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I wince when women refer to being a mum as "a job"

501 replies

CQuin · 04/12/2012 17:02

It's so mimsy ish, so martyr and yet at the same time.

Our parents would never have said this, is it just the heightened expectations everyone has for everything thee days ?
Would dads say this?

Eg I have two jobs, I'm a mother (or worse "mummy ") and a hat maker." (or whatever )

Fuck off.

OP posts:
AllYoursJingleBellbooshka · 04/12/2012 18:00

What do you mean "it's um... shitness?"

KenLeeeeeee · 04/12/2012 18:00

I get you, sort of. I'm a SAHM which is fucking hard work but it's not a "job" because I get paid shit all to do it. Xmas Grin

If it was paid employment, at least I'd get a sodding lunchbreak & time to have a wee in peace.

CQuin · 04/12/2012 18:00

yes the head tilt and " well thats the most important job of all"

well its not REALLY is it

weighs up A&E surgeon with going to playgroup ;)

OP posts:
Jux · 04/12/2012 18:01

It's social commentary isn't it?

I know quite a few men who think they are the only one in their family who work. That's because yhey get paid by someone else. The mother of their children spend the day playing, apparently.

Today's society is very focussed on what you do in terms of earning, and people who don't earn are so much more looked down upon, that I can quite see why many sahm's would term motherhood as a job for the outside world. Just an effort to get a bit of respect for what they do.

CQuin · 04/12/2012 18:01

When i started work I was STUNNED people expected me to close the loo door!

freaks all ;)

OP posts:
CQuin · 04/12/2012 18:01

ah but those of us with voluntary roles...
I find it hard to describe that as a job.. its something I do.

OP posts:
DameMargotFountain · 04/12/2012 18:02

i've got a job

it's a research post - shite pay - 4p an hour i think someone said on MN a few days back

it's way better than pretending not to judge while calling someone's personal description of their occupation as 'shitness'

Tortington · 04/12/2012 18:02

oh do stop being contraire - yes name calling others is your signature but ffs leave it out and make a decent contribution ...for once

JenaiMathis · 04/12/2012 18:02

I don't "care" for my children, I bring them up and teach them to be independent. Well put, Bonsoir

There are different ways of achieving that aim as I'm sure we both appreciate.

Some people do manage to make housewifery (as opposed to parenting) a full-time job though, which unless you live in a castle seems a bit rum. If you're fortunate enough not to have to work, then it should be a piddling little PT job with plenty of time to do lovely things.

CQuin · 04/12/2012 18:03

the shitness of saying its a job.

not the job,although natch often there is UBER shit involved

OP posts:
AllYoursJingleBellbooshka · 04/12/2012 18:03

Are you an A&E surgeon CQuin?

CQuin · 04/12/2012 18:04

i AM

you got me

OP posts:
AllYoursJingleBellbooshka · 04/12/2012 18:05


babythrashling · 04/12/2012 18:06

But it doesn't make you giggle at all, CQuin, it makes you so enraged that you need to post a thread on Mumsnet about it. You may not think you have issues about this subject, but it's abundantly clear from your posts that you do I'm afraid....Sorry for you.

RedZombie · 04/12/2012 18:06

heaping praise upon me in a slightly desperate way. These are generally those who have not seen the state of my children or my house, I should add Grin

CQuin · 04/12/2012 18:06


OP posts:
CQuin · 04/12/2012 18:07

so enraged?

or a bit bored at swimming lessons? ;)

OP posts:
Caerlaverock · 04/12/2012 18:09

I took redundancy to try my hand at going it alone and spending some more time with dd, my ancient bil constantly beams at me and asks if I enjoy being a MUm NOW. The implication is that when I was in employment dd was motherless and I was an evil gin drinking harridan

Pinkforever · 04/12/2012 18:09

If you dont feed it,it will die....

Labootin · 04/12/2012 18:10


kilmuir · 04/12/2012 18:11

I always imagined a surgeon would be better at grammar!
Why do you care OP?
Does not make you a better mother whether you work outside the home, full or part time. To each their own. I don't care what you do as long as your children are well cared for, educated and have fun

JenaiMathis · 04/12/2012 18:11

RedZ that made me Grin too.

It's a shame the OP seems to be on a wind-up because there are a few good posts on this thread that will disappear when it goes "pouf".


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CQuin · 04/12/2012 18:12

I'vve already say i dont care what they do, its the JOB bit that i think is cheesy

OP posts:
AllYoursJingleBellbooshka · 04/12/2012 18:13

Really want to watch ER now... Xmas Angry

Labootin · 04/12/2012 18:14

Dead horse flogging

You've just missed Tarquers doing a super swan dive.

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