be excited by the Royal Birth

216 replies

RazzleDazzleEm · 20/06/2013 17:32

I just love the pomp and ceremony of it, and the added extra that the commoner Middleton s have by fluke such a starring role.

Its so silly but also something lovely happening in the world when so much misery comes out of the news every single day.

I wouldn't be so excited if it was another royal but the fact Kate is a commoner...I don't know...I just love this angle! Also I feel so happy for William who had a decimated family that now he will be able to make his own family.

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ToysRLuv · 21/06/2013 18:57

Razzle: Why is it any happier an event than any other baby that you don't know personally being born? If it's not, then I think you spend a lot of time being excited.. Grin

valiumredhead · 21/06/2013 18:58

TSS-I think they probably congratulate themselves on the fact her education REALLY paid offWink

PistachioTruffle · 21/06/2013 19:00

I'm excited, I like it when nice things happen to other people. I am hoping they don't use the names on my list for DC1 though.

ToysRLuv · 21/06/2013 19:01

OK. I'll leave you to pop the champagne amongst yourselves why bother

TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 19:01

Well there's an awful lot of pictures in them palaces for an Art Historian Valium Grin

TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 19:02

Pistachio I bet Kim K is thinking the same thing.

TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 19:02

HRH North Wales anyone?

RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 19:04

Do you ever think that Carol and Mike must look at each other sometimes and think WTF?!?!

All the time.

Life must seem very surreal for them.

If your already mixing those circles it wont be a big change...its the way they have been given such a big feature already in the royal circle...which they were not mixing in before hand...

I thought he did very well to get her down that aisle!

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MortifiedAdams · 21/06/2013 19:12

You never imagine you will be a grandparent to the future king or queen.

TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 19:16

There's Carol and Mike thinking excitedly not fawning, cos they do have a personal interest about their first grandchild.

Who's job description for life is: Monarch

I'd be double WTF?!?!?

RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 19:23

Monarch Middleton

I am just pleased for them esp after all the nasty jokes about doors to manuel for them.

I bet quite a few crusty old families had their noses put out of joint.

My grandparents had humble beginning and endings and there was a modicum of various successes from their off spring as well as lots of failures just the pride from them was almost heart attack inducing.

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LeGavrOrf · 21/06/2013 19:41

Haha at doors to Manuel.


I know, I probably shouldn't have admitted my Charles Spencer fancyings. But he was good looking when he was young and thin. And I have a weakness for ginges.

LeGavrOrf · 21/06/2013 19:44

Elizabeth woodville was the other non posh queen.

I quite like the fact that common old coke taking uncle Gary has just been glossed over. Him and his Maison du Bang Bang.

sassytheFIRST · 21/06/2013 19:58

Arf at Doors to Manuel - mental image of Carole Middleton cuffing Andrew Sachs who responds with a confused "Que?"

ZZZenagain · 21/06/2013 20:39

I've looked it up now. Due date July 13th.

josephinebruce · 21/06/2013 20:53

I'm I hopelessly cynical to think that there's a good chance that social climber extraordinaire Carole Middleton hadn't planned this since the kid's birth?

TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 21:06

She might have sat at Baby Group and joked about it with her friends, but realistically to have engineered Kate's entrance to St Andrews, being friends with people and becoming room mates, then actually falling in love is beyond the limitations even of Xenia surely Grin

Besides, is Kate's life what you'd want for your DD? All the RF privilege and extravagance in return for constant threat from terrorism, constant criticism in print and social media, no choice in the life path your DC will take. I'd baulk.

RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 21:35

Maison bang bang you couldn't write it could you.

A long time ago, I also fancied Charles Spencer.


not now though.

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Mixxy · 21/06/2013 21:43

YANBU. I hate the concept of royality but love the Brittish royal family, probably just because of familiarity. And I'm Irish... The baby will be a beauty and I couldn't be more delighted for them.

Blu · 21/06/2013 21:55

Will we get a public holiday?

RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 21:55

Kates life - not sure...however I saw William once in a group situ, with his friends, they were typical oafish types....he was very un assuming, quiet....funny...I thought he was very nice.

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AudrinaAdare · 21/06/2013 21:56

Okay, I thought Charles Spencer was shagable once too.

This diversion reminds me of a Two Fat Ladies episode. They got chatting about the history of a recipe and mentioned the Duke of Wellington on whom one of them had a crush when they were a schoolgel.

"Oh really, y'see, I never fancied the Duke of Wellington. Squitty little chap..."

It was pure Jilly Cooper.


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Essexgirlupnorth · 21/06/2013 22:36

YANBU I am excited as will be 4th in line whether it is a girl or boy and biggest royal birth I can remember. Was a baby when Willliam was born.

RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 22:40

I don't really remembers Will's birth but I do remember the photo call in Oz.....

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RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 22:42

I wonder what the name would be for a boy....

Harry, Edward, Andrew, Charles William, all the obvious ones surely taken?


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