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to put my make up on on the tube?!

103 replies

WineAndPizza · 22/09/2011 10:45

I would rather have 5 minutes extra in bed than almost anything - if I could shower on the way to work I would do. I almost always leave the house make up free and put it all on while I'm on the way to work.

My friend stayed over the other night and travelled in with me - she was totally unimpressed with this and thought it was really weird. I do sometimes get some odd looks from commuters too. I don't see the problem. Anyone else?

Although I did see the error of my ways this morning when I bumped into my neighbour on the bus and had to chat away with him while trying to avoid looking at him. Difficult. So AIBU and a lazy slattern? Or is there no problem with this?

OP posts:
Oblomov · 22/09/2011 14:06

I was only joking about being 'pig ugly'. Was just a joke. Of course your not pig ugly. you didn't really think i meant you were, did you ?

LadyMary · 22/09/2011 14:07

It doesn't bother me, personally, but I do find it weird.

WhereYouLeftIt · 22/09/2011 14:07

It does bother me, and I think I know why. But let's see if I can get it across coherently Smile.

It is a 'personal' (and as has been already mentioned, quite intimate) activity being carried out in a public, i.e. SHARED space. When someone does their makeup in a shared space, others sharing the space feel as if they should not be witnessing it, that they should not be there. But it IS a public space, so they know that they are perfectly entitled to be there having paid ginormous sum for ticket. So they subconsciously resent the person for claiming the space as theirs and their alone (personal/intimate) and making them feel uncomfortable in a situation that they shouldn't. It's the sense of being imposed on, IYSWIM, of being expected to go to the effort of ignoring you rather than be able to sit and zone out etc.

LaBag · 22/09/2011 14:09

YABU - have you no pride ?

HazeltheMcWitch · 22/09/2011 14:11

Yes, it is seen as really common, isn't it? Which is a shame, as I do it. Well not on the tube, but on the train. Is that perhaps any classier? Suspect not.

I have it down to a fine art, liquid foundation, 2 types of concealer, the lightest touch of pressed powder, a light wash of eye shadow, sometimes eyeliner then lots and lots of mascara. The when I get to work, blush. I am super careful that no bits of powder go anywhere - hence blush at work - and I use hand cleaner clean hands before and after. Can even do this standing up, allbeit braced against train. AND I don't open my mouth whilst applying mascara.

So while I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, and despite the fact that I am very nosy especially when it comes to the contents of other people's makeup bags, i HATE anyone watching me when I do my routine.

Really don't mind about train people seeing me look rough, but would hate hate hate to go to work without my comfort blanket of slap! Have also popped via Boots when I have somehow managed to forget my makeup bag.

warmandwooly · 22/09/2011 14:36

If you have the makeup skills to do it i don't see why not OP in fact I envy your makeup skills to be able to do it.

WineAndPizza · 22/09/2011 14:48

Have I no pride?? Erm...don't know how that's related.

WhereYouLeftIt - that does make sense and I can understand, in fact I think that's probably fair.

I really didn't know it was seen as common...oh dear, what must the upper class tube travellers be thinking of me?

I do foundation, concealer, little powder and blusher, eyeliner and mascara (I draw the line at getting the eyelash curlers out Grin) but I am careful not to get any make up on people and I don't think I've been tutted at on that account.

OP posts:
sausagesandmarmelade · 22/09/2011 15:26

Agree with the nail varnish comment....

As an asthmatic I find it aggravates my it's really annoying when people decide to polish their nails around other commuters.

Don't know why people would put their make up on in front of a captive audience of commuters............but then we are all different.

MoreBeta · 22/09/2011 15:28

YABU but I promise not to mind just as long as you dont mind me having a shave and trimming my nasal and ear hair. Grin

sausagesandmarmelade · 22/09/2011 15:30

seems a bit exhibitionist really.............

tho sometimes it's quite interesting to watch the transformation...and see how it's done.

