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To think that Tesco's should not price

38 replies

CardyMow · 09/11/2011 19:51

PINK baby toys cheaper than the everyday versions. It has been getting on my wick for a while now, but today was the last straw.

Six weeks ago, they had a cot activity centre that was priced at £10.00 for the pink 'girls' version, and £17.97 for the multi-coloured 'boys' version. I didn't buy it for DS3, and left it, while internally seething.

Today, I went in to spend my clubcard double-up vouchers, and there were another TWO things the same - the pink 'girls' Vtech baby walker is priced at £20, and the multi-coloured 'boys' version was priced at £26.97. The Fisher price ride on Zebra toy (that I really wanted to get for DS3), well, the price difference is massive (to me) - the pink 'girls' version is priced at £20, the multi-coloured 'boys' version is priced at £30 - a whole ten pounds difference.

I have put in a complaint, and am waiting for Tescos to get back to me. Not ONCE has the multi-coloured version of these toys been priced lower than the pink version.

Now I know MN supports the pink stinks thing, and everything, but to me, this smacks of reverse sexism, where it is cheaper to buy pink toys for girls than it is to buy normal coloured toys for boys.

I KNOW I could just buy him the pink one - but, I WANT to buy the normal coloured one (who the fuck has seen a Zebra with PINK stripes FFS). I just don't want to pay an extra £10 to do so!

Why are the pink toys being sold so much cheaper than the blue ones? It doesn't cost any less to produce them - in fact, as they aren't sold everywhaere, if anything it must be more expensive to produce them, economies of scale and all that - so how can Tescos get away with charging so much less for the pink tat than the normal stuff?

OP posts:
piprabbit · 10/11/2011 00:17

If the black and white zebra is only £30, I'd be tempted to buy it. It is £55 at Mothercare and £44 on Tesco Direct. RRP is £57.

You should be able to recoup most of your £30 buy selling it on second-hand when your DS outgrows it.

MrsTerryPratchett · 10/11/2011 00:16

I have a DD and don't ever buy the pink crap. Hand-me-downs and presents turn our house into Barbie's pink house of horror without me adding to it. It's a miracle I haven't developed visual disturbances. I would happily spend twice as much for neutral. Supply and demand means I am the reason you have to pay more. Grin

NoOnesGoingToEatYourEyes · 10/11/2011 00:05

I got DS his proper coloured, black and white zebra for £13 on ebay, it's worth a try OP.

Joolyjoolyjoo · 09/11/2011 23:56

I know it's slightly off topic, but I did question the sexist aspect recently when I went to buy a Henry hoover, and discovered that (pink) Hetty was £10 cheaper! Seems even female hoovers are worth less than their male counterparts (despite having the same qualifications spec)

Of course, I took Hetty home, and she works just as well I'm sure

mummytotwoboys · 09/11/2011 23:49

I once went to tesco and they were selling off strollers cheap - the blue one was reduced to £15 and the pink one £3!!!!!!! three bloody quid!!! - of course I ended up buying one of each and accidentally i sent the pink one back in the blue box.

Of course I felt sooooo bad when I found out what I had done . . . Hmm

MrsPeterDoherty · 09/11/2011 21:56

But it's still "free", isn't it? Yabu to slate Tesco when they have given you the "money" to pay for plastic crap

CardyMow · 09/11/2011 21:51

I love the tigger one - but it is £50. Shock. No way is a bit of plastic worth that amount! I would just about give in to paying £20-£25 for it - but I don't feel it's worth more than that, which is why it's riling me that the pink one is £20 but the multi-coloured is £30.

OP posts:
CardyMow · 09/11/2011 21:49

Yes - because I could and did in the end buy clothes for the dc with the extra £10.

I just think it should be the same prices for both colours.

OP posts:
MrsPeterDoherty · 09/11/2011 21:26

But you're buying it with tesco vouchers, not real money, so does it really matter?

