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AIBU? think a 10 year age gap isn't shocking?

51 replies

fegwood · 15/09/2011 11:02

People are constantly shocked that DP is 10 years older than me and I don't get it. We met at 22/32 so were both adults when we got together and the age thing has never been an issue, except very slightly to do with money - when we met he'd had 10 years of work experience/promotions/payrises and I'd recently graduated with a shedload of debt and started my first ever 'proper' job.

Lately, MIL has been griping that I won't "give her grandchildren" before her son is 40 and puts it down to the fact that I'm too young for him/not serious about our relationship. We're now 27/37, getting married next year, trying to sell a house DP has bought and developed, both super busy at work and not in the least worried about what our ages will be when we have kids. She does my nut.

OP posts:
NorfolkBroad · 17/09/2011 07:25

DP and I are the same (well 9 years age gap). Not weird at all. I don't even think about it and barely anyone mentions it unless it is her birthday and they are all genuinely amazed that she is that much older! Annoying!

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