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To suggest it might be time for a love thread?

309 replies

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 11:57

Been a lot of harsh stuff about of late, here and there.

isn't it time for some love?

Let the lovesters sign in and make everything warm and fuzzy again.

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follyfoot · 16/09/2011 12:33

DD and I have just got back from a local farm which has started making ice cream. It was bloody divine and I am in love with their raspberry flavour.

And they had baby micropigs. They will fit nicely in my coat pocket when I go back later to steal them.

I wont be snogging anyone's ear just in case of ear wax issues. Other than that, pucker up....

ArmageddonOuttahere · 16/09/2011 12:34

lawks, kerry

SureOfYou · 16/09/2011 12:35

Dd was obsessed with Auntie Mabel. Nearly 10 years on and I can still remember all the lyrics to memorable numbers such as the pencils song and "holes in the ground".

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:35

micropigs are just lovely I want some

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Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:35

I've never heard of Auntie Mabel

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kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:35

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follyfoot · 16/09/2011 12:36

Shall I put one in my other pocket for you Hully?

Look up look down look all around, up in the air and on the ground... Ooo we loved Auntie Mabel too

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:38

Eat choccy and let time heal the nose

make them give you more drugs

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Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:38

yy get me one of them piggies

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kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:39

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garlicbutty · 16/09/2011 12:39

Ouch, Kerry! How long before it stops hurting?

There is dancing in Hully's Hall of Love, and micropigs rooting under the cushions for cake crumbs. A small herd of silent goats graze on the meadow outside.

Since Kerry's nose can't handle the hookah, we'll let her have some morphine for pain relief and Lurve :)

SureOfYou · 16/09/2011 12:40

Auntie Mabel

aka Nurse Gladys off Open All Hours

You must be very old Hully. She's been around for donkeys.

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:40

Kezzer - surely you can have a bath tho?

Or do you not have one? Do any friends?

Or get dh to give you a blanket bath with candles and soft music..

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kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:41

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Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:41

I am very old. Barely sentient, in fact.

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Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:42


Ask for diff ones. I had some that made me puke once.

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kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:42

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kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:43

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Lizzylou · 16/09/2011 12:43

I had planned on saving for a nose job, don't think I'll bother now. Poor you Kerry, sounds horrid.

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:44
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bibbitybobbityhat · 16/09/2011 12:44

I am full of love today. FULL of love for you all, even Hully. And just been roffling at the outrage and po-facedness on my ramones t-shirt thread. Ah, all is well with the world.

Keep that baby in for another 13 days will you please?

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:45

gabba gabba we accept you we accept you one of us

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kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:45

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kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:46

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LadyBeagleEyes · 16/09/2011 12:47

I'm very old, Auntie Mabel and Pippin have been around for years.
In fact Pippin is no more, he went to doggy heaven years ago. Sad.
But rather than bring myself down with that sad news, I will be cuddling my friend's three collie puppies later, their eyes have just opened and they're learning to walk and they are the squidgiest squeekiest things you will ever see.

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