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to think I witnessed a woman in Morrisons today that the majority of you would judge?

123 replies

ChildlikeConfusion · 03/03/2013 18:07

It was about 11:30ish and she was wearing a bright pink onesie ... tucked inside a pair of Uggs.

This also isn't even a local Morrisons, it was in a retail park not that close to a residential area, so it's not like she'd just popped in to buy some milk.

Lord knows what was in her trolley Wink

OP posts:
poachedeggs · 03/03/2013 19:38

I have gone to work in my pyjamas before now, but with a fleece pulled over the top. It saves people asking that irritating question, "You didn't come in especially did you?"

"No sir, I can always be found here in my pyjamas at 3am, just waiting for you to decide that the diarrhoea your dog has had all week is suddenly serious enough to need my services."* Grin

I absolutely draw the line at onesies though. Ugh.

*I'm too professional to actually say this. I have thought it though. Lots of times.

WestieMamma · 03/03/2013 19:45

I think YABU and rather mean. Judge people on what's on the inside not the outside.

My adult daughter is one of the kindest, gentlest, friendliest people you could ever met. She'd give the shirt off her back to a stranger if they needed it. She also has AS and is obsessed with cats. She has 3 cat onesies and a hellokitty one that she lives in. I hate to think that people look down their noses at her just because of what she chooses to wear. :(

StepAwayFromTheEcclesCakes · 03/03/2013 19:53

well I raise you all your onesie wearers and give you a man in a chef suit with a monkey puppet on his arm just walking down the street as i go to work. seen him twice now, the first time he had a full on santa suit Hmm

MmeLindor · 03/03/2013 19:55

I think you can tell how posh a MNetter is on one of these threads.

I'd say I'm middle class but live in working class area. Am appalled by outside onesie wearers but see them often enough not to be surprised by them.

Don't take it to heart. Of course no one would judge a person with SN (although obviously we wouldn't know she had SN). Don't take this thread seriously, though.

HairyHandedTrucker · 03/03/2013 19:57


SPsFanjoTheBigStickyHaribo · 03/03/2013 20:07

Me and the toddler are in our onesies now! He loves them and calls them baby suits.

Pandemoniaa · 03/03/2013 20:13

The only time I think it's acceptable to go out in public in a onesie is if it's for charity.

And even then it'd have to be a spectacularly good cause.

Alibabaandthe40nappies · 03/03/2013 20:20

I saw two girls wearing them today at around lunchtime.

DH said 'oh look they are in fancy dress!' Grin

These ones had ears and a tail, utterly awful.

It is the first time I've seen anyone in one outside here so I was a bit Shock

TeaOneSugar · 03/03/2013 20:29

morrisons is the only place i've actually seen someone walking around with their skirt tucked into their pants.

CheeseStrawWars · 03/03/2013 20:38

Ears and a tail?! I could be converted to these onesies of which you speak.

OMG you can get dinosaur ones! School run here we come... Grin

shockers · 03/03/2013 20:46

Aren't they made of nylon fleece? Don't they make a person stink if worn next to the skin... or do you wear ordinary clothes underneath?

I feel very lucky to live in rural NW, where onesies have yet to appear in the shopping aisles of Booths supermarkets Grin.

SomebodyBrokeThat · 03/03/2013 20:56

I think Macklemore looks tasty in his batman onesie in the Thrift Shop video, or maybe I'm just weird....i still would though.

SPsFanjoTheBigStickyHaribo · 03/03/2013 20:58

Somebody Me too bit I didn't want to admit it first Grin A man in a onesie wouldn't bother me.

SomebodyBrokeThat · 03/03/2013 21:13

I think it depends on the man though SP, i dont think my OH would look quite so good, but don't tell him i said that.

eminemmerdale · 03/03/2013 21:16

Are Ugg Boots really naff then? I love mine Blush

Tallgiraffe · 03/03/2013 22:39

bambi0 there's got to be a joke in there somewhere about a zebra and a camel toe... Grin

VelvetSpoon · 03/03/2013 22:45

Onesies are often worn to the supermarket round here, so I don't tend to be surprised by them anymore. I was a bit Shock though at the lady I saw the other week in proper pjs (not even the loungewear could almost wear as clothes type ones) and dressing gown doing her shopping one evening. With her grown up daughter who was wearing normal clothes.


midastouch · 03/03/2013 22:49

You didnt look what was in the trolley?! I will openly admit i would completly judge someone that goes out in there pjs, unless you are a baby/smal child what possible excuse it there for it!

glastocat · 04/03/2013 03:41

I saw someone wearing one with ears and a tail while transitting Kuala Lumpur airport a few weeks ago! Looked ridiculous, but comfy for a long haul flight I suppose.

claraschu · 04/03/2013 06:18

I have never seen an adult in a onesie. I am jealous of all of you, as it would really cheer me up. I guess I need to get out more.

SelfconfessedSpoonyFucker · 04/03/2013 06:23

when did the word onesie start being used in the UK? It means a baby vest that snaps at the crotch, not a babygro.

fromparistoberlin · 04/03/2013 09:00

DP and I once went on a UK holiday, I wont name the region but it was NOT a particularly salubrious place. The very antithesis of Featherdown Farm put it that way

he is not from the UK, and was flabbergasted by the vast quantities of women wearing their dressings gowns, Pjs and slippeers all day

I am so proud to be a brit


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LottieJenkins · 04/03/2013 09:08

Wilf has a bat onesie.....He has been obsessed with bats since he was six. Pic on my profile of him in it. He would never be allowed to wear it outside college though!

HintofBream · 04/03/2013 09:10

At least onesies do a good job of covering up tattoos.

YeahBuddy · 04/03/2013 09:38

I have only recently acquired a onesie and shall be wearing it to go clubbing in a few weekends time Grin

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