I wear minimal make up to work...
Cleanse, tone and moisturise at home and then it's on with the bare minerals powder foundation followed by a bit of blusher, lippy and lip gloss (all done at home).

fuzzywuzzy · 22/09/2011 15:30

LeBOF I once watched in horror as a commuter did clip his toe nails on a packed train....the person sitting beside him was aghast!

Then the woman I nearly vomitted on who decided to paint her nails on the tube, I was pregnant at the time, even if I hadn't been nail polish stinks, it should not be applied whilst on packed train.

There was also a woman who plucked her eyebrows on the train.

And the woman who decided to file her nails on the train, when she finished she proceeded to wildly brush off nail dust on the man sitting beside her, who looked like he wanted to lamp her one!

Whatmeworry · 22/09/2011 15:31

One jerk start or stop and you can make a big wardrobe error....seen it happen :)

Trains are better for makeup, smoother ride.....

MoreBeta · 22/09/2011 15:31

... but brushing your hair vigorously and flicking loose hair and dandruff about the carriage I do object to. Most especially on a sunny day when I can see the detritis of your scalp hanging in the stagnant air of the carriage like a nuclear cloud about to invade my newly clipped nostrils.

Pagwatch · 22/09/2011 15:31

I think it is uncouth. But it doesn't especially bother me. I would just look across, hoik my bosom and think 'uncouth slattern' and go back to my book.

gluttom · 22/09/2011 15:33

I watch with fascination as i don't wear a lot of make up and fail to see how a Lot can improve someone so i like to see the before and after effect.

OneHandFlapping · 22/09/2011 15:34

the Tube has obvioulsy gone down hill in the decades years since I used it regularly. I've never seen anyone wanking, or pissing.

To think I used to get irate about people putting their feet on the seats!

BTW, what is the current etiquette if you see anyone doing either of the above? Point and laugh? Get out magnifying glass? Get off at next stop?

WineAndPizza · 22/09/2011 15:38

OneHand I think current etiquette is to scour the carriage to see if there are any uncouth slatterns applying make up and if so berate them whilst ignoring all other social faux pas.

If no uncouth slatterns are present, then attack the nail clipper first followed by wanker and pisser in that order Grin

MoreBeta - I'd be very impressed if you managed a wet shave on the tube - kudos, good sir (madam?)

OP posts:
krispykremeaddict · 22/09/2011 15:43

Do as other Londoners and keep reading your book/Metro. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT IT.

sjuperwolef · 22/09/2011 15:43

ive put a bit of make up on on the train before - but always nip to the loos to do it - more for my own comfort than anyone elses tho, i'd get embarrassed knowing people could see me! dont mind seeing people do it tho especially younger women/men just to see how they do it Grin

HazeltheMcWitch · 22/09/2011 16:44

WineAndPizza " I draw the line at getting the eyelash curlers out " Er, I don't really draw the line there! I have curled my lashes on train too, I forgot about this and omitted it from my exhaustive List Of Slap. You need to know where (in the journey) the train jumps around, as there is a real risk of a sudden jolt and BAG - all eyelashes are ripped out. God, I live on the edge, don't I?

To all the posters saying it is very exhibitionist - I am so, SOOOO far from an exhibitionist! I will posit that I am really not very common, either! I just like makeup and I like sleep.

mirai · 22/09/2011 16:49

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Bugsy2 · 22/09/2011 16:56

So grim, really don't like it. Again not 100% sure why - it just seems a bit grubby. Do find it amusing though, watching women pull faces to do their mascara & lipstick or trying to surrepticiously scratch of dead skin or rub the head off a pimple. ALSO, find myself wondering why they don't wait until they get to the loo at work, so they can wash their hands before touching their face!


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vonnyh · 22/09/2011 17:01

This is a pet hate of mine. So yes, I think YABU. Just get out of bed earlier and do it at home!

Bugsy2 · 22/09/2011 17:01

Gahhhh, am illiterate: surreptitiously scratch off dead skin

Ormirian · 22/09/2011 17:02

I have been known to do mine in the car at the traffic lights. Only when I am running late - which is less often than it used to be thank god!

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