StrandedBear · 09/11/2011 21:25

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

ICanTuckMyBoobsInMyPockets · 09/11/2011 21:17

I know it doesn't help your situation but I just want to add that I hate Tesco, they are very underhanded, verging (sp?) on the illegal in their stock and pricing policies.
In my local Express, when they run out of a cheap version of eg sausages, they put the more expensive version on top of the cheap price label. Angry
I wrote to them and complained, I didn't get a response, but I did get a questionnaire asking me how I thought they'd dealt with my complaint!! Cheeky buggers.
I asked for a copy of the response so I could fill in the questionnaire but I never got one.
Like I said, not helpful, but it's made me feel better!

MsScarlettInTheLibrary · 09/11/2011 21:09

Indeed, Huntycat, you've managed to choose one of the very,very few items for young children there is a need to gender define.

Ah but Grimma 'girls' T shirts need flouncy bits and gathered bits and floofy sleeves and little bows Hmm

GrimmaTheNome · 09/11/2011 21:05

If a pack of boys pants cost 50% more than a pack of girls knickers, people would be pissed off - why not feel the same about pink toys being priced lower than blue toys? Or would you all be telling me to buy the knickers for my boy just because they are cheaper?

I find 'girls' T-shirts are often more expensive than boys and much thinner cotton. So most of the time my DD has 'boys' T-shirts.

Knickers/pants are one of the few truly gendered items of clothing so t-shirts much more analagous to toys, which aren't gendered just coloured.

MsScarlettInTheLibrary · 09/11/2011 21:00

If the pink one is labelled 'girls' and the other colour 'boys' then I'll agree with you.

Is that the case?

GrownUpSparkler · 09/11/2011 20:32

I can recommend the internet for that issue. [nods head wisely]

CardyMow · 09/11/2011 20:27

I WANT to buy the normal coloured one - I want the Zebra to have BLACK stripes, not bloody pink ones. I get the fact that the crappy pink one is probably being sold off cheaper because it isn't selling as well, or they have too many of them - but it is an unfair pricing policy, and they should be sold at the SAME PRICE.

If a pack of boys pants cost 50% more than a pack of girls knickers, people would be pissed off - why not feel the same about pink toys being priced lower than blue toys? Or would you all be telling me to buy the knickers for my boy just because they are cheaper?

And yes, I know it is bloody Tescos - but it is the ONLY shop within walking distance of my house, and I don't drive. Tescos is my toy shop, my corner shop my electrical store, I fucking hate it, but I do well on the clubcard points...

OP posts:
IneedAbetterNickname · 09/11/2011 20:26

I love the pink stuff, although that could be because I have 2 boys, so not much chance for pink! (NOT because I think it's for girls, but when I had DS1, most of the stuff only came in neutral, and I kept it all for DS2)

GrownUpSparkler · 09/11/2011 20:25

I'd prefer a purple and white zebra, that would be funky.

Kayano · 09/11/2011 20:23

Am I the only mnetter who loves all the pink stuff?

PizzaSlut · 09/11/2011 20:23

Because most of the time the pink versions are far too pink and pink can get on your nerves after a while even when you have girls, hence people not buying them.

The neutral things are a lot nicer IMO and if a lot of people feel the same they will reduce the pink tat to get rid.

Trills · 09/11/2011 20:22

YABU - Tesvo can set their pricing policy however they like and you can choose to buy or not to buy.

And it's not sexism because there's nothing stopping either sex from using what you consider to be the wrong colour toy.

GrownUpSparkler · 09/11/2011 20:21

I'd just buy the pink one for a boy or a girl, it's cheaper... thinking that the pink is the girls version is surely the sexism here?


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IneedAbetterNickname · 09/11/2011 20:18

I bought air beds in Tesco the other week, the pink ones were about £17 each, the blue ones were £2!! Luckily I wanted blue ones!

But like others have said, the pink ones are reduced because they don't sell as well!

CardyMow · 09/11/2011 20:17

I won't be able to use it for 2nd/3rd dc - DS3 is my 4th and blooming last dc - I have a big gap between the first 3 dc and DS3, and got rid of all my baby toys!

OP posts:
SacreLao · 09/11/2011 20:14

The pink one's are yuck and no-one wants them, hence why they are cheaper.

I wouldn't call it sexism or reverse sexism as there is nothing stopping your boy having a pink one and I would buy the muti-coloured one regardless of a boy or girl.

It's just marketing, something dosn't sell, reduce the price. If something sells well, keep the price as it is. Simple!

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