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Hmmm to be concerned about my friend going on this blind date

35 replies

BrevilleTron · 28/09/2012 22:14

Ok bear with me.

My best friend (A) 23. Mother of 1 DS (4) currently single. Reasonable relationship with ExP.
Lives alone ( her, DS and cat)

Her Friend (B) 24. Mother of 1 DD (2)
Awful relationship with abusive emotional fuckwit who is not her DD's dad. Has had help to leave many times keeps going back etc exposing her DD to all kinds.

A is currently being pressured by B to go on a 'blind date' with a relative of her awful partner.
A photo has been sent ( of him) to A I've seen it. Not so much hit with ugly stick- more parachuted into ugly forest hit every branch on way down

AIBU to think this is RED FLAG central and that B seems to want to entice A to end up in the same awful kind of relationship that B is currently in in order to provide B with a constant shoulder to whinge on

I'm concerned that this relative may not be ideal but should she go on the date or dismiss it?
Fully prepared to be told AIBU

OP posts:
BrevilleTron · 29/09/2012 12:43

Shelly it was personal opinion. I'm sure people take the piss out of me if they think I'm ugly. I don't care! We haven't texted him saying 'we are laughing at you being ugly'
And no if someone was black or in a wheelchair I wouldn't laugh at them for that? Why would anyone?
Attractiveness is subjective skin colour or disabilities don't come in to it.

So how does that make us bitches?

OP posts:
WorraLiberty · 29/09/2012 11:33

How can you compare being ugly to someone being Asian, or black, in a wheelchair, or having lost an arm? Confused

honeytea · 29/09/2012 11:29

Shellyboobs OP did say that he looked lots like her friends DP who she hates and that could be making her think he is ugly because he looks like someone she hates.

ShellyBoobs · 29/09/2012 10:28

Why do people think it's acceptable to take the piss out of someone's 'ugliness'?

You wouldn't laugh about someone being Asian, or black, in a wheelchair, or having lost an arm, would you?


cheesenpickle · 29/09/2012 09:51

if he had spent 2 years in prison his sentence was actually 4 yrs. i suspect hes been convicted of other serious offences alongside the driving offences. if it is death by dangerous driving i stay well away, what kind of person who has committed that type of offence then says im a kind hearted guy really. if fact there are alarm bells ringing for me anyway as i think at best hes been economical with the truth ,at worst hes lying . i work in probation so my bullshit radar is finely tuned!

honeytea · 29/09/2012 08:39

No way would I go on a date with a guy that had been in prison for any amount of time, especially if I had DC to consider.

Maybe your friend can try online dating if she wants blind dates :)

toomuchmonthatendofthemoney · 29/09/2012 00:09

I wouldn't go.

Plenty more non ugly, non prison, non dodgy rellies fish in the sea and all that ..... Why bother with all the angst?

DameFanny · 28/09/2012 23:51

Nope, most likely death going by that tariff, as the chances are he would have only served half his sentence

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 28/09/2012 23:50

And if he's dismissing it as "driving offences" it doesn't sound as if he's very remorseful or ashamed of his behaviour...

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 28/09/2012 23:48

No, OP, if he actually did two years inside, his sentence was considerably longer in Court. There's something like an automatic third off, so to do 2 means his sentance was at least three; and that's into causing death territory.

BrevilleTron · 28/09/2012 23:45

Old Lady we've checked it was maximum sentence for dangerous driving
Death was the one above.
She knows my views on driving offences.

OP posts:
BrevilleTron · 28/09/2012 23:43

She is sat here with me but as I am a regular poster I just popped on to ask. Thank you for the link. Does the ban time equate to prison time or just the ban.
I've advised if she does decide to go to do it in a public place.
She is unsure but wary of tarring with brush.
I've given her my opinion but that's why we have asked because we value yours and all the other posters opinions too.

OP posts:
OldLadyKnowsNothing · 28/09/2012 23:42

According to mysons' link, he caused death.

mysonsasaint · 28/09/2012 23:36
mysonsasaint · 28/09/2012 23:33

Look, ask your friend to come on here and ask the question herself, if she's really interested.

No way on god's green earth would I go on a blind date with a man who'd been in prison for two years, and a great big Hmm face to that being for driving offences.

BrevilleTron · 28/09/2012 23:27

Thanks Worra we are well underway with the mountain but planning permission has now been revoked.
She is texting him and is impressed with his honesty. The two years was for driving offences how bloody fast was he going

OP posts:
WorraLiberty · 28/09/2012 23:14

No it still doesn't change the fact that your friend is free to decide whether she wants to go on this date or refuse.

Jeez you're both making a mountain out of a molehill

Tell her to go or don't go, the bloke's probably not fussed either way.

OldLadyKnowsNothing · 28/09/2012 23:11

Ooookkkaaaayyyy, what was he in for? Anything related to violence and it's a big, fat "fuck off".

BrevilleTron · 28/09/2012 23:11

Does the above statement change anything
I'm feeling uneasy now. My friend and I are both here together and wondering if the prison thing changes anything. Asking for opinions if you would go on a date with a guy who had been in prison for two years.
We don't know why but do we ( she) need to know?

OP posts:
WorraLiberty · 28/09/2012 23:06

I'm not getting why you need help OP?

BrevilleTron · 28/09/2012 23:05


When asked what do you do the reply was

I've been in prison for two years but everybody makes mistakes and I'm a kind hearted guy really.


OP posts:
WorraLiberty · 28/09/2012 22:54

She must find the guy's photo attractive or she wouldn't be going...and just because one member of a family is a wanker it doesn't mean they all are.

I don't know what you're worried about because if he turns out to be a total knob jockey, he's unlikely to reveal that during the date.


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BrevilleTron · 28/09/2012 22:48

Dame I love the typhoid. Can just imagine now
" tears.... Come back ... The cat has Ebola and the budgie has trashed the house...sobs"

OP posts:
DameKewcumber · 28/09/2012 22:35

she doesn;t need to text you - you ring her at set time and depending on what she says - you can either create an emergency (babysitter has thyphoid?) or just be calling about coffee tomorrow.

honeytea · 28/09/2012 22:30

Good plan OP :)

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