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To hate my Tupperware cupboard?!

50 replies

GadaboutTheGreat · 26/03/2013 22:37

Most trivial/boring thread of the night I knowGrin

But it has come to this; me shouting at hundreds of lids and boxes that are Not Stacked correctly, and not knowing how on earth to sort through the mountain of plastic.

How do you stack yours? Do I need some sort of Overlord tub in which to keep them all at bay?

OP posts:
Startail · 27/03/2013 11:30

I have lids, put no tubs, the DDs pinch them to sort Hama beads and DH nicks them to put electrical bits and computer case screws in.

Do they return them, of course not!

rockinhippy · 27/03/2013 11:26

Right, on the back of this thread - my plastic sand which & freezer box tat drawer will be sorted out today, I've put it off way too long because its like f'ing ground hog day with soddin DH putting it back again DHs is out & its recycling day, so I am now on a mission[ grin]

TomArchersSausage · 27/03/2013 09:19

I threw a load of it out and dont miss it. The plastic box cupboard was awfulHmm I've kept a few bit but not much.

I'm going to buy some disposable foil containers with lids (like you get from takeaway) for when I want to freeze things.

theodorakisses · 27/03/2013 09:12

I have just thrown away all of the old ones (donated them to the animal shelter) and gone to IKEA and brought brand new ones. Instead of even considering the cupboard method, I have a big box where they will only be placed once the lid has been firmly placed on. Life is too short for lid looking.

TomDudgeon · 27/03/2013 08:40

Random chaos all thrown in
I use a lot , especially little pots for making yoghurt or freezing individual portions of sauces for dc4s lunches
About once a year I go through, pair it all up and chuck and spares

drummerswife · 27/03/2013 08:36

gets coat on to go and buy a box for keeping tupperware in and whilst i'm there i might buy some new tupperware
must admit my tupperware cupboard could do with a sort out i have loads of tubs but no lids.
whenever i go into a poundshop i make a beeline for the plastic boxes i think i have an obsession with them

MothershipG · 27/03/2013 08:36

My 2012 new year's resolution was to sort my tupperware cupboard - I still haven't been able to face it. Blush

It's a corner cupboard so there is probably stuff that's fallen down the back that I haven't seen for years...

Gadabout I think you are me.

cozietoesie · 27/03/2013 08:35

Naughty post SchmaltzingMatilda !Grin

I've found that you always use the same plastic boxes over and over - the ones with a handy shape and size- so that at least two thirds of your plastic collection is unnecessary.

Sort a few out and junk the rest.

ProphetOfDoom · 27/03/2013 08:28

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FourArms · 27/03/2013 08:14

Chinese takeaway tubs are the way forward! We have some Tupperware too and have piles of square and rectangular tubs with a lid basket for larger lids. Smaller lids go in a draw for easy selection.

Bea · 27/03/2013 07:32

I just have a monthly clear out and re-clicking of lids... (lock and lock lover!)
always put back with lids on!
"food storage porn "... Grin couldn't have said it better myself!!

LindyHemming · 27/03/2013 07:20

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kennyp · 27/03/2013 06:58

Bestest thread ever!!!!!!!! From a lover of lock and lock, which is supermessy all the bloody time and it drives me madddddddddddddddd

OrangeLily · 27/03/2013 06:49

1 basket and 1 box in bottom cupboard. Small boxes and kids in box, big boxes and lids in basket.

Never seen to have an issue and I use them every day. Use at least 10 a day.

MackerelOfFact · 27/03/2013 05:19

Oh and the surviving lids obviously do not match up with the remaining boxes. Why would they?!

MackerelOfFact · 27/03/2013 05:17

Mine seems to liberate itself at whim - I seem to have a quarter of what I actually purchased.

I also have a situation with jam jar mutiny. They are kept for decanting those little bags of spices or homemade jam, but they are rebellious and noisy little fuckers.

MyNameIsSuz · 27/03/2013 05:08

Tupperware cupboard?? Fancy! You all don't know you're born, I have to balance mine in a pile on top of the fridge!

GreenLeafTea · 27/03/2013 03:44

Numbering Tupperware? I'm in heaven! I love it!

Or you could name them. Bring me a Bernard!

My end cupboard is also an explosion of plastic.

SavoyCabbage · 27/03/2013 02:54

I've just had extra shelves cut for all my kitchen cupboards and I have made a narrow shelf in the middle of every one. For my cake tins and some Tupperware.

detoxlatte · 27/03/2013 02:41

Read a tupperware tip on here once, actually, that made sense: number your boxes and lids and you'll be able to find the right one of each instantly. Guess you'd have to stack them in order too.

Of course haven't done this myself and not because I have a life

pollywollydoodle · 27/03/2013 01:09

didn't know that i was so militant about storage tubs Shock

pollywollydoodle · 27/03/2013 01:07

3stacks of tubs
large marge
small marge
put lids in top one of the stack

do not keep any tub that doesn't fit a stack(this causes dh pain as he hates throwing anything away-frankly i care not a jot)

do not buy special lunchboxes or storage boxes...waste of money and space
...they will never stack

avoid lakeland and ikea, the lure of food storage porn will be too strong (even if you are just going in for munchy seeds or some meatballs)


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OvO · 27/03/2013 00:18

If things need stored in the fridge then it's in a bowl with cling film over it.

That's all my Tupperware was ever used for (or the time we had a leak!). It just sat looking at me evilly the rest of the time, plotting my breakdown as I tried to organise it for the 166,133,670 time.

ProphetOfDoom · 27/03/2013 00:16

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Nospringchickendipper · 27/03/2013 00:15

Everytime I open the cupboard where I keep my Tupperware something falls out,I shove it back in and think I must sort it out I've been saying that for the past two years.

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