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To ask how much you exercise and how often you eat naughty foods?

99 replies

suzannajane80 · 07/11/2012 16:36

I try to exercise 4x week, with a session consisting of 45 minute gym or 5k run or equivalent.

I am really naughty and eat chocolate every day :o I try to eat healthy meals (jacket potato for lunch, something with salad for dinner, eat fruit etc) but I probably have one naughty meal (takeaway etc) per week

Is this normal / average?

OP posts:
Issy · 07/11/2012 17:02

Sorry OP, I have the same objection to ascribing moral values to particular food types, but you've probably heard more than enough about that by now!

I exercise about 4x per week. 3x cardio for 30-60 mins and 1x hard core pilates.

I probably go for about a 80:20 or 90:10 calorie split between OK food and downright loaded with fat/alcohol/sugar food. So, most days I eat one or two unhealthy snacks - a twix, 5 or 6 squares of chocolate, 2 or 3 biscuits - and drink a less-than-a-unit glass of wine. That seems a reasonable compromise between health and miserable abstinence.

FunBagFreddie · 07/11/2012 17:02

It's everything in moderation really. Eating junk all the time isn't healthy, but only eating vegetables, fruit, rice and fish is absolutely soul destroying and will make someone very irritable after a while.

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 07/11/2012 17:03

i love to eat chocolate willies Grin

Oblomov · 07/11/2012 17:04

If OP is that bothered by her cholestrol and diabetes risk, then why doesn't she get herself checked?

lashingsofbingeinghere · 07/11/2012 17:05

OP, you sound average to me on the foods you eat, but better than average for exercise.

Meh, if it works for you and you have no issues with things like cholesterol (or your weight!) then stick with it.

Chocolate every day sounds nice, not naughty. It's all about the balance innit?

ButternutSquish · 07/11/2012 17:25

I've lost quite alot of weight over the past 22 months and been able to stick to the new lifestyle (not a diet) by allowing myself to have 'naughty' food occassionally. This is usually a milky bar, a small bag of lighter crisps such as Square crisps or frazzles. I've not got an overly sweet tooth so I'm not bothered by puddings.I still eat out in most restaurants but really struggle with chinese (as I have little self control!).

But I exercise 3-4 times a week including one session with a trainer. I do high cardio and weights. I am training to do a 10k run.

I wear a size 16 now and am still considered 'obese' although I know I've got alot of muscle.

fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 07/11/2012 17:28
Mrsjay · 07/11/2012 17:31

spanked the bag sounds very naughty

EuroShagmore · 07/11/2012 17:44

I'm not a big fan of "naughty" either. It's just food.

I walk 30 mins-1 hr, briskly, per day as part of my commute.

I usually run once or twice a week and gym once or twice more. I say usually as I injured my knee a month ago and then got a stinking cold, so I am about to get back to it after a break (always horrible). I have also started pilates. I'm going to try to do that once a week.

I eat chocolate (just a couple of squares usually) every day. I eat a lot of fruit and veg, lean protein and good fats.

I probably have a healthier diet and lifestyle than most of the people around me but not as healthy as some.

Trills · 07/11/2012 17:49

I only eat inanimate food, so it can't be naughty. If it can move by itself, and especially if it has a sense of right and wrong, then I get a professional to deal with it and deliver it to me in packaging.

troubador · 07/11/2012 17:56

I do three cardio sessions and 3 weights and core sessions a week (often combine the two so just visit the gym 3 times).

Dunno about diet - I eat too many carbs probably and drink too much wine but my weight is good for my height and easy for me to maintain.

troubador · 07/11/2012 17:57

Oh, I walk between 2 and 4 miles a day on weekdays too, though I don't consider that exercise as such.

reallyboredatwork · 07/11/2012 19:01

Leave the bastard

MargeySimpson · 07/11/2012 19:24

There is naughty food. It's a way of saying food that's bad for you, but use the word naughty to not make yourself feel so bad Grin

I hate 'everything's okay in moderation'. It's not, you'd be better off if you ate healthy 100% of the time. It won't make a big impact if you eat fish and chips once a fortnight but you wouldn't be as healthy as if you never ate it!

