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AIBU to think that I didn't mean stock up your cupboards when I said you can get a few treats?

37 replies

TeamJavert · 06/04/2013 18:11

I was having a film night with a friend,and we went to Sainsburys to get some sweets and crisps. I said it's my treat,get yourself a few things to enjoy while we watch the film.

AIBU to think a few things does not mean 2 giant Aero bars,a bag of 4 creme eggs,a giant Galaxy caramel.2 Walkers multipacks,a 2 litre bottle of Irn Bru, a bag of Starburst,a box of Maltesers and a bag of Fruit Pastilles?

Like an idiot I paid for it at the checkout,thinking that she was going to give me the money for it,but no,she didn't. This was all for her,and her alone btw.

It's not the money that's an issue,but AIBU to think she went a little OTT? And that she shouldn't be using it as an excuse to stock up her cupboard?

OP posts:
pigletpower · 06/04/2013 23:02

Your 'friend' is a grabbing cunt.

unebagpipe · 06/04/2013 22:46

Phew- in a way I'm relieved. I imagined someone actually eating that much in one sitting, and being transported to the nearest a&e in some sort of sugar coma!

But in answer to you AIBU- She's taking the proverbial. Dig out the receipt. Take off whatever she ate at your house (as that was "your treat")- highlight the rest- and get her to pay up!

ImTooHecsyForYourParty · 06/04/2013 22:40

You certainly do.

TeamJavert · 06/04/2013 22:39

The film night was at my house.She asked me for 'her stuff' and like an idiot I gave them to her,as we left the store.

I think she and I need to have a talk.

OP posts:
olivertheoctopus · 06/04/2013 22:30

Oh, just seen your update about her leaving most of it in her cupboards. Cheeky freeloader!!

olivertheoctopus · 06/04/2013 22:28

Greedy cow. Whose house was the film night at? I'd have taken home most/all of the uneaten stuff if I'd paid for it!

Inertia · 06/04/2013 22:24

If the film night was at yours wouldn't it have made sense for you to take all the snacks back to your house ?

ImTooHecsyForYourParty · 06/04/2013 22:21

Well then it's simple. You say that you would like the cash for the items she didn't bring with her.

She is taking the piss with that, tbh.

mrsjay · 06/04/2013 22:13

I had a friend like this I dont see her very often ( i can't afford too) last time we were staying so i said we will nip to the shops and get some shopping she filled her trolley and and her freezer and like an eejit I paid half and didnt see most of the food she bought as 2 of the 3 nights we got takeaway Shock I think you need a wee reminder to get some snacks in before you invite her over again,

LadyMaryQuiteContrary · 06/04/2013 22:07

You should have said something 'where's the rest of the things I paid for?' or something. She's freeloading.

TeamJavert · 06/04/2013 21:24

She didn't eat most of it during the film.She left most of it at home,presumably for another day.

OP posts:
WhereYouLeftIt · 06/04/2013 21:24

"I just think she was taking the piss a bit."
A bit? A huge, lake full of piss!

NatashaBee · 06/04/2013 21:08

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

TeamJavert · 06/04/2013 21:03

Sorry for dripfeeding. We went to our respective homes immediately afterwards,to get a few things done before the film. She brought some of the stuff round,but most was left at home,so in a sense I was stocking her cupboards.

It isn't about how much she eats either.She's tiny and slim,not that I'd care if she wasn't and ate a ton.And it's not really about the money either.I just think she was taking the piss a bit.And it reminded me that she does tend to do this. I hadn't seen her for a while,so I'd forgotten she's fond of freeloading.

On holiday once,I said I'd get lunch,and said we'll split dinner,and she said 'Why do we need to do that? Have you run out of money?'

OP posts:
BarredfromhavingStella · 06/04/2013 21:00

I could do that minus one of the walkers multipacks Blush I love snacking Grin Lucky you're not my mate cos I'd have whacked a bottle of Hendricks through the checkout as well...Wink

SamuelWestsMistress · 06/04/2013 20:18

Perhaps she's planning on hibernating and needs the energy?

LadyMaryQuiteContrary · 06/04/2013 18:35

Did you have to wheel her home in a barrow?

DontSHOUTTTTTT · 06/04/2013 18:34

There must be more than 10,000 calories in that lot
14 packs crisps = 2500
4,litres iron bru = 1600
4 creme eggs = 600


ENormaSnob · 06/04/2013 18:34

She's taking the piss.

I can trough like a good 'un but that's a disgusting amount.

floatyflo · 06/04/2013 18:27

I hate these kind of posts. Yeah maybe she did go overboard, and maybe that would be seen as a bit rude.

But dont you feel like if your friend saw this post she'd be feeling a bit hurt and embarrassed. I just feel its really judgy. You said it was treat, you didn't specify how much. Maybe that's a normal amount for a film feast to her.

It reminds me of an aibu a month or two ago, about the babysitter who ate lots of food out the ladies fridge. She was so bitchy about this poor girl.

sjupes · 06/04/2013 18:25

Christ, she's a grubbing cow isn't she??!

I'd be asking her for the money tbh, that is A LOT for '1 movie'

can't bear greedy sorts that take advantage

Maat · 06/04/2013 18:24

I'm guessing you were sitting through a Trilogy Grin


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EuroShaggleton · 06/04/2013 18:23

No wonder we have a type II diabetes problem in this country...

usualsuspect · 06/04/2013 18:22

that sentence made no sense Grin

usualsuspect · 06/04/2013 18:21

I think I would have said I would have taken a few things off her and said 'I will pay for these' and left her to pay for the rest.

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