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To be excited by the Royal Birth

216 replies

RazzleDazzleEm · 20/06/2013 17:32

I just love the pomp and ceremony of it, and the added extra that the commoner Middleton s have by fluke such a starring role.

Its so silly but also something lovely happening in the world when so much misery comes out of the news every single day.

I wouldn't be so excited if it was another royal but the fact Kate is a commoner...I don't know...I just love this angle! Also I feel so happy for William who had a decimated family that now he will be able to make his own family.

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LeGavrOrf · 21/06/2013 18:36

She was a commoner, and wasn't born in zblenheim Palace or Sandringham (although she was born in Norfolk).

Kate isn't the first middle class member mother of an heir though, there was Anne Boleyn. Grin

RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 18:38

. Anne was the daughter of Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, and his wife, Lady Elizabeth Howard, and was educated in the Netherlands and France, largely as a maid of honour to Claude of France. She returned to England in early 1522, in order to marry her Irish cousin James Butler, 9th Earl of Ormond; however, the marriage plans ended in failure and she secured a post at court as maid of honour to Henry VIII's wife, Catherine of Aragon.

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RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 18:39

^ not quite the same as carol from southall...

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ToysRLuv · 21/06/2013 18:43

All the same to me. Presumably your excitement is a result of high level personal interest in this infant being born. Furthermore, I assume that the high level of interest stems solely from the child being a son or daughter of a future king who has done nothing to deserve the power and wealth he has. Neither has his family. Apart from a bit of robbin' and fightin' quite a while ago.

valiumredhead · 21/06/2013 18:43

Always makes me raise my eyebrows when Diana is referred to as a 'commoner' have you seen Althrop? Grin

LeGavrOrf · 21/06/2013 18:43

Thomas Boleyn's parents were merchant middle class, he was only elevated to Earl ofWiltshire when Anne caught his eye and she needed to have a title. Boleyn made a very advantageous marriage in marrying a Howard, but essentially they were on generation away from trade Grin

LeGavrOrf · 21/06/2013 18:44

She is aristocracy, admittedly, but commoner means anyone not royal.

AudrinaAdare · 21/06/2013 18:44

Believe me, my knitting needles are always at the ready Wink

SoupDragon · 21/06/2013 18:44

Presumably your excitement is a result of high level personal interest in this infant being born.


LeGavrOrf · 21/06/2013 18:45

Apropos of bugger all, but I used to fancy Charles Spencer. Look at him now.

TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 18:46

Blimey Anne from Holland would have had it a lot easier if she'd stuck with James Butler.

sassytheFIRST · 21/06/2013 18:47

Let's not forget Elizabeth thingummy, the one who married Edward IV, mother of poor little Ed V and Richard- she wasn't royal (or esp posh).

TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 18:48

LeGavrof did you know you posted out loud there Grin

SoupDragon · 21/06/2013 18:48

Being excited about something is not the same as "fawning" at all.

RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 18:49

A generation away is a world away.

Carols humble beginnings are very prevalent.

This future Royal, will know Grandma was dead poor....

This little un will be knee deep in

Who knows maybe he or she will take on the family business...both of them at the same time.

For the first time Ever the monarch will not only be attending ascot but also selling stuff there...

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TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 18:49

Neither was Elizabeth Bowes Lyon. She did all right as did the manufacturers of Dubonnet

buttercrumble · 21/06/2013 18:50

Oooh i cant wait Grin

RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 18:51

Presumably your excitement is a result of high level personal interest in this infant being born.

I have a high level of interest in happy positive events.

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sassytheFIRST · 21/06/2013 18:51

Ah no, the QM was pretty fucking posh. Glamis castle et al.

You're bang on about the gin though Grin

ToysRLuv · 21/06/2013 18:51

Razzle: The Kardashian child should not be particularly fawned on either, but it's a somewhat different situation. Kanye, at least, has earned his own fortune in the music industry by hard work and brains, so deserves his fame and wealth. Really you should find this a lot less boring. I guess you don't care about striving for equality? Confused

I wouldn't fawn on any child I didn't personally know the parents of. Certainly not one who is going to rule over me and/or my descendants when nobody has ever asked me what I think about it. I tend to questions things that happen "just because" or "traditionally". But, I understand some are happy to be subjects to the Royal Family - then just fawn away. I won't!

RazzleDazzleEm · 21/06/2013 18:54

Thank you so much Toys, your views are very clear on the subject.

I think we all understand where you are coming from and why, and its very reasonable now push off

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AudrinaAdare · 21/06/2013 18:54

at "posted out loud".

I would like to see that, Razzle. Iain Duncan Smith is always banging on about entitled three or four generations of skivers relying on state hand-outs. It would break the cycle.


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sassytheFIRST · 21/06/2013 18:54

Back to the main poin of the thread though, it has been my experience that people who get excited about Royal events are almost always female, rather fluffy and a bit twee in general though ever so nice.

Those who don't are mean ol cynics. (that's me)

TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 18:54

Sassy posh deffo, but still a Commoner. Then again she wasn't expecting to get the hot seat was she?

Do you ever think that Carol and Mike must look at each other sometimes and think WTF?!?!

TSSDNCOP · 21/06/2013 18:56

Sassy I'll admit to female. Otherwise I'm a bit of a mardy cunt generally, just ask DH Grin

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