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Landlord problems, aibu?

78 replies

SlipperFrog · 07/04/2013 17:21

I realise legally I am being UR but please bear with me!

We rent and have 3 young DC. Our previous home was sold quickly & unexpectedly by the landlord so we needed to move. Rent had skyrocketed and we found somewhere but it meant losing a bedroom and our rent went up by £150 a month.

The landlord wanted £1150 pm for a 2 bed house, we offered him 6 months rent up front if he would reduce the rent to £1050 pm which he accepted.

He has now asked for the next 6 months up front, we didn't realise we had agreed to this but on closer inspection it is in the contract... We are facing major financial problems and can't afford to pay him 6 month up front but have offered him 3 months, then another 3 months. He's said no, if we want to do that he will put our rent back up to £1150PM... We are really worried, aibu or is the landlord?

OP posts:
RapunzelAteMyHamster · 07/04/2013 22:52

To be fair, it's not the landlord's fault that she didn't read the contract.

Also, it's totally dependent on the attitude. I have had tenants occasionally say to me, I'm so sorry, I'm short because of xyz, can I pay you the remainder in two weeks (or whatever). Its a pain in the neck, but we always work it out. OP doesn't seem remotely sorry, or think it's her fault she didn't understand what she was signing, or that she's unreasonable changing terms unilaterally and that the landlord should suck it up. A tenant with that attitude has trouble written all over them, and I'd want to get them out sooner rather than later.

I agree there should be a compromise, but she's not going to get anywhere if she genuinely thinks she's totally in the right.

RapunzelAteMyHamster · 07/04/2013 22:59

Although maybe that's unfair, and its just the attitude she's presented here, and she's been lovely to the landlord in person. But my alarm bells would been set off by her saying she hadn't read the contract. OP obviously knows that is the case, but I would be thinking pull the other one mate, its got bells on it.

So she's already on the back foot and as lots of other people have said, she needs to sit down and sort it out, rather than deciding she's not in the wrong and thinking she'll just pay the three months anyway and hope for the best.

cumfy · 08/04/2013 01:18

You can afford £3000 (3 months rent) but not £100.Confused

That makes a lot of sense.Hmm

Isn't what he's offering the original £1150 monthly ?

Seems more than reasonable to me.

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