Having said that, I exercise about 4times a week (zumba/yoga/body pump -if you havne't tried it, body pump is fab!) but eat total shit alot!

KellyElly · 07/11/2012 19:39

Never (but am a lone parent to a crazy three year old so that's exercise in itself) and every day :)

bruxeur · 07/11/2012 19:47

That's total bollocks, Margey.

SlanketySlank · 07/11/2012 19:48

I don't eat any naughty food but I do eat chocolate daily if that's what you mean. I never actually do intentional excercise, I walk quite a bit and I'm generally quite active but I've never set foot in a gym.

FunBagFreddie · 07/11/2012 20:29

But everything is ok in moderation. Who wants to eat healthily 100% of the time? You won't die because you ate some chocolate.

Ragwort · 07/11/2012 20:33

I exercise (spin class or similar) - five days a week; I eat far too much - my portion size is too big, I love butter/cheese/crisps/wine/chocolate.

I wish I could just eat 'treats' in moderation instead of indulging myself. I am at least two stone overweight - and I mean over a healthy weight, not a size 8 or something like that Grin.

BackforGood · 07/11/2012 20:37

I'm with FrontPaw too, and reckon this is just a bit of showing off by the OP, as to how much exercise she does.

Justreadthefuckingwords · 07/11/2012 21:21

Arse, I got here far too late, I was too busy being naughty with all the cheese, beer and fags & stuff.

I do eat naughty food daily, however, I offset it with a bout of self-flagellation, so 6.30 am, eat bit of cheese from fridge whilst making non-naughty food for DC's - 6.45, stamp repeatedly on drawing-pin to make it better. 7.45, wave children off on bus to school, have banana (good) eat chocolate digestive, insert cocktail stick down thumbnail. Smoke five fags with tea (super bad) - insert head down loo & flush once for each fag smoked. Flush once more as a reminder.

Lunch - varies- could be a massive salad (three halo points) or (as today) a fried bacon & egg mayo (two eggs, heaps of mayo) sandwich with crisps (bad), answer door to postman with penitent nipple clamps on - it is important the postman sees them so the outside world knows I have been BAD.

Supper - penitence has broken me - I am BAD - there is no redemption - drink 8 beers/bottle of wine - smoke as many fags as lungs can take. Perform Harakiri.

RatherBeACyborg · 07/11/2012 21:31

I used to view foods as 'naughty '. I was also anorexic. And boy did that naughty list grow. Once I stopped attributing a moral value to food and just ate what I felt like, I found it all evened out and now my diet is mostly healthy without having to think too much about it. I walk everyday to the school and back but that's about it. I can't do much exercise due to my condition. *

*lazyitis. Grin


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carabos · 07/11/2012 21:33

Agree with everyone about the "naughtiness" or otherwise of foods.

I do 45min to 1 hr of strenuous exercise at least 5 times a week. I eat chocolate, cake or biscuits every day in moderation (sweet tooth). Aside from that my diet is pretty healthy (not much processed food, no takeaways) and I don't drink or smoke.

I am 49, 5ft 4 and 8.5st.

Justreadthefuckingwords · 07/11/2012 21:34

5' 8", 9 stone 8, low cholesterol, low blood pressure, low stick up arse count when last checked.

Sentient adult female, in charge of own choices.

BornToFolk · 07/11/2012 21:44

I don't do "proper" excercise but I walk everywhere and have a football obsessed 5 year old so spend more time than I would ideally like kicking a muddy ball around the garden.
I eat what I like, mostly. I'm vegetarian which means no red meat and lots of pulses. However I do love chocolate and red wine.
I rarely eat processed stuff but do love a takeaway curry.

Meh, excercise, eat healthily, die anyway. You may as well enjoy the ride.

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