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to think it is strange to change someone's present?

92 replies

JaneFonda · 05/02/2013 18:36

I'll try to keep this as simple as possible, without giving away too many details.

For Christmas, MIL and FIL suggested getting something quite expensive for DS1's Christmas present. He would have absolutely loved it, and would have had many years of use out of it. Because it was quite expensive, me and DP offered to pay some of it, but instead they suggested having it as a joint birthday/Christmas present. I thought this was a great idea, then it was 100% from them IYSWIM, and the price was then okay for a birthday and Christmas present combined.

The present wasn't to arrive until around January/February time, but DS was absolutely fine with that, as he knew it was worth waiting for.

However, this evening, they phoned us up to say that they had got DS a violin for the present instead. Which, while lovely, is not something that DS has shown interest in, or said he wanted as a present.

I am genuinely prepared to accept IABU, by the way, I don't want to seem ungrateful but I am a little upset for DS. I know that finances aren't a problem for them (we would have happily paid towards it anyway), so AIBU to think that this is strange of them?

OP posts:
EndoplasmicReticulum · 05/02/2013 23:45

They are being mean. Or at best thoughtless. You don't buy a violin for a child who has not previously shown any interest unless you are trying to annoy his parents. It will hurt your ears. (ex violin player)

RafflesWay · 05/02/2013 23:47

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garlicblocks · 05/02/2013 23:47

No, Clytaemnestra's suggestion is better Grin

Pandemoniaa · 05/02/2013 23:49

That's an extraordinarily weird thing to do. Positively malign in fact since you don't tell a child to expect one thing and then buy them something that's about as far different from the original present as you can get.

TheDoctrineOfSciAndNatureClub · 05/02/2013 23:49

YANBU. That's massively strange.

CuriousMama · 05/02/2013 23:53

Very odd I'd sell violin.

catladycourtney1 · 05/02/2013 23:58

Damn someone beat me to it, I was going to say let him use it as a tennis racket :)

But seriously, that is very odd. And I'm 99% sure they will have got it for free - it would take a serious arse to actually spend good money on such a pointless present. Maybe they decided they couldn't afford what they'd promised, but were too embarrassed to say so or ask you if you wouldn't mind chipping in after all?

deleted203 · 06/02/2013 00:15

I think this is awful, TBH. You don't promise a child something they are looking forward to and then replace it with a bizarre gift like this one! Your DS was very polite, bless him. I would get DH to phone and tell them that you are upset that DS was promised tennis membership and that he was really excited about it. Point out that it is surreal to decide that someone else's child should learn a particular musical instrument and go out and buy them one - and also that you can't afford violin lessons. Neither does DS want them. (And believe me, as the mother of a child who actually took lessons at primary school you don't want to be encouraging any violin practice Grin).

I think it would be perfectly reasonable to say, given that they had promised to go halves with you on tennis club membership that you would prefer to stick to the original agreement.

And I wouldn't be too worried about offending them. They weren't too worried about offending you.

adeucalione · 06/02/2013 07:03

Is it possible that they felt even slightly cajoled into paying for the tennis club membership, and really would have preferred to buy a wrappable gift?

Or that your DS has at any time confided in them that he doesn't really enjoy tennis and/or would really love to learn an interest? Or expressed any envy for a friend who is learning an instrument?

If not, they are being VU indeed.

theoriginalandbestrookie · 06/02/2013 07:51

Tell them you have checked and you can't afford violin lessons particularly as you are now having to pay for tennis membership, please do contact them. They are being mean to your son. don't ever let them discuss presents in the future stop them and say you don't want to build your son's hopes up unnecessarily.

theoriginalandbestrookie · 06/02/2013 07:55

Yes Bitesthetopoff clingfilm - and my mum kept asking me if I had that type of clingfilm already, bless. But they are generous in other ways and we can afford the Disney tickets so its not like they were blasting DS's dreams. Just slightly annoying as we'd worked our budget around the tickets.

Sorry for slight derail.

Oh and music lessons are v expensive. I'm sure they were around the £20 a half hour mark when I was young, which wasn't today or yesterday.

Pagwatch · 06/02/2013 08:02

I think you son is fab. To have thanked the politely when he must have been disappointed is very gracious and well mannered of him.

I agree witheveryone else who has said that you must have a conversation with them and say that a violin will be of no use unless you an afford to pay for lessons - which of course you can't or you and ds wouldn't have been so grateful fr the offer of tennis lessons.

I am tryingto think that they maybe felt it was such a brilliant gift in they we can sometimes. If it is a thing they see as fabulous thy may lack the sense/ability to see that your son might view it differently. Butit is bizarre and unkind when ds was told that he was getting tennis lessons.

jumpingjackhash · 06/02/2013 08:06

How about getting your son to practise at your ILs' place? That'll teach them.

Thumbwitch · 06/02/2013 08:06

I'm going with the "sell it" option as well. Once it's given to your DS, it's his to do with as he pleases - and he wants the tennis club membership so he can use the violin to fund that.

Apart from anything else, you don't give a valuable violin to a small boy who has never played it and has no interest in it - you give valuable violins to children who have some aptitude for the instrument!

I agree with:
? it's probably been given to them (in which case, HOW tight? to give it as a joint birthday and Christmas present!)
? they are thoughtless arses that don't actually care about your DS or his feelings
? it's really off to let him think he was getting tennis club membership and then replace it with something he neither wanted nor needed

Your DS, btw, is a little star for keeping his manners when talking to them.

GreenPetal94 · 06/02/2013 18:10

My parents do stuff like that re changing presents once they are promised. They also don't consider lessons, memberships etc to be proper presents and buy things kids don't want instead. Its all very annoying as they are very rich.

A violin without violin lessons is not much use.

Pandemoniaa · 06/02/2013 18:17

A violin without violin lessons is not much use.

But it makes an excellent instrument of torture for the whole family, doesn't it? Which makes me wonder just how many ulterior motives are behind this unexpected change of present.

Kafri · 06/02/2013 18:24

That's very random - I play tennis and i'd be gutted if someone decided to swap a present for a violin and i'm supposed to be a grown up. A violin of all things?? What on earth posessed them?

I'm with hissy - have it valued and trade sell it towards tennis club!

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