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to think first years too young to date?

54 replies

happyhalloweeneveryone · 30/10/2012 20:39

my sons at high school and 2 of his friends from primary have a girlfriend at their new school. Im sure it is innocent but I personally think 12 is too young for that. i wouldnt allow it if my son comes home announcing a girlfriend, i think id break in to a panic! Aibu and is it a common thing?

OP posts:
halloweeneyqueeney · 31/10/2012 20:13

"and the teasing from other pupils regarding who dumped who"

oh god yeah I remember how vitally important it was to be the dumpER not the dumpEE!

Sampette · 31/10/2012 20:23

You're being ridiculous, OP. It's important for people to explore their sexualities

shesariver · 31/10/2012 21:25

i wouldnt allow it if my son comes home announcing a girlfriend

Haha good luck with that then! [hgrin]

halloweeneyqueeney · 31/10/2012 21:31

yeah, all you can stop is the announcements, not the actual dating!

to those who say its not all innocent, I know its not ALL innocent, it wasn't in my day for everyone, what I was saying was that the ones who were allowed to be OPEN about it were fairly innocent, it was the ones who were breaking a rule just by having a boyfriend/girlfriend who were more in for a penny in for a pound! For the rest of us it was quite innocent but sex did go on from 12/13 for some

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