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To ask how much you exercise and how often you eat naughty foods?

99 replies

suzannajane80 · 07/11/2012 16:36

I try to exercise 4x week, with a session consisting of 45 minute gym or 5k run or equivalent.

I am really naughty and eat chocolate every day :o I try to eat healthy meals (jacket potato for lunch, something with salad for dinner, eat fruit etc) but I probably have one naughty meal (takeaway etc) per week

Is this normal / average?

OP posts:
FredFredGeorge · 07/11/2012 21:54

Interesting that so few people on this thread have any naughty foods - but a thread about feeding toddlers greggs sausage rolls has people horrified?

CaliforniaLeaving · 07/11/2012 21:58

2- 3 hours zumba a week (high intensity not the gold foot tapping stuff) 2 hours Yoga and cause I'm stuck this week with nothing to do tomorrow I'm adding an hour of ball pilates never tried that before I may not get out of bed on Friday Grin

CaliforniaLeaving · 07/11/2012 21:59

Oh I rarely eat junk food, maybe twice a month if I'm lucky (hazards of living bloody miles form anywhere interesting)

gordyslovesheep · 07/11/2012 22:01

I hate the term 'naughty foods' no food is naughty - food is food - I eat a balanced and varied diet

I do 2 1hr aerobic classes, 1 1 hour weight training class and 1 1hr boot camp session a week plus I ride once a week

I drink Vodka and I make and eat cakes Grin (not whilst doing any of the above though)

Adversecamber · 07/11/2012 22:04

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

McPie · 07/11/2012 22:08

Between 7 and 12 1/2 hours a week of classes (mix of weights and cardio) at my local leisure centre along with a healthy eating plan from the nurse which has lost me 25lb in the last 15 weeks.
I have a snack/treat allowance of 140 cals a day which either gets saved for my weekend drink of used daily on crisps, wheat and dairy free diet so no cakes or icecream for me.
I dont feel guilty about anything I eat anymore as I work hard for it and still lose weight.

GockandJuice · 07/11/2012 22:09

I don't really care about people referring to foods as "naughty" I have never been overweight or underweight ever and I call takeaway foods "naughty" because I see them as naughty as it's a treat, me not being healthy etc. That's the only food I view as "naughty" though. I just eat whatever I like tbh apart from take aways, dinners are always meat based with some veg and I have a bit of chocolate every day. Don't really exercise but I'm 5'5 and 9 stone and looked too skinny at 8 stone. Quite happy the way i am!

Feminine · 07/11/2012 22:09

I eat a bit of crap every day, my general diet (meals etc) are very healthy though.

Walking every day helps, and I do pilates 4/5 times a week.

I am rewarded with a 9 stone body at 5ft 7inches.

~ I'm 41.

whois · 07/11/2012 22:10

I probably have something 'naughty' most days.

My meals are on the whole very healthy and veggie based not meat or cheese based. I tend to har one black coffee a day, and fruit teas and water. I don't load up on pointless calories through juice or fizzy drinks.

I now exercise every day - bike 4 miles to work and back but I keep at a moderate pace so as to not get too sweaty. Easier now it's cold :-)

I could defo eat less 'naighty' stuff but I really like sweets! Such a scoffer. I could also do more exercise I suppose but I am happy I've fitted in some exercise into my daily routine. When I had to commute by car for over an hour each way, on top of long days, I didn't do much exercise and felt icky.

I love hiking so try and get out once every two weeks for a big un.

Oh I play netball 1x per week too which is 40 mins of intense exercise. Would like to play more but work gets in the way.

whois · 07/11/2012 22:11

Oh and I'm 5'8 (and a half) and 9.5 stone with reasonable muscle tone.

midseasonsale · 07/11/2012 22:17

I swim, cycle, run or yoga almost every day. I have the odd bit of dark chocolate three times a week or so and don't see it as naughty at all. I have the odd bit of home made cake every few days and eat it without guilt. I stay away from processed food, eat low GI for health, eat a salad a day for vitamins and try not to eat too much fruit due to the high sugar. I make my own curry as money is tight.

I have to mention that a jacket potato isn't the best thing for lunch as they have a high GI level. If you combine it with cheese and bean it have a lower GI. Altnaitivly change your potato for a healthier sweet potato.

whois · 07/11/2012 22:21

I have to mention that a jacket potato isn't the best thing for lunch as they have a high GI level. If you combine it with cheese and bean it have a lower GI. Altnaitivly change your potato for a healthier sweet potato.

Jacket potatoe = sleepy time! I swear they should be banned in big companies canteens tho, sleepy sleepy afternoon struggle.

Got to love a jacket potatoe and ratatouille tho for lunch

Nuttyprofessor · 07/11/2012 22:33

Gym everyday 1300 calories. No refined carbs unless it is Christmas or birthday.

I do eat enough track it carefully in my fitness pal. Had anorexia as a teen so try not to under eat.

