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To be horrified at my pubes making an advance on my knees....

107 replies

TheScreamingfrog · 09/05/2013 15:13

I am only 38 FFS Shock

OP posts:
Notafoodbabyanymore · 27/05/2013 04:25

I love this thread too! I have Italian background so, although I'm blonde, I'm hairy!

Recently gave birth, but got a bit carried away with the veet the week before (whilst trying to tame the beast downstairs before others had to behold it) so ended up almost completely bald, but with a weird tufty fringe over my fanjo. Not a good look!

Years ago, when DH and I first got together, he pointed out that I had a tache. I'd never really noticed it before and was mortified. I removed it the next day, only for him to say, when he saw me, "Sorry, I didn't recognise you without your moustache."

Cheeky bastard!

Cropcircles · 27/05/2013 01:17

I love this thread, was directed to it from one I started about hairy nips.

I also have pubes that extend half way to my knees. I tried to explain this to a blonde friend who was going on about how oppressive bikini waxing is. She went from feminist to disgusted pretty quick. walk a mile in my pubes indeed!

EuroShaggleton · 12/05/2013 22:49

quizz I had PCOS too and only on my chin do I get some regrowth, and then not loads. I just have a top up treatment about once a year. God knows how much there would be if I hadn't had it lasered. The other areas have got hardly any regrowth.

Ubermumsy · 12/05/2013 22:40

giveit, I feel your pain on hair regrowth. My legs last maybe 5 days after waxing/epilating. 2 after Veeting or shaving. I have incredibly pale skin which shows the dark stubble (and aforementioned thread veins) off a treat Hmm . Not to mention the cellulite! It's annoying because the actual shape of my legs is pretty good - slim (no matter how tubby I get - classic apple shape), slender ankles etc. It's what you might call the surface finish that's shite on a stick. Leggings and opaques, that's my solution.

giveitago · 12/05/2013 18:39

Oh - best thread. I'm not alone.

Always hairy - partly genes (asian mum - most asian and middle eastern ladies I know are hairy).

So lovely thick black hair on a lighter skin. Add raging pcos to that. I have to remember to bleach my upper lip - but only for 5 mins or the hair is lighter than my skin. I did it the other week. Put on bleach - was on phone - 10 mins later I have a platinum white blond tash.

Legs a nightmare. No way I could shave. My eplitator dies after one summer because of the stress put on it. No facial hair other than the tash. I don't do forearms because never have and but I have to do hands and toes. Hate it. I love winter and I live in jeans.

I'd heard of a product called a no-no - tried to order it but never arrived. I have many middle eastern origin friends and they spend a fortune on hair removal but I don't have that cash. They've all bought this home laser kit. I'm a bit meh about it.

Spring and summer is difficult. I have to guess when the weather will be good for at least three consecutive weeks. Then I wax and try to catch the hairs as they grow back (the next day) all the way through summer and that's a pain. We're talking 20 mins per day on epilator just trying to catch any regrowth.

My head hair is now about 10% grey (showable because I have v. dark hair) but nothing anywhere else. No other facial hair but one tash hair will never take the bleach.

I'm hoping that menopause will sort things out in that department.

theodorakisses · 12/05/2013 17:54

I have raging PCOS, laser worked for me 100%

TheScreamingfrog · 11/05/2013 12:15

I remember the first time I got my eyebrows threaded, the girl asked if I wanted my top lip done. I was so horrified at the thought of this obviously visible tache I said yes. It was only later I realised that I had fallen straight into their big fat hairy trap.... Blush

OP posts:
LittleMissLucy · 11/05/2013 04:57

Oh goddleogear you've given me something to look forward to Grin

Gottleogear · 10/05/2013 22:58

I very rarely post but just had reply to this!

Thank God I'm not alone

I have suffered from the bikini line down to knees, backs of leg, toes etc for a long time and thought I was a freak. Spent a fortune over the years getting waxed, in fact I was once asked did I mind if a trainee came in to observe Shock
I am in fact the "missing link"

But I have been perimenopausal for 4 years and there are some advantages...body hair is just starting to thin out, so by the time I'm post meno... oh in ..ANOTHER FEW FUCKING YEARS...but that's another thread entirely.
I should be happily hairless Smile

EglantinePrice · 10/05/2013 22:32

quizzy you may get new hairs(or you may not if your PCOS is under control) but the laser could still blast the existing ones.

snooter · 10/05/2013 22:32

I thought pubes disappeared with age, certainly becoming moth-eaten after the menopause.

I've recently found the odd grey one - aaargh - I'm only 48 & not yet menopausal. I thought the odd grey eyebrow bad enough.

No sign of kneeward migration, but I do keep them in trim - don't want to look as if I've a cat sitting on my lap.

Bobyan · 10/05/2013 22:29

I also have a home IPL machine, which does seem to slow the regrowth after treatment...

Bobyan · 10/05/2013 22:25

Ooo Euro I too am a glow in the dark pallour with nearly black hair. Maybe I should just go for it...

quizzywizz · 10/05/2013 22:23

I was told that laser wouldn't work because of the PCOS - something about fluctuating hormones.

Hairy arms too - always feel like people are looking at them.

EglantinePrice · 10/05/2013 22:23

Just realised how that description makes me sound... like some hideous balding, yeti freak. Which was how I felt before laser.

EglantinePrice · 10/05/2013 22:21

Laser has changed my life. Not IPL (didn't work) Hurts less than waxing. No scarring. DO IT.

But despite my luscious, thick, quick growing body hair I have shite, fine, head hair. How thoroughly unjust.

EuroShaggleton · 10/05/2013 22:18

quizz that colouring makes you the perfect candidate for laser (the greater the contrast between skin and hair colour, the better).

My hairiness used to really affect my self-esteem. I'm so happy that it is under control now and could kiss whoever invented laser hair removal.

LittleMissLucy · 10/05/2013 22:15

I think its genetics. Its also an Irish / Celtic thing.

idiot55 · 10/05/2013 22:12

ah Little thats my theory gone, wonder if its purely down to genetics what goes grey first or, hair colour? who knows!

dementedma · 10/05/2013 22:08

Grey pubes are awful. Well, white really. And sparse. My lush bush is long gone.
Yes to moustache, wiry chin hairs.
No hairy toes or nipples though

LittleMissLucy · 10/05/2013 22:04

Not here. My head is almost completely grey, my pubes a nice shade of chestnut brown.

idiot55 · 10/05/2013 21:56

yip pubes are the first to go grey ( erm not that I know or anything, honest)

Right hairy nipples, anyone else?


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FarBetterNow · 10/05/2013 21:38

Enjoy your hirsuteness, they do disappear when you are post menopausal.
Except the bloody chin & tash hairs!

And pubes go grey!!

WipsGlitter · 10/05/2013 21:30

walk a mile in my pubes, sister BRILLIANT

Hairy thighs - back and front, massive 70s style bush, toes, chin. I keep tweezers in the car now for the chin.

quizzywizz · 10/05/2013 21:25

ubermumsy So I will finally be able to date at 70 plus?!

Depressing stuff to be hair from chin to toes.

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