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to be terrible upset that Delia failed me :O

83 replies

poppycomeshere · 13/10/2011 00:10

I follwed the recipe to the 'T' I even double checked it. (had never used her recipe for this before)
Check it half way looks okay, about 5 mins to end was looking getting close, take it out when buzzer goes.

My knife wouldn't even cut it - It was a pure rock - had to chuck it in the bin


I've lost the ability to cook and Delia has failed me :(

OP posts:
MrsTittleMouse · 16/10/2011 21:05

Oh no! The Mary Berry ones aren't cake-like. It's just that the Delia ones are even more rich and squigy in the middle. I had several just to make sure. Grin

PorkChopSter · 16/10/2011 19:46

Brownish in five minutes.

They may not have the finesse of Nigella but five minutes folks - you are only 5 minutes from brownies.

natashakaplinkyplop · 16/10/2011 19:17

I make Lorraine Pascal's chocolate brownies, they have a packet of oreos in them.

Bellavita · 16/10/2011 16:02

MrsT, my Mary Berry ones do not come out cake like.... They are all fudgy and squidgy in the middle! Mmmmm....

MrsTittleMouse · 16/10/2011 15:22

The Mary Berry brownies are good, but the Delia ones are better. They are squishier and richer and less cake-like. Mind you, I wouldn't kick Mary Berry's brownies out of bed. Grin

I have a fierce oven and need to turn down the oven and knock at least 5 minutes of both recipes.

MissMap · 16/10/2011 15:17

There must be a problem with your oven thermostat. My Great Aunt says she has been using Delia's recipes since they first appeared in the Evening Standard in the 1970s and she has never had a failure yet.

nbee84 · 15/10/2011 10:05

These brownies from Bill Granger are my favourites. Ver easy recipe, nothing complicated and no nuts Grin

ScarahStratton · 15/10/2011 09:51

Raymond Blanc failed me and DD2. I made croquembouche for her birthday cake and his caramel made with fondant and glycerine is shite. Never went runny and ended up as a big hot (very, very hot) unusable lump.

Delia's caramel works every time. I

lovecat · 15/10/2011 09:44

Well, I made brownies last night with Nigella's Domestic Goddess recipe, substituted 25g of flour for cocoa as suggested above and they are..... gorgeous :) Not sure they're better than the norm, but they are v. nice. And we are having them for breakfast [slack mother emoticon] :o

BrEEEKOutTheKaraoke · 14/10/2011 21:30

Right, I'm trying Mary Berry this weekend, thanks for the recipe. I WILL learn how to bake brownies.

5Foot5 · 14/10/2011 13:35

I think you must have made a mistake. Delia does not fail and I saw on a TV programme about her that there is a team of people who test her recipes umpteen times before they get published.

I did have a failure with her once but it turned out to be my fault. I was trying to half the quantities on one of her recipes but forgot to halve one of the crucial ingredients.

alemci · 14/10/2011 11:00

I am going to cook some now from the tupperware cookbook. These are quite good and use pecan nuts and yoghurt.

AitchTwoOh · 14/10/2011 10:54

and then more butter at the end. i tells ya. Grin just montys it right up.

valiumredhead · 14/10/2011 10:44

My top tip from scrambled eggs is never add milk - bit of butter at the beginning in a non stick pan and JUST eggs and cook on a very low heat. Mmmmmmmm...

AitchTwoOh · 14/10/2011 10:31

oh no i love her scrambled eggs, if you mean the ones where you add butter at the beginning and end of the process. [fat] Grin

glastocat · 14/10/2011 10:30

Delia's scrambled eggs are minging, far too runny.

VikingBlood · 14/10/2011 09:38

If you over cook brownies they can either go rock hard or turn into cake. HTH.

bruffin · 14/10/2011 08:01

I now feel a little bit vindicatedGrin

Delia's old lemon curd recipe called for 3oz caster sugar to 2 eggs
her new recipe on line is 12oz sugar to 4 eggs

That's twice as much sugar in it!

AitchTwoOh · 13/10/2011 21:12

i have tried a goats cheese flatbread thing about fifty gerzillion times and it is cack.

Bellavita · 13/10/2011 21:10
Bellavita · 13/10/2011 21:09

Use Mary Berry's recipe - stick all the ingredients in a bowl. Mix. Add choc chips. Mix. Put in brownie pan. Bake.

dawntigga · 13/10/2011 21:03

Delia has NEVER failed me, I, on the other hand, have failed Delia many times through lack of trust.



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BrEEEKOutTheKaraoke · 13/10/2011 20:44

Maybe someone on this thread can help me with my brownie problems....whenever I try and make them, I basically end up with a chocolate cake instead. Why? What am I doing wrong? I NEED brownies!

Bellavita · 13/10/2011 20:31

Mary Berry!!

lovecat · 13/10/2011 20:26

Right, you lot, because of this thread I am making chocolate brownies tonight!

And I'm sticking with Nigella... :)

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