Justreadthefuckingwords · 07/11/2012 22:36

Errr, Nutty, it seems you may still be under-eating, & tracking it ain't great.

Justreadthefuckingwords · 07/11/2012 22:44

Really this whole thread is a call to arms for disordered eaters & OP's position at 8' 11 & eating 'naughty' foods is just ridiculous.

You're grown women, not toddlers. Food is joy, is life, is pleasure, it's not a punishment, as is booze, a wobbly bottom & sex.

Do NOT attach guilt or negative feelings to food. It's always there you know, you can't escape it, don't try to. Don't hate it, embrace it - it's made you who you are today, strong or weak, & if you're fucking around with it to that extent - I'd vote weak.

It's not your enemy.

irishchic · 07/11/2012 22:44

Jeez who knew the word "naughty" when applied to food would ruffle so many feathers.

It's just a word people, relax and give the OP a break.

whois · 07/11/2012 22:54

Do NOT attach guilt or negative feelings to food. It's always there you know, you can't escape it, don't try to. Don't hate it, embrace it - it's made you who you are today, strong or weak, & if you're fucking around with it to that extent - I'd vote weak.

Uh, I don't.

I love steamed veggies.
I also love soft mints and chocolate, and haribo, and chocolate, and...

But it sure as hell isn't a good idea to eat a diet exclusively of haribo is it?

You shouldn't feel bad about eating but you need to eat a balanced diet. Thinking "oh fuck it, I'll have another pack of crisps" 5x a day isn't cool.

Gym everyday 1300 calories. No refined carbs unless it is Christmas or birthday.

I do eat enough track it carefully in my fitness pal. Had anorexia as a teen so try not to under eat.

Yikes. Maybe you're not dangerously under eating but I wouldn't describe 1300 calories plus exercise and tracking as a particularly relaxed attitude to food.

gordyslovesheep · 07/11/2012 23:04

EAT CARBS - you need them

Justreadthefuckingwords · 07/11/2012 23:04

It's not just a word though, it's a word applied to small children, not adults, for anyone to apply the word 'naughty' to their activities as an adult is not taking responsibility for their lives.

Ohh - I've been a bit naughty - I've eaten a cream cake
Ohh - I've been a bit naughty - I've stolen from the till at work
Ohh - I've been a bit naughty - I've let the gardener shag me up the arse whilst DH was at a conference.

Adults aren't 'naughty', adults do things because they chose to do them for whatever reason, negative behaviours in adults aren't 'naughty', they are what they are.

And eating chocolate a few times a week can't even be classed as a negative behaviour, just part of a normal eating pattern.

So yes, the word naughty, when applied to food, or any decision I make as an adult 'ruffles my feathers', I'm smoking a cigarette as I type, it isn't naughty, it's just something I do. I smoked crack once many years ago, it wasn't the best choice, but it wasn't naughty, stupid yes, naughty, no.

Don't infantillise, own your choices, you're not a fucking kid. It's no-one else's fault.

TENDTOprocrastinate · 07/11/2012 23:15

I'm an all or nothing gal (yo yo) at the mo it's bad. Baby is 11 weeks old and the eating habits are bad! Regular 'naughty' food - choc/crisps/cheese/wine/takeaway. Exercise is school run- 40 mins buggy walking a day. When I'm into the gym it's 4 times a week- then i I tend to eat much better too ie no choc/cheese maybe the occasional takeaway- still do wine. At the mo I'm 9st9 (the heaviest I've ever been) when I'm good I'm 8st.

I'm struggling with motivation at the mo, this evening I've eaten choc, cheese and drunk too much wine! But hey- it's my birthday 2mo and dh is out. Maybe I'll start the detox on the 9th!!

irishchic · 07/11/2012 23:27

I think though that the OP was just using the word in a lighthearted way, given the smiley emoticon, and so i would just take it in a lighthearted way justread

Justreadthefuckingwords · 07/11/2012 23:44

Sorry, forgive me, I'm just a fan of the English language & women having a healthy relationship with their bodies, I'll fuck off now.


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GambasAndCava · 08/11/2012 07:06

OP, I bet you talk about 'being good' as well. Like everyone else on this thread the words naughty or good when used about food drive me up the wall.

Obviously doesn't apply to you, cos you got a nice stealth boast in about how thin you are, but most women people who go on about being 'good' or 'naughty' always seem to be on diets but are always overweight or yo-yo weight-wise.

They also generally refuse to do any exercise or daily activity and eat all sorts of processed crap such as muller light yogurts and 'fat free' but full of sugar and artificial shite diet products and refuse to believe that this is not helping as what they should be eating is a healthy balanced diet full of real food with less sugar and processed food.

I'm 5.7 and about 11.5 stone, size 12-14 and run/cycle/hill walk several times per week, but I like cake and wine a little too much. I could do better and would like to be about a stone lighter, primarily to help me be a better runner/cyclist.

Ephiny · 08/11/2012 07:12

Yes I'm starting to think this is just a stealth boast really.

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