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To suggest it might be time for a love thread?

309 replies

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 11:57

Been a lot of harsh stuff about of late, here and there.

isn't it time for some love?

Let the lovesters sign in and make everything warm and fuzzy again.

OP posts:
iarebaboon · 16/09/2011 12:21

I've had a whole 5 hours uninterrupted sleep (DD 5 weeks). I feel NEW.

kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:21

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MadameDefarge · 16/09/2011 12:22

hully, I think FIds needs a lot of love atm.

TrillianAstra · 16/09/2011 12:23




Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:24

oh kerry

don't you want no love?

OP posts:
animula · 16/09/2011 12:24

I do love you, Hully, with your SWAT team of MN-Lovebombers. Actually, it's more 60s-style-adventure-TV-series than that, with a situationally-dependent, self-assembled team of non-professionals being called upon in an emergency situation, or by a philanthropically-minded genius Svengali figure: Hully's Angels, or The MN Love-Persuaders.
Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:24

you are such an ol grumbly groo, kezzer

how was your op?

OP posts:
Lizzylou · 16/09/2011 12:24

I have decided the new girl at works oddness is actually quirky/endearing and not irritating and am now feeling the love for her.
But if she calls me babe in a singsong voice once more I may chin her

ShirelyKnotSHIRE · 16/09/2011 12:25

um. I did a thread in _chat and anyone who wanted a LOVEBOMB got one.

Twas nice.

ArmageddonOuttahere · 16/09/2011 12:25

someone waved a bit of Love in my direction earlier. Just as I ran out of Things To Do with grizzly snot-bound 2yo DS the (v. handsome) postman arrived with a tea set I'd ordered off Ebay and forgotten about. Thanks, Love!

RedRubyBlue · 16/09/2011 12:25

PM the person above and say I love you.

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:26

Well done for Lizzy!

I must say it is a good deal easier to love ones colleagues when one doesn't have any

OP posts:
SureOfYou · 16/09/2011 12:26

All this fluffiness? Have I accidentally logged into netmums?

Where are the fucking tickers?

kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:26

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LadyBeagleEyes · 16/09/2011 12:27

My dog is on my left. I just gave him a big kiss.
He waggled his tail.

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:28

sure ofyou

oh deary dear

it's not fluffiness it's love

don't you want any?

OP posts:
Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:28

Kerry, tell us, come on

pore ol you

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ExitPursuedByaBear · 16/09/2011 12:29

I just knew this would be you LuvlyHullyGully.

I still have my love baton and my love lieutenant badge from one of your previous love ins.

ArmageddonOuttahere · 16/09/2011 12:29

oh v.g. - auntie mabel is on. She fills me with The Love.

kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:30

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garlicbutty · 16/09/2011 12:30

I am reclining on a huge pile of satin pillows, glittery curtains billowing at a window opened to a sun-drenched meadow. As we share Hully's scented and rather strong hookah, gorgeous men circulate with trays of delicious cake, sprinkling rose petals while joining us in friendly feminist discourse.
It's very nice :) It is Hully's Hall Of Love.

kerrymumbles · 16/09/2011 12:31

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Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:32

there is dancing too, garlic, of course

OP posts:
SureOfYou · 16/09/2011 12:32

Auntie Mabel? Haven't seen her for years. Does she still have the Pippin and the sewage episode where they follow the lifetime of a turd?

Hullygully · 16/09/2011 12:33

Oh Kerry, how long do they say recovery will take? Haven't they given you any really really good drugs?

May I say I do think you have always had a slightly wrong idea about me, but never mind.

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