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to think this is just rude

89 replies

annoyedaboutcake · 02/09/2011 20:38

Having a dinner party, everyone contributing some food. One friend agrees to make a cake for pudding but turns up with a shop bought one from M & S and apologised saying she hadn't had time as she started a new job. AIBU to think she shouldn't have misled us about making the cake?

OP posts:
Goldrill · 03/09/2011 14:33

..option d - buy a cheapy cake from asda, pass it off as your own after "unpimping" as far as possible - and voila: everyone assumes you're a really crap baker and you'll be positively encouraged to bring shop bought from now on?

WreckaJones · 03/09/2011 14:29

I vote for magicmelons idea - instant eton mess (I'd over do it and tack it up with sparklers but it might not be that kind of dinner party)

jazzchickens · 03/09/2011 14:21

biddysmama - I think I might be your friend! Grin

scaryteacher · 03/09/2011 13:55

We had a BBQ for several people yesterday and as we are abroad and the bakers do great patisserie, I bought dessert. Why not buy something? I bet an M&S Tarte au Citron is way better than anything I could produce.

startail · 03/09/2011 12:03

I'm crap at puddings, tomorrow's get together is getting shop bought dessert from me and I'm a SAHM with no excuses.

TrillianAstra · 03/09/2011 11:57

What's your cooking like?

A cake from M&S might be preferable Wink

lurkerspeaks · 03/09/2011 11:52

If they are friends worth having shop bought will be fine.

I sympathise as I haven't managed to do promised baking a few times due to work. People always look so disappointed when you turn up with shop bought

lazarusb · 03/09/2011 10:51

Shouldn't it be dessert rather than pudding?

Buy a chocolate cake, scrape off and eat the topping, whip up some cream, pile it on, top with strawberries, raspberries, voila! cheating cake that looks home-made, takes less than 10 minutes and keeps the masses happy Grin

CalamityKate · 03/09/2011 00:45

Never met a cake I didn't like.


CurrySpice · 02/09/2011 23:49

Listen, I'm the only one around here who decides which way sideways Lesley Judd gets fucked Angry

biddysmama · 02/09/2011 22:21

if it was one of my friends (depending on which) i'd probably be happier with a bought cake Grin

carpwidow · 02/09/2011 22:19

I think the slugs have killed this thread :(

Ormirian · 02/09/2011 21:37

Was it a nice cake?

Fontsnob · 02/09/2011 21:33

A slug shaped cake? Wouldn't happen on the Archers.

MadamDeathstare · 02/09/2011 21:26

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

caramelwaffle · 02/09/2011 21:25

If it's good enough for the Calendar Girls.... Grin

You've been busy. Anyhoooo..

It's not just a's an M&S cake

carpwidow · 02/09/2011 21:19

Agreed, it is very amusing when posters don't read the thread correctly so yes, salt is a very cruel way of ridding ones containers of slugs.

HeadfirstForHalos · 02/09/2011 21:18

Whoops, just finished reading the 2nd page, it really was a cake swindle Grin. YANBU

HeadfirstForHalos · 02/09/2011 21:17

The great cake swindle Grin

Hahaha, YABU

SuePurblybilt · 02/09/2011 21:16

I do like these threads for weeding out the posters who never read the thread Grin

carpwidow · 02/09/2011 21:15

Apologies m'lud, I was merely quoting the learned curry on the Lesley Judd - is it time to move on to the Peter Purves then?

Judd · 02/09/2011 21:14

.... I'd look good in Royal Icing !


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Fontsnob · 02/09/2011 21:14

Tee Hee. I do love when people don't read the thread and post anyway :)

annoyedaboutcake · 02/09/2011 21:14

I don't think the lady hosting the party would mind in the slightest but I'm not sure about some of the other attenders - everyone else is cooking apart from me! :-O

OP posts:
pigletmania · 02/09/2011 21:11

YABU how petty. She promised a cake so she brought a cake, does not matter whether it was made or shop bought, as long as it was yummy, who cares

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